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uvos: yes, the questions "how mce tells x11 to disable input devices" is still relevant
scratch that, found it
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mce: x11-ctrl: unable to open display
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root does not have access to X display
Wizzup: any objections adding "xhost +local:" to startup scripts?
I here cheering for you.
xhost +
: )
rafael2k: could you upgrade your device to chimaera-devel and confirm xorg runs as user 'user'?
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rafael2k: 'yes, I could' or 'yes, it runs as user'? :)
uvos: it turned out mce cannot open the display :)
so no input devices got disabled
freemangordon, sorry, I'll just apt-get upgrade with chimaera-devel repo and let you know, just a sec
sure, no hurry, I just wasn't sure what that 'yes' was supposed to mean
The following NEW packages will be installed:
autologin xinit
insserv: Script zzzremove-first-boot-flag has overlapping Default-Start and Default-Stop runlevels (S 1 2 3 4 5) and (0 1 2 3 4 5 6). This should be fixed.
got this too ^
Installing new version of config file /etc/X11/Xsession-post ...
Installing new version of config file /etc/X11/Xsession.d/00settings ...
Installing new version of config file /etc/init.d/xorg ...
It will take a bit as the kernel is also being upgraded (6.1.13 -> 6.1.15)
rebooted - it is up
autologin, startx and xinit as "user"
Xorg as "root"
Xsession-post as "user" too
ok, seems we'll have to tell it to run as "user"
rafael2k: does loginctl lists x11 session
it should be cN
1 1000 user pts/0
c2 1000 user seat0
2 sessions listed.
lemme know any test needed
sure, thanks!
: ))
uvos__: do we car that much if startx runs Xorg as root? or, shall we divert /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config and add needs_root_rights=no?
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why would omap4 (samsung tab 2) break on thumb2 kernel? freemangordon any ideas?
is that perhaps why leste kernel isn't thumb2?
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sicelo: what is the contaxt?
freemangordon: what does that do @ xhost?
freemangordon: ah, that was the problem?
mce was unable to open the display so it was not disabling input devices
with upgraded maemo-system-services we should be back to normal
good find
at least here I am seeing something like 40mA on d4
with gprs on
Wizzup: maybe upgrade and confirm idle draw on your device is normal
I will
well, better upgrade :)
I did :)
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freemangordon: working with mighty17[m], i was trying to use a common kernel config for his samsung espresso and my n900. it works, as long as THUMB2_KERNEL is not set. when set, the espresso doesn't boot correctly. unfortunately, he hasn't got uart, so for now we can't tell what breaks things with THUMB2
maybe build a thumb2 kernel for d4
possibly its broken for omap4 in general
and d4 is easy to debug
the leste kernel is not not useing thumb2 beacause of any know issue
its not thumb2 because thats upstream default, and i dident change it
I think we have the same kernel for d4 and n900 now
aren't we enabling thumb kernel? or just userspace?
just userspace
we have never used thumb2 kernel on d4 afaik, and since we absorbed the n900 into the d4 kernel it has not been thumb2 either
freemangordon: we build our own xorg anyhow, so changeing the config file seams no issue. we dont care THAT mutch, but it is a real security thing.
uvos: if we are going to change Xorg, I would say we better fix it properly