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< travis-ci> ShikharJ/mlpack#79 (ResizeLayer - bdfa7c5 : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build has errored.
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< robertohueso> I tried to PR #1253 but @Prabhat-IIT said he would fix it in 3 days, should I fix it or just wait for him?
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< robertohueso> Should we use initialiser lists for tests?
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< nilkel_> Hi, I'm getting a lot of errors when I try to run kfn_main.cpp With errors such as error: ‘BINDING_IGNORE_CHECK’ was not declared in this scope and error: ‘PRINT_PARAM_STRING’ was not declared in this scope
< nilkel_> *compile
< nilkel_> not run
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< zoq> robertohues: It looks like he still working on this on, so let's wait some more days.
< zoq> robertohues: I'm not sure what you mean with initializer lists for tests, can you elaborate on that?
< zoq> nilkel_: Are you trying to manually build kfn_main.cpp or via cmake?
< robertohueso> zoq: Use v = {1,2,3} instead of v.push_back(1);...
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< zoq> robertohueso: Ah, both is just fine, if you write a new test choose whatever you like.
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< sshkhrnwbie> @rcurtin : did some additions to the tests for variance scaling initializer PR as suggested. Please go through them at your leisure :)
< sshkhrnwbie> @zoq : will work on the glorot and he initializers and randomized elu once this is good to merge
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< travis-ci> ShikharJ/mlpack#80 (ResizeLayer - 812f9e6 : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build has errored.
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< Atharva> I am writing tests for the knn_main.cpp, but there are too many parameters compared to bindings of other methods.
< Atharva> There are lots of optional algorithms, do I need to write tests for all of the possible combinations or will using one algorithm suffice?
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< zoq> Atharva: Ideally we test each parameter, if you like we can split and merge it in parts.
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< daivik> zoq: regarding your comments on PR 1257, do you just want me to add a line to the leading comments saying that the vector serializaition functionality has also been backported?
< zoq> daivik: Yes, would be great if you could add a comment.
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< daivik> zoq: done!
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< travis-ci> ShikharJ/mlpack#81 (GAN - f043ea1 : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build passed.
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< Atharva> @zoq: I have made a pull request #1263 with the tests I have written, can you first give me an idea of what tests do I have to add, if possible I will like to write them myself.
< Atharva> zoq: I have made a pull request #1263 with the tests I have written, can you first give me an idea of what tests do I have to add, if possible I will like to write them myself.
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< zoq> Atharva: Sure, I'll take a look at the PR once I get a chance.
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< robertohueso> zoq: I made a similar PR (to Atharva's) #1262, I really want to contribute to the project but is being very difficult since it's the 2nd time this happens to me and it's dumb that 2 people are doing the same job, is there a way to mark issues as "taken"? :/
< zoq> robertohues: I see the problem, we are trying to keep the list on #1152 up to date, the recommendation is to go through the comments as well.
< zoq> robertohues: I guess it would be possible to work on the tests together, so if you already started with it should be possible to incoperate both.
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< rcurtin> zoq: robertogueso: sorry for the slow response, I am usually unavailable on weekends. I'll take a look into it tomorrow
< rcurtin> robertohueso: (sorry, misspelled the nick, see above)