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< robotcatorGitter> Congratulations to those who were selected on GSoC.
< nishantkr18[m]> Congratulations everyone! Looking forward to an awesome summer ahead!
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< favre49> Congrats everyone, looking forward to a good summer
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< chopper_inbound[> Wow! Congratulations everyone and good luck for the journey ahead :)
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< abernauer[m]> rcurtin: So the R bindings are a no go on your side of things going forward?
< rcurtin> abernauer[m]: I'm not sure what you mean?
< abernauer[m]> Well I am still interested in completing the project. Just saw you accepted another candidate this year for the project.
< rcurtin> abernauer[m]: I wasn't aware of that---it's basically been a year since I've heard much about the project from your end
< rcurtin> in any case, Yashwant already has a working prototype and is not far from having something that's basically ready
< rcurtin> sorry if toes got stepped on; maybe if you like, you could help with the review process / contribute other fixes / etc.?
< abernauer[m]> <rcurtin "abernauer: I'm not sure what you"> You Dirk and James are going forward on the project with someone else?
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PulkitgeraGitter has joined #mlpack
< zoq> hemal[m]: Hey, will send you a mail.
< hemal[m]> That would be great, thanks
< PranavReddyP16Gi> Quick question, Can I still contribute and expect feedback over the course of the summer or will everyone be too busy with GSoC?
< zoq> Param-29Gitter[m: Absolutely, more than happy to provide feedback.
< zoq> ahh, wrong name
< zoq> PranavReddyP16Gi: ee message above :)
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< PranavReddyP16Gi> Great thanks @zoq :)
< jeffin143[m]> zoq ( Is there any way to make print loss print validation loss too , ummm
< jeffin143[m]> I guess shrit was working on it and got stuck some where
< jeffin143[m]> Print loss as in ens callbacks
< zoq> jeffin143[m]: Currently no, but you are right you can prety much use #165 to get that part working.
< zoq> jeffin143[m]: Maybe you can open an issue in the mlpack repo?
< shrit[m]> jeffin143 zoq The callback is pretty in a good shape, only some review required, and adding some tests. However, I have no idea how to do the tests
< zoq> shrit[m]: let me comment on the PR.
< jeffin143[m]> I will also follow up shrit , I need it for gsoc
< jeffin143[m]> zoq ( should I open the issue in mlpack or ens ?
< rcurtin> I thought there was already an issue open for it? seems like no need for a new one
< jeffin143[m]> Acurracy would be ? 1- objective ?
< jeffin143[m]> Correct
< zoq> Maybe there is already an issue, in which case no need to open another one.
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< jeffin143[m]> rcurtin ( vector<size_t> throws an error when markdown_binding = on
< jeffin143[m]> Did we map that vector type ??
< jeffin143[m]> This is in reference to a build failure in 2325 , for linux markdown , for other it passes
< rcurtin> I don't think that we did...
< rcurtin> I haven't looked at #2325 yet
< rcurtin> I dunno, take a look in src/mlpack/bindings/cli/ to see if you see references to vector<size_t>, which would mean that it's at least mapped for CLI bindings
< rcurtin> then if it doesn't exist in src/mlpack/bindings/markdown/, it should be ...somewhat easy to add... I hope? :)
< himanshu_pathak[> Hey zoq: I was testing NTM Using ReberGrammer. It is not learning upto two trails and during the third it shows some progress and in the fourth trails same thing happened.
< rcurtin> himanshu_pathak[: I don't think we confirmed that it was passing all the tests when it was originally written (that's part of why it wasn't yet merged); so there might be a bug...?
< himanshu_pathak[> I tried to print prediction only in the third trial every slice has different prediction in other cases every slice containing different prediction
< himanshu_pathak[> * I tried to print prediction only in the third trial every slice has different prediction in other cases every slice containing same prediction
< himanshu_pathak[> rcurtin: I think I have to go through all the maths :)
< rcurtin> himanshu_pathak[: yeah, that is the fun part :)
< himanshu_pathak[> rcurtin: Ok I will try and may come up with solution
< rcurtin> good luck, let us know if we can help out :)
< rcurtin> I've been wanting to review the work you were doing on that PR but haven't gotten to it yet
< rcurtin> I think I am still trying to find the time to figure out the Conda windows PR...
< himanshu_pathak[> rcurtin: Yes Conda Windows PR is also left right now I don't have any idea I am finding what can be the reason but not yet successful
< himanshu_pathak[> May be we will get it soon working fingers crossed 🙂
< rcurtin> :)
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