ChanServ changed the topic of #mlpack to: "mlpack: a fast, flexible machine learning library :: We don't always respond instantly, but we will respond; please be patient :: Logs at
< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack weekly build build #105: FIXED in 6 hr 7 min:
< hemal[m]> , could you have a look at #2344 ...
ImQ009 has joined #mlpack
KoushikSahu has joined #mlpack
< KoushikSahu> Hello everyone. I am building mlpack from source and I am facing some errors. The cmake worked and gave this output:
< KoushikSahu> -- cotire 1.7.10 loaded.
< KoushikSahu> -- Boost version: 1.67.0
< KoushikSahu> -- Found the following Boost libraries:
< KoushikSahu> -- program_options
< KoushikSahu> -- unit_test_framework
< KoushikSahu> -- serialization
< KoushikSahu> -- gitversion.hpp is already up to date.
< KoushikSahu> CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:583 (message):
< KoushikSahu> txt2man not found; man pages will not be generated.
< KoushikSahu> -- Julia not found (missing: JULIA_EXECUTABLE) (Required is at least version "1.3.0")
< KoushikSahu> -- Not building Markdown bindings.
< KoushikSahu> -- Found Python: /home/koushik/Software/miniconda3/bin/python
< KoushikSahu> -- Could NOT find PY_Cython (missing: PY_CYTHON)
< KoushikSahu> -- Cython not found; not building Python bindings.
< KoushikSahu> I got this
< KoushikSahu> [ 1%] Updating gitversion.hpp (if necessary)
< KoushikSahu> -- Found Git: /usr/bin/git (found version "2.20.1")
< KoushikSahu> -- gitversion.hpp is already up to date.
< KoushikSahu> [ 1%] Built target mlpack_gitversion
< KoushikSahu> [ 1%] Updating arma_config.hpp (if necessary)
< KoushikSahu> -- Regenerating arma_config.hpp.
< KoushikSahu> [ 1%] Built target mlpack_arma_config
< KoushikSahu> Moving header files to include/mlpack/
< KoushikSahu> [ 1%] Built target mlpack_headers
< KoushikSahu> [ 2%] Generating mlpack.pc (pkg-config) file.
< KoushikSahu> [ 2%] Built target pkgconfig
< KoushikSahu> [ 2%] Building CXX precompiled header src/mlpack/cotire/mlpack_CXX_prefix.hxx.gch
< KoushikSahu> Scanning dependencies of target mlpack
< KoushikSahu> [ 2%] Building CXX object src/mlpack/CMakeFiles/mlpack.dir/bindings/cli/print_help.cpp.o
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< zoq> KoushikSahu: The message got cut off, can you use pastebin or something like that and post the link here?
< KoushikSahu> I have started this issue here, please have a look
< zoq> KoushikSahu: Let me comment on the issue.
< KoushikSahu> Sure, Thank you for your time!
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KoushikSahu has joined #mlpack
< KoushikSahu> Hi, the earlier issue that I reported about building was solved. I have another doubt. I am new to open sourcing and want to start by trying out some "good first issue" label issues on this project. I want how I can make about changes the library source code get it reflected when I write a code and compile it in my IDE. Do I need to rebuild the library everytime I make any change in code?
< zoq> KoushikSahu: Yes, however on a second run it should only build the changes, unless you run 'make install'.
< KoushikSahu> Now I have the build at a particular directory in my computer. When I import the library do I need to type in the whole address of the library? Like #include <directory address/mlpack>?
< zoq> KoushikSahu: Make sure you set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH, afterwards you can just use #include <mlpack/methods/...>
< zoq> tje last section should be helpful
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< Param-29Gitter[m> > `zoq on Freenode` Param-29 (Gitter): I used Split here:
< Param-29Gitter[m> Hey @zoq , I tried this it still gives me the same error.
< zoq> Param-29Gitter[m: Maybe you can upload the notebook to github?
< JoelJosephGitter> isn't the softmax layer #2351 ready to be merged?
< JoelJosephGitter> i have used his layer for what i'm working on. i'm waiting for it to get merged so as to do a PR for my work
< Param-29Gitter[m> @zoq , yes I'll upload it on the PR.
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