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<tmlind> freemangordon: so my guess is chans 16 & 17 are for a separate adc added later on that can be muxed to the chan 1 & 2 output registers as requested
<tmlind> i mean muxed to chan 0 & 1 output registers
<tmlind> currently chan 16 & 17 adc is probably continuously sampling if it provides 4 samples at 250ms invervals, i don't think we manage the whatever bit enables/disables it
<tmlind> hmm so maybe BATICON bit just enables/disables the continuous sampling for chan 16 & 17
<tmlind> CON for CONtinuous?
<tmlind> maybe CPCAP_BIT_RAND1 muxes between the chans 0 & 1 and chans 16 & 17 adc for the chan 0 & 1 output registers?
<tmlind> freemangordon: thanks for the mc13892 coulomb counter calibration info
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<tmlind> hmm so mc13783ug.pdf "2.1 detailed block diagram" only shows adin5 being muxed out of the battery related lines, so maybe the only selection cpcap also has is between single channel mode and multi channel mode
<tmlind> maybe in the multichannel mode the four sample pairs are only read when requested and not continuously.. reading values in a loop should provide some info on the time between samples
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<tmlind> freemangordon: so maybe what we really have for cpcap is this:
<tmlind> multi-channel single read mode: enabled 8 adc inputs get read to the 8 output registers
<tmlind> dual-channel multi read mode: two enabled adc inputs get read as four pairs to the 8 output registers, maybe only available for adc inputs 0 & 1
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<freemangordon> tmlind: exactly
<freemangordon> and this seems to be controlled by CPCAP_BIT_RAND1
<freemangordon> vendor kernel does not control CPCAP_BIT_ADAx either
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<tmlind> freemangordon: ok. i wonder if any two adc inputs can be selected in the dual-channel multi-read mode..
<freemangordon> I can check, shell I?
<freemangordon> to me the biggest issue is how to get that info out of the driver :D
<tmlind> might be worth to verify to avoid more rewrites later on.. maybe email the iio folks, they may have some suggestions on getting 4 pairs of data?
<freemangordon> ok
<tmlind> the iio raw data should be really raw data i guess.. otherwise the speed of change information is lost with the four samples
<freemangordon> you mean if we average?
<tmlind> yeah
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> do you know what
<freemangordon> ...
<freemangordon> what 'iio buffer' is?
<tmlind> yeah maybe that works if it supports pairs
<tmlind> never used it
<tmlind> or maybe it just needs to be two iio_buffer instances?
<freemangordon> why 2?
<tmlind> one buffer for 4 voltage samples, one for 4 current samples
<freemangordon> yes, got thta, but why now 1 buffer 8 samples?
<freemangordon> have to check how als creates that buffer
<tmlind> how do you know the type of the data?
<tmlind> maybe there's some data type flag?
<freemangordon> how do you know with 2 buffers either? sorry, I don;t know the API :)
<tmlind> heh me neither :)
* freemangordon boots d4 to see what als and others export
<freemangordon> tmlind: hmm, INDIO_BUFFER_SOFTWARE is already set to the driver
<freemangordon> I guess that's it
<tmlind> ok
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<Wizzup> morning
<freemangordon> hi
<freemangordon> tmlind: I am not convinced iio buffer is what we need, I'll just hack 8 shorts into 4 integers
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<Wizzup> uvos: freemangordon: did you guys talk about why our 6.1 kernel is still a -rc8 while the git is rebased on some stable?
<freemangordon> nope
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<nonsuch> Is there something wrong with the mailing list? I just tried subscribing, it told me I am already subscribed (I was), but the last message in my Inbox is from Feb 3rd. I can't see the archives* to check if the message I just sent arrived.
<nonsuch> * https://mailinglists.dyne.org/pipermail/maemo-leste/ this link gives "Not found"
<Wizzup> I think there is some overly zealous moderation on the list
<Wizzup> the archive link being broken is weird for sure
<Wizzup> arno11: btw there is a new n900 image, I will test it today, it should have the pm improvements
<arno11> Wizzup: cool
<nonsuch> OK, thanks Wizzup. I am amazed at the progress with Leste since - checks - 2019!
