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< rcurtin> zax
< rcurtin> oops, typed into wrong window :)
< zoq> sumedhghais: What do you mean with strategy?
< rcurtin> sumedhghaisas: I'll take a look at the GRU tests soon, I needed to think about a response there
< rcurtin> I think I know what is happening with the FastMKS test---
< rcurtin> because we are running the tests in parallel now, it's possible that we could run two serialization tests at once
< rcurtin> but SerializeObjectAll() always saves to the same file... so the file is probably getting overwritten
< zoq> ah, right
< rcurtin> I'm opening an issue now, this would be a fun issue for someone new to solve (if anyone has interest, maybe Rajiv might)
< zoq> yeah, nice idea
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< lozhnikov> kris1: were you able to write the fifth blog post?
< kris1> Yes i was trying to write yesterday night. But i am confused as this was bad week. I don’t really have much updates.
< kris1> Still i will push what i wrote right now.
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< lozhnikov> kris1: the header of the file is invalid. The post is not displayed.
< lozhnikov> The header should look like
< lozhnikov> Title: <some title>
< lozhnikov> Date: <some date>
< lozhnikov> kris1: I have fixed the header
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< partobs-mdp> zoq: I'm almost done with fixing issues from your review. However, I want to ask a question: should we use the separator at all? So far I can't see a use case where it would give any profit. What do I miss?
< zoq> partobs-mdp: In my experiments, the separator made a difference, so I'd like to keep the option to use one.
< partobs-mdp> zoq: I see, but what about the SortTask? Does it make difference there?
< zoq> Or do you think the effort to normalise the input is way more difficult to do with a marker?
< zoq> I haven't tested the sort task yet, I can run some experiments tomorrow.
< zoq> Also I think you should update your branch and use the latest rnn class, that could improve the results, since it uses a new initialization method.
< partobs-mdp> zoq: Almost made it, but rnn.hpp is in my way:
< partobs-mdp> CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/mlpack/methods/ann/rnn_impl.hpp
< partobs-mdp> error: Failed to merge in the changes. \n Patch failed at 0022 Fixed LSTM baseline bug
< partobs-mdp> How to resolve the conflict in that file?
< zoq> I see, in case the auto merge failed you have to manually fix the issue and continue the rebase. I think an easy solution would be to copy the latest rnn class and just merge the change you did back in.
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< kris1> lozhnikov: just saw your message…… thanks…….i will take care in the future
< kris1> for the header of the blogpost
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