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< himanshu_pathak[>
zoq: I was working on Neural Turing PR I tried the Gradient Test to compile seperately it was working but when I did make test it failed. I cannot able to understand why Is it so. Can you suggest what can I do for this???
< himanshu_pathak[>
I think the problem is with gradient.
< himanshu_pathak[>
* I think the problem is with calculating gradient.
< zoq>
himanshu_pathak[: When you run the test make sure to use a new random seed for each run, e.g. by setting math::RandomSeed(std::time(NULL));
< zoq>
in the test case
< zoq>
himanshu_pathak[: Will take a look at the gradient test.
< himanshu_pathak[>
zoq: Ok I will try it thanks for looking into this
< himanshu_pathak[>
zoq: Sorry It was a silly mistake. Feeling like I should bang my head on the table. I wasted a lot of time on this. Test is working using Sequential layer There is problem with FFN I will try to look into that and update changes thanks for helping.
< himanshu_pathak[>
* zoq: Sorry It was a silly mistake that I ahve done. Feeling like I should bang my head on the table. I wasted a lot of time on this. Test is working using Sequential layer There is problem with FFN I will try to look into that and update changes thanks for helping.
< himanshu_pathak[>
* zoq: Sorry It was a silly mistake that I have done. Feeling like I should bang my head on the table. I wasted a lot of time on this. Test is working using Sequential layer There is problem with FFN I will try to look into that and update changes thanks for helping.