<nonsuch> Nevertheless I'm selling my N900 now. Anybody interested, check this out: https://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=101398
<arno11> Wizzup: i've tried chimaera on a slow class 2 uSD
<arno11> and pretty smooth
<Wizzup> hmm, ok
<arno11> not the feeling something is wrong
<Wizzup> I need to get my svideo/rgb capture and make a video of it
<Wizzup> I guess can just use my camera
<arno11> ok
<Wizzup> this particular usd card I got for free with some droid3 that I bought
<Wizzup> so it could be real bad :)
<arno11> oh ok
<arno11> fyi i've tested few more things:
<arno11> xv accel is working fine now on n900
<arno11> really happy with that
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<arno11> but few basic apps aren't working anymore
<arno11> like smplayer and maep for example
<arno11> but installing older versions works
<Wizzup> arno11: what older version, beowulf?
<arno11> beowulf for maep and old stretch for smplayer
<Wizzup> what is your issue with maep?
<arno11> (wow for the pictures)
<Wizzup> arno11: ah, selecting maps seems to bug out
<arno11> yep
<Wizzup> yeah, need to attach gdb and see what's up I guess
<Wizzup> my main gps leste device is still on beowulf
<Wizzup> I forgot about this
<arno11> ok
<arno11> kodi 19 is working badely as well with weird dbus canhibernate and cansuspend errors
<arno11> according to kodi forum that s because of python3
<arno11> but python3 is fine on leste
<arno11> and kodi 17 was working really fine
<Wizzup> I didn't expect kodi to run at all really :D
<arno11> lol yes indeed
<arno11> but kodi 17 was really impressive with googd settings
<arno11> *good
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> let's see, I can look at maep in a bit
<Wizzup> not sure if I can help with smplayer
<arno11> no worries for smplayer
<Wizzup> I think we can just add emmc swap to the n900 image
<Wizzup> assuming it fails gracefully
<Wizzup> like, swapon will check if the partition is swap or not
<Wizzup> so even if it is something else, it ought not to cause any harm
<arno11> but why the previous 256M swap has been removed/not working with chimaera ?
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<Wizzup> arno11: sorry, I don't understand
<Wizzup> do you mean the zswap?
<arno11> yes sorry
<Wizzup> I think fmg as opposed to it
<Wizzup> I don't remember when exactly we removed it
<Wizzup> or how:)
<Wizzup> btw the windows 7 theme is in the extras repo now
<arno11> ok cool for themes
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<Wizzup> I'm going to build the new bionic image (it didn't auto build yet) and try it on my bionic
<Wizzup> shall I dd the new image to my supposedly slow card and then check with you if it seems fast or slow?
<arno11> ok
<Wizzup> let's see if swap can be done using /etc/fstab.d/
<Wizzup> btw
<Wizzup> installing to emmc would also be intesting
<arno11> indeed
<Wizzup> maybe I should install iotop or try to stress the i/o
<Wizzup> nokia-modem also not loaded on new image
<arno11> ? really
<Wizzup> yeah, works if I loud it manually
<arno11> ok
<arno11> an easy way to stress io should be to install from apt an heavy app
<Wizzup> yeah if I do that even the lock screen doesn't typically show when I pres the power button
<Wizzup> the unlock screen rather
<Wizzup> and everything has a many second delay
<arno11> ok
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<Wizzup> hm it's not -too- bad right now
<Wizzup> how fast does the status menu respond for you when you tap it?
<Wizzup> I guess I'll just make a video in a bit
<arno11> for me open immediately and shows stuff inside in a second
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> so your changes, apart from OC and setting the cpu governor, what are they?
<Wizzup> so /etc/fstab.d/ doesn't work, /etc/fstab works
<Wizzup> so I guess I can put that in arm-sdk / image builder
<arno11> with chimaera nothing else
<arno11> and i'm using a simple 1G swap on uSD
<arno11> that' it
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> so the only difference really is that I have swap on emmc
<arno11> yep
<arno11> don't forget OC
<arno11> back in 15 min
<arno11> kids time lol
<Wizzup> :)
<Wizzup> yeah so during apt-get install iotop-c at some point even just scrolling in h-d stops all together
<uvos> kernel is rc in stable (and chimaera i gues) because it wasent promoted
<Wizzup> I was touching it all the time to move
<uvos> its based on the stable branch in devel
<Wizzup> ok, so it's in devel but not in stable?
