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< jenkins-mlpack2> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack2> Project mlpack - git commit test build #428: FIXED in 1 hr 18 min:
< saksham189Gitter> @himanshupathak21061998 I do not have access to the document. Can you paste the results on the PR itself?
< jeffin143[m]> saw your comment
< jeffin143[m]> I will cherry-pick
< jeffin143[m]> Nd open a new pr
< jeffin143[m]> In 10 min or so
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< walragatver[m]> Yeah no problem
< HimanshuPathakGi> Hey, @saksham189 can you look at my comment on the PR.
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< HeikoS> rcurtin: yoyo
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< jeffin143[m]> I am unable to tag you in any of the pr ??
< jeffin143[m]> Neither in comments
< jeffin143[m]> Nor I can ask for reviewing
< jeffin143[m]> I can tag brim but not you
< walragatver[m]> Really?
< walragatver[m]> @walragatver does not work?
< jeffin143[m]> Once try adding yourself
< jeffin143[m]> Like self review
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< jeffin143[m]> Did we have meeting this Thursday ?
< jeffin143[m]> We had*
< abernauer[m]> Video conference?
< jeffin143[m]> abernauer: yeah
< abernauer[m]> no
< jeffin143[m]> First Thursday
< nishantkr18[m]> No, I guess
< jeffin143[m]> Oh I guess we missed
< abernauer[m]> I would assume Ryan is busy
< sreenik[m]> No we didn't, I had checked during that time
< jeffin143[m]> abernauer: yes probably I haven't seen him for a week
< jeffin143[m]> Here
< sreenik[m]> I hope Ryan's okay, there were protests in Atlanta too. Maybe as issue with the internet :(
< sreenik[m]> *an
< jeffin143[m]> Yes , sreenik[m] , I guess that's the reasons
< jeffin143[m]> Did he review anyone's pr ?? In the mean time ?
< jeffin143[m]> Condition in india is getting worse , like 10k daily
< nishantkr18[m]> :(
< sreenik[m]> jeffin143[m]: Yup, and we are unlocking already
< abernauer[m]> jeffin143: Covid?
< sreenik[m]> abernauer[m]: Yup
< jeffin143[m]> abernauer: yup
< abernauer[m]> Yeah I haven't tracked the data myself a lot. Though from my understanding initial concerns were a bit overblown due to confounding variables and bad data.
< abernauer[m]> Of course it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to multiplicitive proccesses and events that have fat tails. They tend to be hard if not impossible to forecast accurately.
< jeffin143[m]> True , we did lockdown soon , but still and now there doesn't make any sense to open
< jeffin143[m]> Also crime rates are increasing , people are opening shops to find their shoops looted by people
< jeffin143[m]> Because people are running out of cash
< jeffin143[m]> The protest about Floyd is even there on GitHub
< jeffin143[m]> People are post issues , that they would find an alternate to node.js since they support blacklivesmatter
< jeffin143[m]> issues flooded
< jeffin143[m]> Even core maintainer of vue.js had to step down because he issued a racist comment
< rcurtin> sreenik[m]: I'm just fine, I should have said to the whole channel, we had a pre-planned beach vacation for a week
< rcurtin> so I have been inside in a house on a North Carolina beach instead of in a house in Atlanta :)
< yashwants19[m]> I got a mail from rcurtin, he is on vacation from last week.
< jeffin143[m]> rcurtin ( hey nice to see you :)
< rcurtin> I get home tomorrow
< rcurtin> then I get to catch up on emails... :-O
< sreenik[m]> Ohhh :)
< rcurtin> my house is about ~a mile from most of the protests, but as far as I can tell, it's not really dangerous out there (in Atlanta at least)
< yashwants19[m]> Oh here he is back :)
< rcurtin> I'm not going to review any PRs or anything until I get home tomorrow... I'm supposed to be relaxing :)
< abernauer[m]> Yeah I live outside of downtown Chicago so similar circumstance for me. There was a high speed chase that when through my area two nights ago which was wild.
< rcurtin> in fact I think I've spent most of the week playing the game Baba Is You... it's a really well-done puzzle game (and diabolically hard)
< jeffin143[m]> rcurtin ( , hehe it's ok not to review pr for a week
< jeffin143[m]> We just didn't see you since you are active here always
< rcurtin> abernauer[m]: glad you're ok... sounds crazy
< abernauer[m]> My younger sister was out with a friend at a bar and the car drove 60 down the street past the bar followed by four cop cars. So she got to she it pretty close up.
< jeffin143[m]> Rare sights
< birm[m]> rcurtin ( I loved but did not finish baba
< rcurtin> birm[m]: yeah, I am stuck on some of the later levels (I finished the "first world") but I have no idea how close I am to done
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