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< hemal[m]> Hello , could you review PR #2344 when you get time ?
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< hemal[m]> Hello,
< hemal[m]> MLPack supports python2, correct ?
< hemal[m]> But now python2's support has stopped and should mlpack move to python3 ?
< zoq> hemal[m]: We support python2.7 and python3.
< hemal[m]> Ok, so while installing mlpack, it showed that python-pandas is not found, skipping the python bindings.
< hemal[m]> Is this correct ?
< hemal[m]> Or did I miss something ?
< zoq> hemal[m]: Depends on what your default python version is, you can also manually set -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python3 in the cmake step.
< zoq> hemal[m]: Also, we test every PR against python2.7 and python3: see the table at the bottom.
< hemal[m]> Ok thanks, I'll change this python_executable
< zoq> If someone has a minute: needs two approvals :)
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< AnjishnuGitter[m> Hi @zoq , I update in #2321. Could you have a look? Maybe we can merge it today? Thanks :)
< zoq> AnjishnuGitter[m: Great, let's see if there any other comments in the next hours, if not I can hit the merge button.
< anjishnu[m]> Sure! Thanks again.
< PranavReddyP16Gi> @rcurtin Regarding the issue with make errors, I can send you the whole output if you want?
< rcurtin> PranavReddyP16Gi: sure, you can send it to me, but try looking through it too---the answer to what's failing will be in that log
< rcurtin> try to find the first listed error, and that should be a clue for what is wrong
< zoq> -> Official Package Based Implementations, they listed mlpack as well :)
< rcurtin> wow, those guys are serious about advertising their activation function
< zoq> yeah
< rcurtin> the readme just keeps going!
< jeffin143[m]> Do we have startafied cross validation ???
< rcurtin> PranavReddyP16Gi: that does not look like something that should be happening; is this completely unmodified mlpack-3.3.1?
< rcurtin> and can you post the full error output?
< zoq> jeffin143[m]: No, but would be interesting to add.