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< jenkins-mlpack> Yippee, build fixed!
< jenkins-mlpack> Project docker mlpack nightly build build #327: FIXED in 2 hr 34 min:
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< gman> Hi there! I have been using mlpack KFoldCV and SimpleCV for a while and after reading the tutorials, going through the API and studying the code I still don't know for sure if CV is randomizing the dataset split or not...
< gman> ...somebody has a clue on that?
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< rcurtin> gman: hang on, let me double check
< gman> sure
< rcurtin> looking at kfold_cv_impl.hpp:300, I am pretty sure that the CV classes don't randomize the dataset split
< rcurtin> if you wanted to do that, you could call ShuffleData() from mlpack/core/math/shuffle_data.hpp beforehand
< gman> uhmm.. ok thanks for the clarification
< rcurtin> the CV code is pretty complex since it is all template metaprogramming that has to work with lots of different algorithms
< gman> yep I noticed that
< gman> I think the advantage of KFoldCV would be to actually randomize the dataset
< gman> otherwise... I have seen issues when calculating some metrics such as precision/recall
< rcurtin> I think you're completely right and that would be a nice constructor argument to add to KFoldCV
< gman> good... I will try to work on something like that and let you know if it works
< rcurtin> implementationally speaking, it would be hard to change the internals of the class itself and how it extracts the dataset, but easy to add an if(shuffle) ShuffleData(...) to the constructor
< rcurtin> sure, if you'd like to do that feel free, otherwise we can open a Github issue and I'll get to it when I have a chance (maybe tomorrow? should be easy)
< gman> cool, as you wish - I can't promise I will have it working so soon :)
< rcurtin> ok---let me go ahead and open an issue, and we can track its progress there
< gman> arma:shuffle is giving me many issues - so will try to understand why's that first
< rcurtin> yeah, arma::shuffle() will shuffle all elements, not just columns (if I am remembering right)
< rcurtin> take a look at the shuffle_data.hpp file and maybe you can use either the ShuffleData() function or see what the internal implementation of that function is and it could help
< gman> will do, thanks for the help!
< rcurtin> sure, glad that you are finding the CV code useful!
< rcurtin> if you have any issues in the future don't hesitate to ask
< gman> fantastic, thanks
< rcurtin> no problem, happy to help :)
< zoq> ShikharJ: Do you need any help with the debug process, we can work on that part together? Starting with a really small sample is a good idea.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#4951 (master - 949ab83 : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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