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< kaushik_> rcurtin: hi
< kaushik_> saw the PR, sorry for responding so late.
< kaushik_> are the issues fixed now or can I help with something?
< rcurtin> I am still trying to work out this template metaprogramming issue, I got sidetracked with some other stuff
< rcurtin> I can only reproduce it in the travis environment
< rcurtin> you can take a look through the PR and make sure you don't see anything wrong or anywhere else that could be improved, I guess
< rcurtin> or if you want to try and solve the template metaprogramming bug we can work on it in parallel :)
< rcurtin> I just used the 'ubuntu/trusty' docker image and reproduced the environment there
< kaushik_> ah ok cool. I will try to fix this :)
< rcurtin> it seems like it's specific to gcc 4.8.4, which is quite old
< rcurtin> I am not sure how easy it will be to make a workaround
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