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< zoq> rcurtin: Refactored the FFN and RNN class:
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< rcurtin> zoq: awesome, if that has all the changes then do you want to open a PR and we can update Rajiv on what we've done?
< zoq> Right now it does not include the changes from your branch, so either we merge your branch first or I cherry pick the commits; either way it's fine for me.
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< kaushik_> rcurtin: hi, here to tell you that I will be able to work on the Serialize() port only after 14th.
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< Akshay> hello everyone!
< Akshay> Can anyone point me to some low hanging fruits? and in which no one is working?
< zoq> Akshay: You could skim over the open issues and maybe there is something interesting, also we are always open for new contributions.
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< gk__> hi, I'm a student interested to join mlpack's development
< gk__> my name is gaurav and I'm from India.
< gk__> ry
< gk__> My interests lie in Computer Vision, specifically Object detection and segmentation. I have been reading the source for the last week particularly ann
< gk__> please guide me
< zoq> gk__: Hello Gaurav, reading the source code is a good start also make sure to skim over:
< zoq> We are always open for new contributions, maybe you have something interesting you like to contribute or you find and interesting issue.
< gk__> zoq: I have already compiled from source and will continue to look in the source code.
< gk__> And the documentation
< zoq> gk: Sounds good, if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask.
< gk__> Yes, I had a question. When installing armadillo 8.1 from source, in it's installation instructions, some packages were recommended like OpenBLAS, SuperLU and ARPACK.
< gk__> I wanted to know whether these are important in the context of mlpack
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< zoq> OpenBlas is a high-speed LAPACK and BLAS replacement, so it could be faster, same for SuperLU; it's not necessary to make a contribution since armadillo already abstracts everything for you.
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< gk__> Thanks for the clarification.
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