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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #686: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 11 min:
< saksham189Gitter> @zoq while merging a PR should I just do "Create a merge commit"?
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< zoq> saksham189Gitter: Yes in most cases that works fine, sometimes I use Squash and merge, e.g. if the PR has some commits that aren't necessary relvant, (one commit that has the main changes, and several commits to adjust the style).
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< rcurtin> okay, much better
< rcurtin> back to life as usual :)
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< zoq> rcurtin: welcome back :)
< zoq> rcurtin: welcome back :)
< jeffin143[m]> :)
< jeffin143[m]> :)
rcurtin has joined #mlpack
Karolin[m] has joined #mlpack
< rcurtin> any objection if I release mlpack 3.3.1 tomorrow with the Julia serialization fixes and LARS copy constructor fix (plus whatever else got included)?
< zoq> Fine for me.
< jeffin143[m]> No not at all
< jeffin143[m]> :)
< jeffin143[m]> More than happy :)
< rcurtin> :)
< rcurtin> looks like it will have the string converter in #2377 too :)
< jeffin143[m]> Why did you black list that email id
< jeffin143[m]> From mailing list
< jeffin143[m]> I didn't get it
< rcurtin> sorry, maybe it seems a bit extreme... I get CFP (call for paper) spam all day long about various low-quality conferences
< rcurtin> you can't unsubscribe from these things and it is literally just spam
< rcurtin> even if the conference might be of interest to mlpack users, it's not appropriate to hijack the mlpack mailing list to advertise something like that, in my opinion