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< freeloader> Hi I'm curious to know if this year MLpack mentors will enroll for GSoC. Can someone please fill me in on that ino
< freeloader> info*
< rcurtin> freeloader: yes, we are planning on it, but we will not know if we are accepted until I think February
< freeloader> are there some specific projects the organisation takes up or the projects are to be suggested by students?
< rcurtin> freeloader: both, see
< vivekp> Hi, I'm thinking of implementing a new activation fn support - Swish. Could be a good addition given its been shown to have worked better than ReLU.
< rcurtin> vivekp: please, go ahead, the contribution would be welcome :)
< vivekp> Great :)
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< zoq> hm, I could be wrong but did anyone remove the default "total_time" timer?
< rcurtin> zoq: you are right, I think that was a mistake
< rcurtin> if you see the fix you should definitely commit it
< rcurtin> it looks like it was my mistake, sorry :(
< rcurtin> I guess just adding "Timer::Start("total_time");" to the right place would fix it... I think the right place would be, I guess, in the CLI constructor
< zoq> yeah, I will open a PR with the fix.
< zoq> wasn't sure it was intentional
< rcurtin> yeah, this was definitely an accident that I did not notice... oops
< zoq> no, problem
< zoq> it's not in the latest release
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< lashuk> Greeting all, I have worked on some the tutorials of mlpack given on the website. And I wanted to work for GSOC 2018 on build testing with Docker and virtual machines. I would really like to know more about it. If someone can point me in right direction.
< rcurtin> lashuk: please read the mailing list archives, that project was accepted and completed already
< rcurtin> we do not have any idea yet what projects will be a part of GSoC 2018, so at this point I don't know if it's reasonable to expect too much information quite yet
< rcurtin> we are not even sure if we will be a part of GSoC 2018 yet, Google has not even accepted any applications from mentoring organizations yet :)
< lashuk> Sir, Thank you for the information.
< lashuk> @rcurtin sir, can you suggest some project which I can go through?
< rcurtin> no, like I said, I cannot, because I don't think anyone in the organization has thought about GSoC 2018 projects yet
< lashuk> Sir, I was asking for the previous years project.
< zoq> lashuk: Besides GSoC, there are always people here to mentor/help interesting ideas, so if you have something you like to contribute, let's brainstorm.
< lashuk> Sir, I would love to do that.
< lashuk> As this will be my first time working with an organization.
< zoq> Sounds great :) You can go over the list:, but as rcurtin already pointed out some projects are already taken up by previous students, so make sure to check the mailinglist; or checkout the blog posts:
< rcurtin> laahuk: ah, sorry anout that, I misunderstood
< rcurtin> eek, sorry for the typos. it is hard to type on a phone :(
< rcurtin> the blog is a great source to read, I agree with zoq
< lashuk> @zoq sir, I shall check it out now! Thank you suggesting me the website!
< zoq> I think there are some projects that are somewhat open, so even if someone already worked on project x, it would be possible to improve the code or continue in some direction..
< zoq> But for me, the VM project isn't on that list.
< zoq> But if you are interested in a similar direction, last year someone proposed to port lapack on android, that is somewhat related and I think pretty interesting.
< zoq> *mlpack
< lashuk> I shall check that out!
< zoq> Yeah, checkout the mailing list.
< lashuk> with android it will be a great learning experience for me
< zoq> Don't feel obligated, there are a million interesting directions you could look into.
< lashuk> Thank you Sir.
< zoq> You’re welcome, here to help.
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