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< rcurtin> robertohueso: I'm looking at the subspace tree implementation and wondering if the best way to do this might be to store µ, U, Λ, and d in a StatisticType
< rcurtin> and actually for the splitting mechanism, it looks like Dongryeol suggests the kd-tree strategy
< rcurtin> which would mean that all you'd need is a custom StatisticType... if I am understanding right...
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #362: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 26 min:
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< Aryan> Hello!
< Aryan> Can someone guide me on how i can contribute?
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< zoq> Aryan: Hello there, should provide the information you asked for; see the getting involved section
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< Jeffin143> rcurtin , zoq : do you use cmd-line to review pull request, i mean comment and reply ?
< zoq> Jeffin143: No I use the webinterface.
< Jeffin143> zoq : ok :)
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< xiaohong> Hi, if I want to rebuild the CI, I just use the command `@mlpack-jenkins`, right?
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< zoq> xiaohong: Hey, that only works for jenkins jobs (style, static, memory, latex). I can restart the travis build for you.
< xiaohong> zoq: Okay, I am not sure why the last CI test is failed, I am trying to rebuild it. Can you help me restart it?
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< zoq> the PPO PR?
< xiaohong> No, it is the pendulum PR.
< xiaohong> The test 126/142 Test #140: RadicalMainTest ..................***Failed 0.99 sec is failed.
< zoq> ahh, I see you can ignore the failing test, there is an open PR which should make the test more stable.
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< xiaohong> zoq: Ok, thank you for your clarification.
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< gmanlan> zoq: you there?
< zoq> yes
< gmanlan> qq: did you have the chance to work on the website distribution list table?
< zoq> yes, I made some progress, but there is still some work left to do, I think I can finish the rest, early next week.
< gmanlan> ok that sounds good - if at some point you believe it's getting complicated or overwhelming, please don't worry - we can try an intermediate solution first if needed
< gmanlan> I would like to wrap up the new website next week if possible, so we can iterate over it with new-smaller PRs for the improvements
< zoq> Agreed, if you like we can just go with the current solution and I can open a PR later.
< gmanlan> ok - will wait until earlier next week, and then we see from there
< gmanlan> thanks zoq
< zoq> okayy, sounds good
< gmanlan> rcurtin: you know the website scripts better than me, could you please send me/show me an already "processed" doxygen package to "paste" into the website so I can work on formatting?
< rcurtin> gmanlan: oh, right! I forgot I was going to do that
< rcurtin> hang on
< gmanlan> np :)
< rcurtin> this directory contains all the preprocessed doxygen output in doc/; basically, this is what gets generated and dropped into the doc/ directory before Jekyll builds the whole website
< rcurtin> there are two pieces here: each doc/mlpack-x.y.z/ directory contains the Doxygen documentation (after postprocessing, which we can change as we need) in doxygen/ and the Markdown bindings as the .md files
< gmanlan> excellent, thanks! - and the CSS for doxygen is being read from the base jekyll site right?
< rcurtin> some of the .md files are not meant to be viewed by users; the ones that users see (or will find links to) are and (and more as more languages are added)
< rcurtin> sort of... Doxygen also contains its own CSS in the doxygen/ directory that may need some modification
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< gmanlan> got it, thanks rcurtin
< gmanlan> please keep that .tar.gz there for a while, I may need to download it again later
< rcurtin> yeah, I won't move it, I'll probably have forgotten about it by tomorrow :)
< gmanlan> :)
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< sreenik[m]> rcurtin: What namespaces are okay with mlpack's design conventions? What I am currently using are mlpack::ann, mlpack and std. Also to mention, I have purposefully avoided using arma.
< rcurtin> sreenik[m]: doesn't matter much to me, but what's the context?
< rcurtin> we shouldn't have any 'using namespace' directives in .hpp files
< rcurtin> but that's the only real restriction that I see
< rcurtin> (if you use a 'using' directive in a header file, if someone includes mlpack then they are automatically 'using' that namespace too, which may break their code depending...)
< sreenik[m]> Yes, I was talking about .hpp files only
< sreenik[m]> Oh yes, that solves it :)
< rcurtin> :)
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< travis-ci> robertohueso/mlpack#20 (mc_kde_error_bounds - 719c8bf : Roberto Hueso Gomez): The build was broken.
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