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< rcurtin> kaushik_: ok, in this case I will probably go ahead and finish that PR then
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< rcurtin> zoq: oops, I pushed to the wrong benchmarks branch, let me redo that to make the correct logistic regression PR
< rcurtin> not sure why I have another PR open on the master branch anyway, that was a stupid idea...
< zoq> rcurtin: If you like we can use the sweep PR, if that's easier for you; looks like it's ready anyway (we could change the colors later).
< rcurtin> nah, I am splitting it
< rcurtin> how can I add new datasets to the datasets/ repo? should I open a PR on bitbucket? or is it easier for you to do it?
< zoq> If you don't have an bitbucket account, it's probably easier if I just push the datasets.
< zoq> I was thinking to host the datasets on mlpack not sure it's a good idea, but sometimes bitbucket is super slow.
< rcurtin> hosting on is fine, we don't have bandwidth issues (unless suddenly the benchmarks repo becomes super popular)
< rcurtin> the terms of the hosting are that we pay for 5Mbps 95th percentile bandwidth
< rcurtin> so basically if we took all the (discretely sampled) bandwidth usage over a month, the 95th percentile has to be at or below 5Mbps
< rcurtin> I think we have come nowhere close to this in the two years it's been hosted there
< zoq> Sounds like that would be possible; so maybe compress the datasets, write a simple script for the download part in the fashion of the libraries install scripts.
< zoq> Also, do you like to clean #108, looks like it includes the sweep commits? Or we can just manually merge the PR.
< zoq> If no one beats me with the download script; I'll open a PR tomorrow, should be straightforward.
< rcurtin> blah you are right
< rcurtin> I didn't rebase it correctly
< rcurtin> hang on...
< rcurtin> I only did half the job, which was removing the logistic regression changes from the sweep PR
< rcurtin> if you want to handle the download script, you will probably get to it before me; I think you have write access to
< zoq> yes