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< vidhanarya> Hi
< vidhanarya> I am a newcomer, I want to participate in GSoC 2019 under mlpack organisation, I've gone through the beginners guide available on mlpack, I just have one question after building mlpack from source how can I send PR to the mlpack repo on github
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< vidhanarya> I am familiar with git and github, usually I had to first fork the repo and then push commit to origin and then send a PR to the repo on github, but here source is provided as a downloadable zip. Should I just fork the repo and build from the master branch of the mlpack repo?
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< Kunvar_thaman> Doubt on essential deep learning modules - Although it isn't mentioned on the ideas page, should I also work on implementing WGAN as proposed in a past project(
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< Kunvar_thaman> Also, what's the nick of the mentors for this project? >essential deep learning modules
< Kunvar_thaman> Also, what's the nick of the mentors for this project? >essential deep learning modules
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< ShikharJ> Kunvar_thaman: We already have an implementation of the WGAN.
< ShikharJ> vidhanarya: Yes, ideally, you should build from source to check your code changes.
< ShikharJ> shardulparab97: Sorry for the late reply, I'll mention the details on the issue itself.
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< Kunvar_thaman> ShikharJ Ok that's great
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< vidhanarya> Actually I was asking that should I first fork the mlpack repo from mlpack github then clone the forked repo to my PC and then build mlpack from source
< vidhanarya> or should I download the source zip file from the mlpack site and build from it?
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< jenkins-mlpack2> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #229: STILL UNSTABLE in 3 hr 30 min:
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< ShikharJ> vidhanarya: Yes, do the fork first, and then clone to your PC (using ssh preferably).
< vidhanarya> cool, thanks :)
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< KimSangYeon-DGU> rcurtin zoq: Thanks for resolving the issue, and the "test this please" is really nice. :)
< zoq> The diff doesn't work, but we we have to wait for an cppcheck plugin update:
< KimSangYeon-DGU> Ah, I see
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< trancenoid> Hey everyone, I am having trouble using mlpack in python. I have build from source in windows, mlpack is working in C++ (VS17) but its showing error (no module named mlpack ) I am using Anaconda, Windows 10. I searched the website for some help but couldn't find anything, can some one point me towards right direction.
< trancenoid> I tried using the linux method to include mlpack in PATH , didnt work. Also appending mlpack/build/src/bindings/python to sys inside the python code, but that folder only have INSTALL.vscproj files
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< zoq> trancenoid: Hello, python bindings are disabled per default on windows; you can give it a shot but you have to build with cmake -DBUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=ON ..
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< rcurtin> zoq: thanks for getting the style checker working again, really useful
< zoq> hopefully they can fix the diff view issue
< rcurtin> yeah. I found that the docker environment plugin is not in a good state and I am not sure how much it is updated
< rcurtin> maybe the style check is better
< KimSangYeon-DGU> Thanks, zoq. :)
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