<uvos> in beowulf yes
<uvos> on chimaera i have no idea where it should go
<uvos> honestly
<Wizzup> what do you mean?
<uvos> where the kernel for testing should go
<uvos> anyhow it can be promoted to stable everywhere
<uvos> it works fine
<Wizzup> maemo/chimaera-testing or maemo/chimaera-devel, or of course just maemo/chimaera
<Wizzup> for stable then the latter
<uvos> so whats the hierarchy here
<uvos> testing is > or < than devel
<Wizzup> chimaera, chimaera-testing, chimaera-devel
<Wizzup> from stable to unstable
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> btw..
<Wizzup> if you can pull my n900 commit that would be nice
<uvos> what commit?
<Wizzup> for iotop we also need:
<Wizzup> uvos: let me find it
<uvos> Wizzup: ok well idk if i should do that at the same time
<uvos> the idea being to promote the beowulf devel kernel everywhere to stable
<uvos> not to change it in the process
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> uvos: is this about task stats or the n900 patch
<uvos> and what about "omap_ssi_port.c: force pio for now "
<Wizzup> btw, I would not waste too much time on kernels for beowulf at this point, we're very near to just switching over
<uvos> you mentionied there was a better patch for this
<Wizzup> I thought so, but I'm relying on sicelo here
<uvos> but i has not materialzied
<Wizzup> maybe keep it for now
<uvos> *it
<uvos> ok
<Wizzup> 6.1.0-rc8 works on n900 at least for me, so
<uvos> 6.1.9 works ok on n900 too
<uvos> (well no idea about the modem)
<Wizzup> it will hard crash without the patch ;)
<uvos> the patch is there
<uvos> point is i dont (cant) test the modem on n900
<uvos> anyhow
<uvos> smplay works fine on chimaera on d4 btw
<uvos> i use it regularly
<uvos> person above has some n900 or install specific issue
<Wizzup> could be
<uvos> maybe it ooms
<Wizzup> buZz: did you ever make a video on how to mode E960 to EB41
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<Wizzup> uvos: we could also rebase that latest stable if not already, and then try it on chimaera-testing first if you think that's better
<Wizzup> whatever is easier for you really
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<Wizzup> brb
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<arno11> back
<Wizzup> hi hi
<arno11> Wizzup: so how's things with your device ?
<Wizzup> arno11: well, it idles ok
<Wizzup> modem kernel module doesn't auto probe yet
<Wizzup> using HAM and installing anything causes severe slowdowns
<Wizzup> which I think is probably my main complaint
<arno11> ok and that's auite the same for me with my slow sdcard
<Wizzup> arno11: if you run this, is device still responsive?
<Wizzup> dd if=/dev/zero of=out.img status=progress bs=1024 count=100000
<arno11> let me try
<Wizzup> for me it sometimes just becomes unresponsive for 5-10s
<Wizzup> like, scroll around, start xterm, do other things
<freemangordon> Wizzup: sdcard on emmc?
<Wizzup> freemangordon: swap on emmc yues
<freemangordon> also, what is the swappiness?
<Wizzup> I don't know what is swappiness, but mem used is 122M and swap is 28M
<Wizzup> so I am nowhere near memory exhaustion
<freemangordon> I see
<freemangordon> IO then, most-probably
<arno11> Wizzup: On mine really fast
<arno11> and still responsive
<Wizzup> freemangordon: it might just be something as silly as some blocking log function in h-d or elsewhere
<Wizzup> that blocks on i/o
<freemangordon> right
<Wizzup> arno11: ok, I will try this U3 512GB microsd then
<arno11> wow
<Wizzup> I got it for my birthday last year, have to put it to use somehow :D
<Wizzup> lol my lab psu at 3.8V is somehow 42% of battery on n900
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<arno11> lol
<Wizzup> ok, so I will dd this on the really fast card and see if it makes a difference then
<Wizzup> at least the idle on the image is great
<Wizzup> with the wire and other module blacklist changes
<arno11> cool
<Wizzup> nokia-modem not being autoloaded surprises me still though
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* Wizzup runs depmod
<sicelo> bq27200 % is meaningless until a full cycle
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<Wizzup> sicelo: sure it is, it was just funny
<sicelo> :-)
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I am going to add conflicts to xorg legacy
<Wizzup> ok?
