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< sumedhghaisas__> zoq: Hey sorry... didn't see you msg.
< sumedhghaisas__> yeah its harcoded right now. Yes about that abstraction
< sumedhghaisas__> Should I templatize the NTM class accept the layer type which can be used as controller?
< sumedhghaisas__> also for that testing memory thing. I changed the implementation so that backward does not require input any more
< sumedhghaisas__> its not very much of a framework per say... its just that some layers require 'memory' in its forward pass
< sumedhghaisas__> and also in its backward ... and also returns the error w.r.t. memory
< sumedhghaisas__> the testing framework is just an extra layer... which is used to wrap these kind of layers for testing
< sumedhghaisas__> I am just cleaning up the entire NTM code.
< sumedhghaisas__> I will send the PR as soon as I am done
< zoq> ahh, okay, I guess I will see it once you open the PR :)
< zoq> About the controller, I think a template should work, yes.
< zoq> It's getting late here, about to get some sleep.
< sumedhghaisas__> Sure. I will try to shift to the template thing today itself. Or else I will do that tomorrow.
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< sumedhghaisas_> zoq: Hey Marcus... I have lot more files to clean and I am getting too sleepy. I will do that tomorrow and send the PR.
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< sumedhghaisas__> rcurtin, zoq: Wooohooo... NTM passes reber grammar tests
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< rcurtin> sumedhghaisas_: great to hear---I am looking forward to playing with NTMs in the future :)
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< ironstark> zoq: Sorry for the late response. Did not see the irc chat. I have read the documentation and am working on the implementations. Regarding the install script. I am able to run everything on my local system but I am getting some errors on slake.
< ironstark> I need to run these commands also.
< ironstark> pkg-config --libs --cflags dlib-1
< ironstark> these run successfully on my local system but slake shows the errors
< ironstark> how to rectify it?
< zoq> ironstark: -- Installing: /usr/local/lib/libdlib.a ... You can't write write to /usr/local/lib without sudo or anything similar. Every benchmark related lib ist stored in ../lib/, so you can use:
< zoq> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../../ .. instead of cmake ..
< zoq> let me know if that solves the install problem
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< ironstark> zoq: That solved the problem. Build succesfully compiles without error. Thanks a lot for the help
< zoq> ironstark: Okay, great let's see if the commit test also runs without any errors.
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< ironstark> zoq: rcurtin: To compile the dlibml scripts what are the changes required in the Makefile.
< ironstark> One that I can see is adding export DLIBML_PATH=methods/dlibml/
< ironstark> then in the .scripts section
< ironstark> g++ -O0 -std=c++11 methods/dlibml/src/*.cpp -o methods/dlib/* -I"$(INCLUDEPATH)" -L"$(LIBPATH)" -lmlpack -lboost_program_options -llz4
< ironstark> Is that correct?
< zoq> ironstark: g++ doesn't support batch processing, so you can't write: methods/dlibml/src/*.cpp as we did for javac.
< zoq> I think for now we can just write a single command for each example, later we could write a simple Makefile to build the dlib source files.
< zoq> The command to build a simple example could look like:
< zoq> g++ -O0 -std=c++11 methods/dlibml/src/svm.cpp -o methods/dlib/dlib_svm -I"$(INCLUDEPATH)" -L"$(LIBPATH)" -lmlpack -lboost_program_options -ldlib
< zoq> Just used svm as an example.
< zoq> Maybe you also have to link against: -lpthread -lX11 as mentioned here:
< zoq> Also, we just link against mlpack to use the timer and to parse the command line arguments as we did for flann and ann.
< ironstark> zoq: Thanks for the help. :)
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< zoq> Here to help, if you run into any problems let me know :)
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