changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
< ShikharJ> Ah, I noticed that you had mentioned in your GSoC blog regarding implementing a stacking module for GANs and RBMs. Could you tell me what did you mean by a stacking module?
< ShikharJ> Ah, I should've figured that, and I guess by stacking RBMs you meant implementing support for Deep Belief Networks?
< kris___> Yes right.
< ShikharJ> Cool, thanks for your time. I appreciate it. Hoping to work on WGANs and DCGANs this summer :)
< kris___> Ahhh great ........... good luck on the applications.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#3987 (master - e6d6211 : Ryan Curtin): The build was fixed.
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< luffy1996> I am interested in working in deep reinforcement learning idea for GSOC 18.
< luffy1996> I sincerely request to brief me how to proceed.
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< desai-aditya> I am planning to write a blog or do a short series on video tutorials on how to use mlpack to achieve two things - 1) demonstrate how much I've learnt about it.. 2) help the people who want to get started (with videos , pretty much anyone can follow) . How's the idea??
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< travis-ci> PlantsAndBuildings/mlpack#3 (hmm-cli-tests - f908824 : daivik): The build has errored.
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< desai-aditya> @rcurtin, @zoq : Do you think I should proceed with the idea? (that of making a series of videos or blogs)
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< zoq> desai-adity: That is a great idea, if you need any help let me know.
< zoq> luffy1996: Hello, a good starting point is to go through the codebase, especially the rl part (src/mlpack/methods/reinforcement_learning/), checkout and run the tests: rl_components_test.cpp and q_learning_test.cpp, you can run each with: 'bin/mlpack_test -t RLComponentsTest' and 'bin/mlpack_test -t QLearningTest'. If you see something that you think could be improved or extend please feel free to open a PR.
< zoq> luffy1996: Also if you like, you can work on a simple RL method e.g. (stochastic) Policy Gradients, but don't feel obligated.
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< kaushik_> zoq: hi can you please specify a starting task for the "string processing utilities" project
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< aneesh> Hello all, I was wondering if mlpack can be run on windows with a docker image
< aneesh> (I am aneesh, a CSE student, deep learning enthusiast, an aspirant for GSOC 18)
< rcurtin> aneesh: if I understand correctly you mean that you plan to run a Linux Docker image from a Windows system
< rcurtin> if this is the case, then yes, you should be able to build and run mlpack just fine
< aneesh> Yes, I wanted to avoid installing all the dependencies for mlpack. Docker seems to be the way
< rcurtin> I agree, I think that would be a good way to avoid installing dependencies
< aneesh> Is there an existing docker image?
< rcurtin> to be honest I think mlpack is a lot easier to develop for on Linux too
< rcurtin> no, I'd just use an ubuntu image, install the dependencies, and then build mlpack
< rcurtin> it is possible to build and use mlpack on Windows but it is a bit trickier
< rcurtin> kaushik_: this emails should be helpful:
< rcurtin> this email*
< aneesh> hmmm, I prefer linux. It's just that my current "powerful machine" runs windows. I will partition it or just use it in a virtual box
< rcurtin> yeah, either docker or virtualbox should work just fine for you
< aneesh> I was also curious, what advantages would mlpack have over other libraries like tensorflow...
< aneesh> w.r.t deep learning. tensorflow doesn't have more ML based algos like KNNs which are present in sklearn
< rcurtin> flexibility, the ability to work natively in C++, a build system that isn't awful, more algorithms than just those that can be expressed by deep learning
< rcurtin> really it depends on specifically what the user wants to do
< aneesh> rcurtin: thanks for the info
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< ShikharJ> rcurtin: Are you there?
< rcurtin> ShikharJ: yes
< ShikharJ> I had talked regarding this to Marcus earlier, but i thought I should talk to you regarding this as well. I had planned on proposing to implement Wasserstein GAN, DCGAN, SeqGAN and StackGAN, but Marcus suggested that I should try to focus on two out of them. How would you prioritize them?
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< ShikharJ> rcurtin: ?
< rcurtin> ShikharJ: I juggle a lot of things during a single day so I am not always able to respond immediately. Please be patient ...
< rcurtin> I have no particular priority for any of them, personally
< rcurtin> I am not sure I am the right person to ask
< rcurtin> since I would not be mentoring the project
< ShikharJ> Ah, cool, sorry for disturbing you. If I could ask, would Mikhail and Marcus be mentoring this project this year?
< rcurtin> I would assume either of them would be mentoring it, yes, but I don't know their exact plans
< rcurtin> keep in mind, we are likely to receive nearly 100 applications for lots of different projects. so it is hard to know which students will apply to what projects, and even then we do not know (and will not know) which projects will be selected
< rcurtin> it may be that no GAN project is selected at all and they may choose to mentor other things
< rcurtin> but at this time, none of that is known
< rcurtin> that doesn't necessarily make a huge difference for you, but I thought that I should point it out so you are a little clearer on what this process looks like from our side :)
< ShikharJ> This makes sense. Thanks.
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< pawan_sasanka> Hello
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< pawsed> Oh so how do i get started if i want to contribute?
< zoq> pawsed: Hello, have you seen and
< pawsed> i'm looking at the gsoc page and i've found quite a few brilliant projects there
< zoq> Great that you like the ideas :)
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< pawsed> @zoq so any idea where i could move forward from here , i'd like to contribute to this project since i am already studying ml
< rcurtin> pawsed: there are suggestions on and for how to begin contributing
< pawsed> thanks a lot i'll be back
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< pawsed> if im trying to build mlpack on windows do i have any way to work around the dependencies , or is it compulsory that i work with linux
< zoq> pawsed: If you use conda on windows, it's just 'conda install channel package' and you are good to go.
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< pawsed> is channel the package name ?
< zoq> pawsed: channel is the pakage repo like conda-forge:
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< zoq> conda install -c conda-forge boost
< zoq> conda install -c mlpack armadillo
< zoq> I think this is all you need
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< pawsed> so what i need to do is search for both armadillo and boost in conda and install the packages simply?
< zoq> pawsed: correct
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< pawsed> @zoq the next step after that would be cmake as given for linux and mac?
< zoq> pawsed: correct
< zoq> Maybe you have to specify the generator, will check once I get a chance.
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< travis-ci> PlantsAndBuildings/mlpack#4 (master - 4bd01bb : Marcus Edel): The build has errored.
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< pawsed> has anyone tried building mlpack on windows here
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< pawsed> because armadillo although is available in the conda forge channel i'm getting a package not found error
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< rcurtin> zoq made a really nice optimizer visualization that we've posted to HN:
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< Sagar__> I wanted to know how to contribute to mlpack community
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< zoq> Sagar__: Hello, and should be helpful here.
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< Paul_> Hello, I wish to know how to move forward with the Alternatives to neighborhood-based collaborative filtering Project
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< Paul_> I have built the source and wanted to discuss a realistic timeline of goals for this project
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