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< travis-ci> ShikharJ/mlpack#72 (ResizeLayer - fcbb2cc : Shikhar Jaiswal): The build has errored.
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< wiking> zoq, rcurtin here?
< rcurtin> wiking: yeah
< wiking> rcurtin, nothing figure out in the meanwhile :) congratz
< rcurtin> thanks
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< rcurtin> no word from Tucson yet about whether masterblaster has been mounted... but I did hear that the external IPs are changing and they don't have the new IPs yet
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< Prabhat-IIT> Congrats to everyone for Mlpack being selected in Gsoc again :)
< zoq> This summer is going to be awesome :)
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< Prabhat-IIT> zoq: I've studied the Research paper you've provided of SAGA optimizer. I'll implement it soon after my exams! In the mean time I'm just resolving small open Issues in Mlpack :)
< zoq> Prabhat-IIT: Sounds good, good luck in your exams.
< Prabhat-IIT> zoq: Thanks :)
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< zoq> rcurtin: Do you think we should temporarily adjust the armadillo url in the Travis config?
< rcurtin> it might be worthwhile, do you want to push that change?
< rcurtin> I still have no word from Tucson
< zoq> Yeah, I think it might take some time until masterblaster is back.
< rcurtin> unfortunately I think you might be right...
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#3939 (master - 43453b8 : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#3940 (master - 253ba10 : Marcus Edel): The build has errored.
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< starlord1311_> hey
< starlord1311_> i am new to open source
< starlord1311_> can someone help me with this org?
< zoq> starlord131: Hello, and should be helpful.
< starlord1311_> can you suggest some issues to take up?
< zoq> hm, you can go through the list of open issues on github, and maybe you find something interesting.
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< ShikharJ> lozhnikov: Can I have your views on this: ?
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< rcurtin> ok, the datacenter in Tucson reports they have received and unpacked the servers, but don't expect them online until tomorrow afternoon (they are UTC-7)
< rcurtin> I still don't have the new IPs either so the process may not be so seamless ...