<sicelo> : Wizzup: so new image still idling at 50mA
<sicelo> on N900, that is
<sicelo> ?
<Wizzup> sicelo: yes
<arno11> Wizzup: can't wait to see perfs on uSD 512 :)
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<Wizzup> arno11: don't expect too much
<Wizzup> iirc n900 is heavily gated by various hw things
<Wizzup> like bus width
<arno11> ok
<Wizzup> on the d4 it can make a big diff with some hacks
<sicelo> nice @ idle. will try image soon (in a couple of weeks)
<Wizzup> I would try it on a battery but I found that ironically here I have only one n900 battery: the one in the one I use
<arno11> ok lol
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<Wizzup> I ordered some
<Wizzup> on friday
<Wizzup> we'll see
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<arno11> Wizzup: btw not sure emmc swap will be faster than swap in U3 sd
<arno11> what do u think?
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<Wizzup> I think emmc swap should be faster
<Wizzup> let me connect this one to wifi
<arno11> ok
<Wizzup> new sd card seems to make the difference so far
<Wizzup> freemangordon: uvos: so for e960, I just remove the brown pcb thing from the eb41, desolder the wires, and connect it to the e960 wires?
<arno11> no surprise :)
<Wizzup> arno11: do the volume buttons work for you?
<arno11> nope from the beginnig with beowulf lol
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<Wizzup> ok
<arno11> Wizzup: should be interesting to run dd dev/zero command to compare i/o
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<Wizzup> will do in a bit
<Wizzup> uvos: how can I test your U3 hacks on d4?
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<Guest3> Can all packages of maemo-leste be found in Chimera 4.0?
<Wizzup> almost all
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<buZz> Wizzup: the ppl that promissed to edit the video havent :(
<buZz> its just way too much material atm
<buZz> one thing important on e960 removal of BMS : do NOT remove the tin strips that are spotwelded to the battery cell
<buZz> i did on one of the two , and it keeps disconnecting, soldering to straight up lithium metal is practically impossible
<buZz> maybe i'll get a new E960 , likely to happen faster than that i can fix our spotwelder @ hackerspace :)
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<Wizzup> buZz: ah so you don't have a working one?
<buZz> well, it works until i shake it :D
<Wizzup> arno11: well during expandcard.sh I turned off the power by accident and now one of the u3 cards doesn't respond :D
<arno11> arghhh
<Wizzup> well, we know that it is faster now
<arno11> lol yes
<buZz> u3 cards work faster in mapphones? :O
<Wizzup> I'll leave it powered for a while, see if it recovers somehow
<Wizzup> buZz: not at u3 speeds, but they will be seen I'm sure?
<Wizzup> but this was n900
<buZz> dont u3 cards support slower speeds anyway?
<Wizzup> that was my point
<buZz> ah ok :)
<Wizzup> brb
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: yes, and yes
<freemangordon> beware what buZz said
<buZz> i kinda wish that vendor would just sell me the loose cell without BMS attached :)
<buZz> also, be careful when removing EB41 BMS, that flexcable is hella fragile
<freemangordon> also, you will have to remove the black plastic that covers the original PCB, at least paritially
<buZz> flexpcb*
<freemangordon> buZz: what is the issue with the BMS? it is attached with a sticky tape
<buZz> i dont know what you're asking?
