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< zoq> vmg27: There is already an open issue:
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< ImQ009> Hm
< ImQ009> I've got a little problem whilst training my RNN. I get a crash in negative_log_likelihood_impl.hpp @ 39, because of currentTarget underflow
< ImQ009> target(i) is 0
< ImQ009> It seems to not like my labels being 0
< ImQ009> When I set them all to 1, it's fine
< ImQ009> It seems there's something I don't understand about the way I'm supposed to label my data..
< ImQ009> When I look in the example RNN code there's this label post-process thing, which adds 1 to all labels... Hmmm
< ImQ009> I don't think that's something I should be doing though. I tried it and I get the same kind of crash - out of bounds
< ImQ009> Okay, I think I got it, got what I got wrong
< ImQ009> I forgot I have to treat X and non-X as separate class
< ImQ009> Thus, I need separate rows for those in the labels
< ImQ009> And it seems I do have to add 1 to the labels, can't be 0, huh...
< ImQ009> Any hints on that, please?
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< rcurtin> wow, I'll have to delete that spam from the log ...
< rcurtin> ImQ009: I think the best example code is in recurrent_network_test.cpp, have you taken a look at that?
< ImQ009> rcurtin, yes
< ImQ009> That's the example I was referring to
< ImQ009> Thing is, there are some pieces of code that example that aren't explained
< ImQ009> Like adding 1 to the labels
< ImQ009> rcurtin, at any rate, there's one thing that I'm very interested in getting to know: how should I go around to predicting a stream of incoming data? Can I just feed data as it comes or do I need to construct a dataset of Rho timesteps?
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< vmg27> @zoq : I reinstalled boost 1.63 and the serialization issue doesnt occur anymore
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< dungeon_master> Hello, I want to know if a single file can be build in mlpack? Actually I'm writing a test for a binding and I have to compile the whole mlpack or mlpack_test code which consumes a lot of time as well as computational resources.
< dungeon_master> Moreover, I noticed that whenever I build the codebase inside Clion IDE it takes too much RAM and couldn't build ultimately but when I build the same through command line everything is build efficiently
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