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< rajeshdm9> Hey guys, Rajesh here. @zoq, you had asked me to try out implementing my own environment for mlpack. I am currently working on that. For testing the correctness should I run a agent with some policy in this environment ? I am still figuring out how more about mlpack so not sure about this - so is that the way or am I missing something ?
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< sshkhrnwbie> @rcurtin : Could you please go through PR #1241 and suggest me useful tests when you have some time. Once this gets closed I can get started on he and glorot initializers. Thanks
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< raden> Hi all.
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< raden> I am interested to participate GSoC 2018 as student. How do I start
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< Atharva> raden: Welcome to mlpack! :) To get started try building mlpack from source and get comfortable the codebase. Then you can look into this issue #1152.
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< rajeshdm9> Hey guys, Rajesh here. @zoq, you had asked me to try out implementing my own environment for mlpack. I am currently working on that. For testing the correctness should I run a agent with some policy in this environment ? I am still figuring out how more about mlpack so not sure about this - so is that the way or am I missing something ?
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< d4rth_> hey sumedhghaisas, i am interested in the variational autoencoder idea, any headsup?
< d4rth_> looks fairly high prio to me, is it fair to pursue it this year?
< d4rth_> sorr yfor being abrupt, i am karan, undergrad at iit roorkee and a past gsoc student with opencv
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< sumedhghaisas> d4rth_: Hey Karan. Welcome to MLpack.
< sumedhghaisas> VAE project is up for this summer.
< d4rth> Cool, I will quickly have a look at the tickets and get back.
< d4rth> Thanks!
< sumedhghaisas> if you have any questions regarding the objectives or requirements, let me know
< d4rth> Sure.
< sumedhghaisas> ahh there are no open tickets for this project yet.
< sumedhghaisas> you will be starting a framework in ANN
< d4rth> Oh yes I tried a keyword seach :(
< d4rth> Anyhow it sounds interesting
< sumedhghaisas> have you worked on generative models before?
< d4rth> I have a bit of experience with seq2seq models.
< sumedhghaisas> I have attached the relevant papers in the project description.
< d4rth> I have read Kingma's paper. I will read through the rest of them.
< sumedhghaisas> Sure. Give them a try. VAE model is not very complex in my opinion. although some thought must be given to the loss function.
< d4rth> Great. I will have a look at the papers then, I'm here meanwhile.
< sumedhghaisas> Great!
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< satyam_2401> @zoq: i read the pr on pso. It is different than what i wish to implement. So, i have cloned the master repo, and I will try my implementation and see how it turns out. So, either you can monitor the cloned repo or else i will send a pr request. Let me know what you think. And we can keep discussing improvements in algorithm here. I wish to discuss "association and niche preservation method" for selecting global
< satyam_2401> guide, i think it has not been implemented yet in the literature.
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< ShikharJ> Looks like Appveyor has been stuck for a while now.
< moksh> Hey @zoq, I tried running the gym tcp api locally, I am facing some errors as I have gym installed on python3, anyway I can configure the API to work with python3?
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< rcurtin> ShikharJ: I cancelled the oldest queued job and the next one looks like it started successfully
< rcurtin> I guess it will take a little while to work through the backlog
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< ShikharJ> Can confirm, it's running well now. I thought it might've been a server-wide issue.
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< Sayan98> Hello everyone, this is Sayan. I would love to contribute to mlpack and work on the project on Reinforcement Learning ( I am building mlpack from source as we speak. This is my first message on this channel so please point out if I make mistakes. Looking forward to be a part of the mlpack family. Thank you!
< zoq_> Sayan98: Hello and welcome, there are some discussions on the mailing list about the RL project, so it's probably a good idea to check them out.
< zoq_> satyam_2401: If you agree, let's open a PR, makes it easier to discuss details.
< zoq_> moksh: Oh, would be awsome if you could open a PR with the necessary fixes.
< zoq_> rajeshdm9: Yeah, testing an environment is tricky, since even if we can solve the task using e.g. QLearning, it's not granted the environment is correct. But I think this is still bettern than nothing. Anyway, I guess depending on the environment there might be additional options we could do like testing edge cases.
< moksh> zoq: I am not really familiar with Elixir, but I'll try and get back to you, thanks.
< zoq_> moksh: Okay, let me know if I should clarify anything. I can also try to reproduce the issue.
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< satyam_2401> @zoq: sure. Are we targeting only single objective pso?
< satyam_2401> since the pr you mentioned about has implemented single objective pso, and the statement here, " First implement one or two unconstrained methods and afterwards takes a look at one or two constrained methods." doesn't explicitly says whether it is single obj. or multiple obj.
< zoq> satyam_2401: At least I would start with it, but it would be great if we could implement a multiobjective optimization method.
< satyam_2401> I was thinking about multi obj. pso until now.
< zoq> satyam_2401: I guess in this case, why not just go for it :)
< satyam_2401> The problem in selection of global guide lies in mopso since it might not cover all the solutions.
< satyam_2401> okay, I will implement a multi objective pso
< satyam_2401> and then send a pr
< zoq> Awesome :)
< satyam_2401> I have written multi objective pso before, but it has different coding style
< satyam_2401> I have not used template metaprogramming
< satyam_2401> So, i will try to convert into mlpack's interface and send a pr then.
< rcurtin> the IPs for the build systems are supposedly being assigned today in 90 minutes
< rcurtin> so... maybe they will be up tonight. I'm pretty frustrated, we are getting close to two weeks of downtime
< zoq> satyam_2401: If you like you can start with the implementation and open the PR, I can help you with the transition.
< satyam_2401> That would be great. Thanks.
< zoq> rcurtin: Fingers crossed, waiting for the Static Code Analysis job :)
< rcurtin> yeah really... there are lots of PRs waiting...
< zoq> satyam_2401: This is a neat project to get familiar with the codebase.
< rcurtin> if they do not get things online today, then I have a call with the team tomorrow around lunchtime and I will yell at them
< rcurtin> I probably won't actually yell... I guess I am more likely to desperately plead with them...
< zoq> :)
< zoq> I think the problem is, there isn't much we can do about it ... I don't think for them it's crucial to get everything back online as soon as possible, and if it's on the top of the list they have some problems.
< rcurtin> exactly
< rcurtin> heh, I think that is the truth :)
< rcurtin> shogun did a workshop with numfocus; I think it might be cool to colocate one at some point
< rcurtin> you went to that one I think?
< zoq> yeah, it was more like the left image :)
< rcurtin> in order to actually run one of those, I think maybe we would need to join NumFocus
< rcurtin> if you'd like, I can send Heiko an email and start a more serious discussion
< rcurtin> I don't see any particular reason to avoid joining numfocus; I don't think they'll assert any control over the project or anything
< rcurtin> there are a lot of big-name projects that are sponsored by numfocus now (including numpy, pandas, matplotlib, and julia)
< zoq> I still want to see what other options are.
< rcurtin> ok, that sounds good to me
< rcurtin> if you want to take a look and see what else is out there and let me know what you find, we can figure out what to do
< rcurtin> and inaction is an option too---I don't see a desperate need to become a part of a sponsoring organization (other than possibly getting funding to put together a workshop or something)
< zoq> right
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