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< partobs-mdp> zoq: back home, now implementing the AddTask/SortTask change you requested (moving reshape inside task defiinition)
< partobs-mdp> found two more nasty bugs:
< partobs-mdp> - mlpack_baseline was running on 20 epochs no matter what the value of -i parameter is
< partobs-mdp> - SortTask receives binary representations without any delimiters - how on earth the network is supposed to know where one number ends and another begins?
< partobs-mdp> Sure enough, I fixed first bug - the second bug is more tricky, tho
< zoq> partobs-mdp: Great, I'll take a look once you pushed the changes. About the second issue, I've included an end marker for the copy repeat task, see my last comment on the PR.
< partobs-mdp> zoq: Pushed, I'll look at your PR.
< partobs-mdp> zoq: Read your comment. I don't quite understand what kind of marker did you use. In AddTask it was a special symbol [0 0 1] which didn't correspond to neither 0 nor 1. What about CopyTask? (and thus, SortTask)
< partobs-mdp> By the was, is it okay to write off-topic messages here?
< partobs-mdp> (I mean, about something loosely related with machine learning research, but not with mlpack)
< zoq> partobs-mdp: Of course!
< zoq> partobs-mdp: I used 0.3 as end marker, set the marker after the normalization step.
< zoq> I haven't tested it without the marker.
< partobs-mdp> Okay then :) While away from home, I have written a small tool to fetch all arxiv articles from email digest to my home dir (abstract.txt + paper.pdf). Here it is: If anyone is interested, test it, use it and spread the word :)
< partobs-mdp> (Disclaimer: I didn't search for tools of this kind - rather, I wanted to make something for <1h that would be useful)
< partobs-mdp> (Disclaimer 2: I use Ubuntu, thus the script is not entirely portable - I need some OS-agnostic notifier system to rectify this)
< zoq> partobs-mdp: Nice! I'll test it out.
< partobs-mdp> zoq: You mean, like this: [[1,0],[1,0],[0.3, 0.3],[0,1],[0,1]]?
< partobs-mdp> zoq: About that script: even though I pose it as a personal script, feel free to open an issue if something goes wrong or not optimal ;)
< zoq> I used the end marker only for the first input, but yes.
< partobs-mdp> zoq: You mean that you marked the *beginning* of the sequence iteration?
< partobs-mdp> [[1,0.3], [1,0], [0, 1], [0,1]]?
< partobs-mdp> Or did you put it in the response sequence?
< zoq> I mean I used: [[1,0],[1,0],[0.3, 0],[0,1],[0,1]]
< zoq> the first is the input and the second is the repeat information right?
< partobs-mdp> I see :) How did you do for repeats? Like this: [[1,0],[1,0],[0.3, 0],[0,1],[0,1], [0.3, 0], [0,1], [0,1]]?
< partobs-mdp> zoq: yes, that's how we arrived at that representation
< partobs-mdp> zoq: by the way, was there any special reason for using 0.3, and not (say) 0.5?
< zoq> I just set the end marker once, so for repeat = 2; so if my sequence I like to copy looks like 0 0 1 I just do 0 0 1 0.3 and the repeat information looks like 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1.
< zoq> Not not really, I guess you could test another value for the end marker the tricky part is to choose something that is kinda unique after the norm step.
< zoq> I guess, we could norm first and choose the marker afterwards, that might be clever.
< zoq> Btw. usually I use arxiv-sanity, but I always wanted something that downloads the files for me.
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< zoq> rcurtin: Somehow missed the dicussion here: I'll take a look at it tomorrow.
< rcurtin> I know the feeling, I seem to miss a lot more discussions these days :)
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< chenzhe> rcurtin: Are you there?
< chenzhe> Hi Ryan, you mentioned Jenkins in your comments, can you explain to me a little bit how to use it?
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< rcurtin> chenzhe: hi there, let me reread my comment so I can remember what I said ...
< rcurtin> ah, right, so the style checker runs automatically when you push code to the PR
< rcurtin> you can see at the bottom of the PR it says "N out of 3 checks successful" (or something similar)
< rcurtin> so the three checks are the style check, a linux build test, and a windows build test
< rcurtin> you can click "details" on the "Style Checks" to see more information
< rcurtin> and if you scroll to the bottom of that page you can see "Cppcheck results", and you can click on those to see what the issue is
< rcurtin> in your case it looks like the issue is very simple, "missing space after comma" :)