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< sumedhghaisas2> Atharva: Hi Atharva
< Atharva> Hi Sumedh
< sumedhghaisas2> just saw your mail regarding the tests
< sumedhghaisas2> thought I would rather catch you on IRC
< Atharva> Yeah
< Atharva> Of course, I didn't see you connected and saw you reply on github so I just sent a mail.
< sumedhghaisas2> yeah. Actually I am back to India and went to visit couple of my friends in Bengaluru over the weekend
< Atharva> Oh nice!
< Atharva> Are you from Bangalore?
< sumedhghaisas2> Mumbai. Currently there. you are from Mumbai as well right?
< Atharva> Yeah my parents live in Nagpur, so I am here for the holidays
< sumedhghaisas2> I stayed in Banglore for a job before I went to Masters
< Atharva> Okay
< sumedhghaisas2> ohh... is it too hot there?
< sumedhghaisas2> Mumbai is bleeding...
< Atharva> It gets about 45 here
< sumedhghaisas2> although Mansion has started. that brings peace
< sumedhghaisas2> ohh my god
< Atharva> yeah that does
< Atharva> I have been out of my house 3 times in 7 days
< Atharva> I avoid going out unless it's really important
< sumedhghaisas2> That is just annoying... I love spending my time outside. I prefer working from a cafe or something
< sumedhghaisas2> okay sorry if I taking a lot of your night time. :P
< sumedhghaisas2> okay so about the tests...
< Atharva> No it’s totally fine
< sumedhghaisas2> firstly I would suggest, if the implementation is done. Send in the PR without tests... and we will keep updating it
< sumedhghaisas2> this way, I can start taking a look at the code and will even help me in suggesting tests
< Atharva> Okay, what about the KL divergence, i tried implementing it in the sampling layer itself but i dont think thats a good idea
< sumedhghaisas2> for now, there seems no other place to put it. I agree with you that there should be an abstraction over this.
< sumedhghaisas2> haven't had a chance to talk to Ryan yet. @rcurtin
< sumedhghaisas2> unless he is free right now :)
< Atharva> Ryan isn't generally active on weekends I think, maybe tomorrow
< sumedhghaisas2> if Normal Distribution is a go... the cleaning of sampling layer won't be a massive task.
< sumedhghaisas2> true
< Atharva> Yeah
< sumedhghaisas2> so let's just go ahead with the current setup with a heavy heart :(
< sumedhghaisas2> anyways... when do you think you can send in the CL?
< sumedhghaisas2> wait sorry... I meant PR
< rcurtin> sumedhghaisas2: you are lucky, I happen to be looking at IRC right now :)
< sumedhghaisas2> rcurtin: Hey Ryan
< sumedhghaisas2> how was the weekend?
< rcurtin> pretty great, I went hiking at this place:
< Atharva> sumedhghaisas2: I will do it first thing tomorrow morning
< rcurtin> it's unusual to see such cliffs in my area, it is mostly small old mountains to the north
< rcurtin> I hope the weekend was good for all of you also :) though I guess I have an advantage because it is still Sunday afternoon here
< sumedhghaisas2> Atharva: Sure thing, currently have you included any tests?
< sumedhghaisas2> rcurtin: looks great... I recently did South Dawns trail in South Dawns national park in UK
< Atharva> I tried to add a test for forward sampling, but I don’t think it’s concrete enough, i will push that too
< sumedhghaisas2> wait... let me share you the album you may like
< rcurtin> definitely, I would love to look
< sumedhghaisas2> Atharva: Sure thing. I will take a look tomorrow itself, and have some comments on the tests.
< rcurtin> that is really nice, I like the big open fields
< rcurtin> I did not take any pictures on my hike though :(
< sumedhghaisas2> regarding backwards, let's have numerical gradient test for now. I will take a look at the code tomorrow and try to suggest some tests if it's possible
< sumedhghaisas2> rcurtin: It was much of a walk than trail, although we decided to live on our own, I mean cook and everything
< sumedhghaisas2> so the bag pack got too heavy...
< Atharva> Also what about the backward of KL, should I implement that too in sampling
< sumedhghaisas2> mine was about 19 kgs
< rcurtin> 19kgs, wow... a lot of gear I guess :)
< sumedhghaisas2> except for that, wasn't a very difficult trek, much like a loooooooooooonnnngggg walk
< sumedhghaisas2> yeah... cause the third person had a back problem so we had to share some of his material
< sumedhghaisas2> Atharva: yes, the KL and the backward part will go in the sampling layer
< rcurtin> it looks like a lot of fun :)
< rcurtin> I have to step out now, I'll be back in a little while... I think maybe there was a design question you wanted me to look at? I can look maybe later today or tomorrow if you like
< sumedhghaisas2> rcurtin: Sure thing. Not a very urgent one. let me know when you are free again, if I am awake, sorry to ruin your weekend :P
< Atharva> Okay, I will open the PR tomorrow at about 12.
< sumedhghaisas2> Atharva: And nice we got the Softplus working :)
< rcurtin> no problem, my weekend is not ruined at all :)
< Atharva> sumedhghaisas2: Yup it was good to have it
< rcurtin> I'll send you a ping tomorrow or later tonight and we can sync up
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