changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
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< zoq> ShikharJ: Did you test it out? If that's the case perhaps you can push the latest changes, if not let me know and I can provide a patch.
< ShikharJ> zoq: I've commented on the issue, can you take a look there?
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< travis-ci> ShikharJ/mlpack#161 (GAN - c873714 : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build has errored.
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< ShikharJ> zoq: I'm a bit confused regarding the setting of predictors and responses for the generator. For the discriminator, we can simply use the training data as the predictors and the output of the discriminator as responses. But I'm not sure what exactly should constitute the same for the generators? Should it be the noise input as predictors and the output image as the responses? Also what should the dimensions of the
< ShikharJ> predictors and responses for the generators be?
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< jenkins-mlpack> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #331: STILL UNSTABLE in 2 hr 38 min:
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< ShikharJ> zoq: The GAN implementation is debugged! Thanks for your suggestions, they worked. There might be a few logical issues here and there, but atleast the core infrastructure is correct! I'll spend a couple of days improving upon the PR. Any amount of input is welcome zoq rcurtin lozhnikov !
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< travis-ci> ShikharJ/mlpack#162 (GAN - 62f419c : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build has errored.
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