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< kris1> weight = arma::cube(weights.memptr(), poolSize, inSize, outSize, false, false); if do this and then try to assign s = arma::mat(weights.memptr() + weight.n_elem, …, .. ,..,..) given me a error weights is arma::mat
< kris1> somehow weights.memptr() has become of type Cube
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< kris1> shoudn’t weight.memptr() be a pointer of type double in both the cases
< kris1> for both matrix and cubes
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< lozhnikov> kris1: weights.memptr() returns a pointer. I think you did a mistake somewhere
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< lozhnikov> kris1: I have fixed the header and images in your latest post since they were not displayed
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< zoq> kris1: Interesting blog post and nice work.
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< andrzejku> hi
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< zoq> andrzejku: Hello there!
< andrzejku> is it hard to start with machine learning?
< zoq> I would say, hard is the wrong word, everything is challenging on its own.
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