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< ironstark> rcurtin: zoq: This is the blog I have written about the work done so far.. for submission in the final evaluation
< ironstark> Please review it whenever you find time
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< lozhnikov> kris__: okay, in that case it is reasonable to focus on the Digit dataset
< lozhnikov> Did you try to vary the noise size, the noise type (e.g. gaussian instead of uniformly random), the layer structure?
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< kris__> I was able to get better results on the mnist dataset though all 7's with 2000 training examples.
< kris__> Here are some ....
< kris__> epoch 0
< kris__> epoch 5
< kris__> lozhnikov: Just saw your message on the logs. I did try to vary all the parameters that you mentioned.
< kris__> I did not vary the noise type though.
< kris__> in the case of the digits dataset.
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< Guest67887> hi where can I fins examples of your neural network models, RNN and LSTM
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< Guest67887> correction: Hi where can I find examples of your neural network models for RNN and LSTM?
< kris__> Just mlpack_test folder and look for recurrent_neural_network_test.cpp file.
< kris__> They could serve as a starting point.
< Guest67887> i have looked at it, i guess that is all i got.
< kris__> Well i think this year HAM model and NTM models use RNN a lot. Maybe it would be intresting to look at those tests as well.
< kris__> You can find them at the github page.
< Guest67887> thanks kris, will have a look at those
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< kris__> Quick question how is the GPU going to help right now. I don't think the present code is cuda compatible. So how are we going to run for eg rnn on a GPU.
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< lozhnikov> kris__: If I am not mistaken armadillo doesn't support GPU right now. Therefore there is no way to run your code on GPU
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< zoq> kris__: You can link against NVBLAS which is a GPU accelerated implementation of BLAS. NVBLAS can accelerate most BLAS Level-3 routines, so until Bandicoot is released that's all we have right now.
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< kris1> lozhnikov: Did you see the results on the mnist7 dataset.
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< lozhnikov> yes, I did
< kris__> Okay what do you think
< kris__> The max epochs i ran for was 20
< kris__> Right now have changed the noise dim to 10 since I found we were getting cleaner images if noise dim was low
< kris__> Right now testing for epoch 50 it might take 2-3 hrs
< lozhnikov> I think the work is far from finish. Maybe it is reasonable to change the layer types, the number of hidden units and so on
< kris__> Okay i will try that those too ....
< kris__> If your machine is free could run some test if possible
< lozhnikov> yes, if you prepare a test and I'll run it
< kris__> Great I will send one with in a few hours btw should we also think which test to add for gan in the PR
< lozhnikov> It seems we can't add a test for training since it requires a lot of time
< lozhnikov> But I think we can check some properties using pretrained parameters
< kris__> Hmmm that seems a good idea ....
< lozhnikov> I guess it is possible to add a simple test for a network which doesn't require a lot of parameters
< kris__> 1d Gaussian example uses pretty small network that should be doable
< lozhnikov> sounds good
< kris__> We also got good results for that we converged to the real distribution at around 80 epochs but I would have to write the kl divergence metric for finding the similarity between the distribution
< lozhnikov> how many time should take the test?
< lozhnikov> * how much
< kris__> It takes longer then ssRBM for sure
< kris__> So we can't directly use it
< lozhnikov> How many parameters does the test require?
< kris__> Not much the the hidden layer size is around 6 and 3 layers in discriminator and 1 layer in the generator
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< lozhnikov> hmm.. in that case you could set pretrained parameters inside the source code of the test
< kris__> Sure that can be done
< kris__> Btw we had our reading group discuss W-gan today in their paper the actually prove that gan working is pretty much a luck thing that if you get the right initial parameters
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< aravindaswmy047> hello
< aravindaswmy047> I am new to mlpack
< aravindaswmy047> Can anyone tell me where should I start after building the mlpack in my system to understand how it is designed and its functionality
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< zoq> aravindaswm: Hello and welcome! If you are looking for how to get started, these two pages may be helpful:
< zoq> In addition, the tutorials page should provide some useful documentation on getting comfortable with the library, using the command-line executables, and understanding the code:
< kris__> hey lozhnikov: Check the results out....
< zoq> aravindaswm: I hope this is helpful, don't hesitate to ask.
< aravindaswmy047> thank you will start looking into it
< kris__> These are the parameters ./gan_keras.o -i train7.txt -m 1000 -e 50 -n100 -N5 -D1024 -G1024 -b 8 -x 2 -r 0.001 -o epoch1_output.txt -v
< zoq> kris__: This is looking better and better.
< kris__> zoq: Yes zoq finally some good results.....
< kris__> Lozhnikov: Should we stop with this example and test the CNN example or should i continue...
< kris__> zoq: Any suggestions for the ssRBM pr timings were could we possibly reduce the time.
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< zoq> kris__: Let me take a look.
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< aravindaswmy047_> Hello again
< zoq> welcome back :)
< aravindaswmy047_> while building mlpack in my system what are the options that I should activate during build
< aravindaswmy047_> should I Switch ON any options with D flag ?
< zoq> The default values are just fine, if you like to debug the code e.g. using gdb you should build with -DDEBUG=ON to get debug symbols.
< aravindaswmy047_> oh ok
< aravindaswmy047_> thanks
< aravindaswmy047_> sorry for asking very primitive questions
< zoq> nah, we are here to help.
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< lozhnikov> kris__: The picture doesn't look perfectly, but your results definitely converge to sevens. In that case I agree, it is reasonable to focus on the oreilly example
< kris__> Well the the dataset only consists of 7's i did not want to train on the full mnist.
< kris__> For the orilley example i would be requiring the resize layer. If you have the time today could you review it.
< lozhnikov> yes, I know, I just pointed out that the results look like sevens
< lozhnikov> sure, I'll look through that again, but I didn't find any serious issues last time, so you can use it
< kris__> okay i will merge from the resize layer branch directly.
< kris__> ./gan_keras.o -i train7.txt -m 1000 -e 60 -n100 -N5 -D1024 -G1024 -b 8 -x 2 -r 0.001 -o epoch1_output.txt -v
< kris__> I will stop now ...... with the keras example i think this is enough. I still don't get why we end up generating the same image even though the noise is obvious diffrent.
< lozhnikov> if I remember right that happens if the generator overtrains the discriminator
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