changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
< zoq> rcurtin: My flight has been delayed ... so not sure I'll make it to the dinner in time, if not see you all tomorrow.
< rcurtin> :(
< rcurtin> sorry to hear that
< rcurtin> are you still in Germany?
< zoq> on my way to SFO, (Berlin -> Istanbul -> San Francisco)
< rcurtin> wow going through istanbul... seems like the wrong direction :)
< rcurtin> are you in istanbul now I guess?
< zoq> yeah, wrong direction indeed
< zoq> actually I'm already on the plan
< zoq> it's crazy that the internet connection works :)
< rcurtin> ah so you are in the air then?
< rcurtin> in flight wifi has gotten a lot better over the years... now I can almost reliably work over SSH
< zoq> yeah, I'm already in the air, so I should be there later today
< zoq> "almost" reliably, agreed
< rcurtin> well I hope the rest of your flight goes well and you can get some rest before tomorrow :)
< rcurtin> I found Heiko and Lea (the other Shogun mentor) and we figured you would be super tired when we see you :)
< zoq> 18 hours, to get from Berlin to San Fransisco ... hopefully the new Berlin airport will open soon
< rcurtin> long travel time :(
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< zoq> will be at the lightning talks
< rcurtin> cool, see you when you get here (I guess you are probably already here somewhere)
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< Scube97> Hello everyone! As zoq said I started with get involved page and tried installing mlpack . But I m getting a few warnings and also the make command is taking to long to execute!
< Scube97> Thanking u in advance :)
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< rcurtin> Scube97: yes, building mlpack can take a long time... you could try building in parallel with, e.g., 'make -j4' (or however many cores you want to use)
< rcurtin> one thing you could do if you are looking for an easy contribution is to fix the warnings; but I think that you do not need to worry about the output unless there is a compilation error
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< zoq> Scube97: In case you don't need the executables, you could turn them off: 'cmake -G "Ninja" -DBUILD_CLI_EXECUTABLES=OFF'
< zoq> Scube97: ah, copy past failed remove '-G "Ninja"', unless you like to use Ninja it :)
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< rcurtin> disabling python bindings could also be useful: -DBUILD_PYTHON_BINDINGS=OFF
< HeikoS> rcurtin: hey
< HeikoS> where are you?
< HeikoS> I have a question I would love to discuss in person
< HeikoS> Im outside of the coffee van dangling in a hanging chair
< rcurtin> sure
< rcurtin> this session is nearly over
< rcurtin> I'll head over there in ~3-5m
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