<freemangordon> "i kinda wish that vendor would just sell me the loose cell without BMS attached :)"
<buZz> the flexpcb is the part of the BMS thats connecting to the phone
<buZz> oh
<buZz> yeah , saves effort? :D
<freemangordon> yeah, a minut :p
<freemangordon> *minute
<buZz> their BMS looks -very much- like they use the same cells inside factory for multiple batteries
<freemangordon> Wizzup: also, it is possible that there will be no voltage right after you solder pcb to the new cell. It will appear once you connect it to the device *and* attach a charger ;)
<freemangordon> some protection circuitry it seems
<buZz> yeah BMS often disable themselves when you do this kinda stuff
<buZz> its even worse on laptop batteries :D
<freemangordon> also, I used hot silicone to attach pcb to the cell
<buZz> nice
<buZz> something flexible will help yeah
<buZz> i used kapton :)
* freemangordon googles kapton
<buZz> but yeah i'll have to redo it, guess i'll order one next paycheck :P
<buZz> freemangordon: polyimide tape iirc
<freemangordon> ah
<buZz> the stuff you can poke with a solderiron and it wont melt
<buZz> :)
<freemangordon> that brown-orange transparent one I guess
<buZz> yeah
<buZz> they do make other colors, but that yellow stuff is very common
<Wizzup> freemangordon: ok
<Wizzup> I will first buy a solder iron here ;)
<freemangordon> I used some as well, but glued pcb to the cell too
<buZz> Wizzup: get a TS101
<freemangordon> here? are you in BG?
<Wizzup> HR
<freemangordon> hmm?!?
<freemangordon> what the?
<Wizzup> croatia
<buZz> i really like the TS100, TS101 is slightly improved grip and USB-C PD power added (next to DC barreljack)
<freemangordon> brb
<buZz> dont get a 'pointy bit' but something shovel-y
<Wizzup> anything aliexpress takes two months, don't want that :)
<buZz> hehe ok
<buZz> gee two months, is BG mail that bad?
<Wizzup> to NL it often took two months
<Wizzup> they just put it on a container
<buZz> to .nl i get 14 days usually
<buZz> since they started paying postnl directly
<Wizzup> maybe now, it wasn't like that before for sure
<Wizzup> aha
<buZz> that link i gave tells me 'delivery in 12 days'
<bencoh> yeah aliexpress got better here as well, although you'll still get some packages after 6~8w
<bencoh> here that link says 25 apr, or 15d for USD8 shipping
<bencoh> is that soldering iron that good btw?
<bencoh> (ngl it looks cool)
<buZz> bencoh: i use the model before it , TS100 , for practically everything
<buZz> with a 4A 24V psu
<Wizzup> freemangordon: in bg is def have a soldering iron :)
<Wizzup> I de*
<Wizzup> I def.*
<buZz> heats up fast, nice controllable temp, customizable firmware
<buZz> there's even a tetris firmware for it
<Wizzup> I have a nice one at home too, just not here
<buZz> and supersmall if you want to bring it along
<Wizzup> they pay you to sell these? :P
<freemangordon> buZz: BG mail is bad, but that's not the point
<freemangordon> also, he is not in BG ;)
<buZz> hehe ok
<buZz> Wizzup: no :)
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<buZz> lol that windows7 theme looks a bit .. rough :D
<buZz> i guess its missing some window borders or something
<buZz> meh, i entered something in nano, but 'sudo poweroff' seems to not trigger nano autosaving :(
<buZz> silly, it does on my desktop .nano_save files for dayyys
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<Wizzup> buZz: @ theme, sure, it's some 10 y/o communit theme for n900 res devices
<buZz> :)
<buZz> does it look better on n900?
<Wizzup> yes
<buZz> its replacing part of the window borders with 'windows 7-ish' but the corners look like they're just my previous theme's
<Wizzup> the status bar is properly curvy there
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: seeing this again:
<Wizzup> scandir: Value too large for defined data type
<Wizzup> do you recall this?
<Wizzup> IIRC it was some qemu thing
<Wizzup> it might not actually be an issue for the image build, we'll see.
<Wizzup> I guess maybe this is why we had a 32 bit qemu vm
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: did we move chimaera-devel to chimaera?
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<Wizzup> trying bionic chimaera img
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<Wizzup> seems to work