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< ShikharJ_> zoq: I was looking at the implementation for Deconvolutional layers from this paper (
< ShikharJ_> It seems that for every transpose convolutional operation, there exists a corresponding convolutional operation, which can be computed from the mentioned equations.
< ShikharJ_> Do you think, we should try and just compute the corresponding convolutional operation first and directly pass over the work to the existing convolutional layer implementation?
< ShikharJ_> That way, we could prevent a lot of code duplication in my opinion, but under the skin, it would essentially be the existing code that does the work.
< ShikharJ_> Otherwise, we could also try and implement Deconv layers as a standalone feature (I'm guessing this would be a faster thing to do, as we don't have to create a Conv layer instance). What would you prefer?
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< zoq> ShikharJ_: I would implement it as an independent layer, we might be able to internally use the conv method (not the conv layer).
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< ShikharJ> zoq: Do you think that the Deconv class should inherit from Conv class in that case? I am thinking along the lines of instantiating the Conv class from the constructor of Deconv class (and subsequently using its Forward and other routines).
< zoq> Idally we could avoid Inheritance, see which might be unnecessary here since the muliplication is the main part, but at least we could try.
< zoq> What do you think if we just use the conv rule.
< zoq> We still have to reimplement some code, but I think we can't get away with it without inheritance.
< ShikharJ> Yeah that should work fine as well, implementation-wise it should be the fastest way to go. I'll give it some thought and let you know on the PR.
< zoq> Sounds perfect.
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< manish7294> rcurtin: The det "Pathcatcher class multiple definition" error, is because of inclusion of det_utils in both det_test and det_main.cpp. Though det_test doesn't uses det_utils..
< rcurtin> that's strange though, is there some non-templated function that isn't marked 'inline' in dt_utils.hpp?
< manish7294> rcurtin: Yup, there are several!
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< rcurtin> manish7294: ah, that is our problem, I see now
< rcurtin> either we should mark those functions 'inline', or move the implementations from dt_utils_impl.hpp to dt_utils.cpp (and update the CMake configuration to also compile dt_utils.cpp)
< rcurtin> (I have no preference for which way is better)
< manish7294> rcurtin: Right! Those are the same functions for which error is occuring. I think inline will suffice.
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