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freemangordon: I'll see if I can't make headset stuff work in 6.6 then, maybe you could help me just set up the right stuff, it should be relatively simple since we already have the regs for it
headset in calls I mean
hi. how is maemo-leste doing these days? time for me to test it again?
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well, depends on your device and needs :)
Still got a N900 useful for such testing. :)
what exactly depend on device?
good or bad power management, realistic ram/cpu constraints, if everything for call audio is supported, etc
but generally n900 and droid4/mapphones can work quite well
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Wizzup: (for headset) i just realise that ucm is actually wrong on n900 and seems wrong on mapphones too
on n900 it works fine 'by hand', selecting the right mic
in mapphones/n900 ucm, it uses the internal mic by default (for headset)
so i can fix it for n900 but no idea what to do on mapphone ofc
i mean, even if you set up the right stuff on d4, you have to check ucm stuff as well imo
and find the correct mic
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arno11: on mapphones uvos had not hooked up the headset stuff yet
so it very likely is wrong for mapphones, but that is known
ok ;)
but yes, changing the ucm would need to happen too, but kernel side first
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let me check on D4 if there's no /dev/input event for headphone insertion and removal
* sicelo
hardly uses earphones
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sicelo: d4 has notification og plug event
indeed no event. just tested
what doesn't work is specifically call audio using headset mic and such
pa picks up on the event just fine
but it might be udev instead evdev or something
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arno11: i think someday it would be good to upstream the N900 (and D4) ucm2 configs
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sicelo: ah maybe
i'll fix the headset mic stuff later today btw (n900)
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arno11: sounds good
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sicelo: headphone jack reporting via /dev/input is a legacy thing that i think you can enable via kconfig for modern alsa drivers
sicelo: d4 reports jack state via alsas event interface
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sicelo: Wizzup: ok so headset stuff is fixed localy and it is possible to switch between headset and 'normal' call on the fly during the call
i'll make a PR this evening
you're doing great work :-)
btw, do you know if SIP works with telepathy-haze yet, or not?
ty :) sip only works fine with twinkle ATM
sicelo: sip calls start but the audio fails
sicelo: could be turn, or perhaps more like gstreamer
it wouldn't be with tp-haze though
it'd be with telepathy-rakia which uses sofiasip
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yes indeed, at least msgs only work with sofiasip
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but not with tls
tls works fine through twinkle btw
for both msgs and calls
but stun and proxy stuff are usually tricky
tls ofc depends of providers
chat messages do not work with tls enabled? that would be strange
arno11: would love you help in debugging some of the sofiasip stuff next week or the week after
i don't know exactly how it works but it works for sure with tls enabled (in twinkle)
for debugging, no probs
yeah the stun and proxy stuff could be a part of why the audio not works, but there might be more I think
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Wizzup: btw PA can also cause troubles: sip calls work on n900 because of the custom daemon.conf, otherwise, with default 44.1Khz samplerate it doesn't work iirc
it seems to mix everything to 48Khz
and it records at 16Khz iirc, but maybe i'm wrong. i have to doublecheck
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arno11: that is true, but then it should work on the vm or droid4 at least
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ok but why it should work ? PA is not involved with sip on D4
sounds weird to me
(but ok i still have troubles to understand audio stuff on mapphones :P)
for SIP, the behavior should be the same on all devices. the quirky stuff is the modems
i can't comment on the sample rates though
arno11: uh, how is pa not involved?
pa is involved for all audio, just on mapphone the specific call audio is not done through pa (but still controlled with pa)
it was just a question
since sip is all userspace PA must be involved
ok so that's fine
i just asked because of all tricky/quirky mapphones audio stuff i'm not aware of
modem audio is quirky on the droid 4, as well as N900 :-p
and many other phones too
true lol
there isn't too much quircky stuff, just that the audio doesn't need to go through userspace (record / playback)
but yeah
that's what i mean by quirk ... i.e. it's not straightforward like "regular" audio
I have my main sim back in leste now with 6.6
internet context somehow doesn't work still, but at least call audio is ok
same for me (main sim + 6.6)
yes also haven't had call audio problems anymore on D4 with fmg's recent work
maybe I'll put my prev droid sim in the n900 here then, with leste
i mean from a software perspective the d4 call audio setup is as simple as it could reaslictly be
of couse when I inevitably have to travel to the us for work again I will have to switch it to bionic :D
you just have to set a couple of registers and the hw dose literally everything else
its just alsa being dificult
alsa is so complicated...
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Wizzup: (for internet context) you mean no 3G/hsdpa connection ?
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'PA is not involved with sip on D4
lol i forgot the '?'
sorry for the misunderstanding
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arno11: right the context doesn't want to activate
ah ok
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maybe roaming is needed ? (it doesn't work on my device without it)
(even with a local operator)
and maybe 'sudo ip route add default dev gprs0' is also needed
it is roaming, it's a ofono bug
back later, probably tomorrow
will look a fstab for n900 then
for swap
ah yes ok
arno11: sudo ip route add default dev gprs0 ... this should not be needed anymore