Wizzup: ok, got it. maemo-launcher does not get started from init.d script even now, but from XSession script, so I am going to remove init.d script for maemo launcher
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Wizzup: the boot 25 seconds hang is because of 'su - user'
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google suggests it is related to selinux
Mar 6 10:36:43 localhost dbus-daemon[2090]: [system] Activating service name='org.freedesktop.login1' requested by ':1.0' (uid=0 pid=2227 comm="su - user /etc/osso-af-init/real-af-dbus start ") (using servicehelper)
this is it I guess
uvos: Any idea what is this? ^^^
oh, ok, adding elogind as a dependency of dbus-user fixes the boot delay
this fixes poweroff delay as well
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freemangordon: good work
Hi guys. Hope things are going well with chimaera stuff
fyi N900 overclocking + undervolting works fine
battery +20 %
Removing 125 freq helps a lot
the real battery saver is working to enable ret and off modes
but that requires kernel work
then you'll get a week no problem I think
i know but indeed that's not an easy task
you can get RET on leste with gui, but it will just reset eventually
ah ok good to know
I already made some pm fixes to make this possible, but yeah, I don't remember where it resets
i found your pm stuff on github and tried few things
but it seems that something still block sleep mode
yeah, you also need to block some modules from loading iirc
I can check next weekend if you're interested in helping out
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just ping me when you have time to check
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freemangordon: the fixes you made, shall we push them to chimaera-devel?
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Wizzup: what fixes?
freemangordon: 11:46 < freemangordon> oh, ok, adding elogind as a dependency of dbus-user fixes the boot delay
I will fix the package later on
nothing is still on github
sorry i wasent qutie following allong
uvos__: after installing elogind, there is 25 seconds boot (and shutdown) delay
so our solution wrt elogind is "kick the can down the road" for now? ie you are disableing it as far as possible
while haveing he pacakge installed
we disable nothing
but are you creating a lognd session?
and running in that?
trying to
sorry for still being busy :(
but, initially (and for the purpose of chimaera being released), there will be no logind session leste will run in
yeah this should work with no mofidications really
so, elogind is installed and running
not really
as it seems su wants elogind running
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otherwise it wait for 25 seconds :)
also, weem maemo-launcher already runs from xsession script
so it has the user env
maybe i should implement maemo-launcher sending itself the env via dbus, so that eatch proc has the env from where it is launched
(since this probubly causes other issues too)
iI don;t see maemo-launcher causing any issues
for now
but its suprizeing when you application suddenly runs in a random env
different from where it was launched from
so, my plan is to start /etc/X11/Xsession from autologin
and all will start working automagically
well the env affects how things are loaded potentially
through hidon-session i hope
this will be for the future
not sure why
since its just the same ting
if xsession init.d script launches login session, I think we can call it a day for now
but redirected trough 2 shells
er bash scripts
but ok
i gues launching x is different
launching x as root is bad however
so is pulse
we can have regular pulse then too
ok, but as a stop-gap (until we have all this working) I guess we can do it like that
i agree
also, that would mean we do it in smaller steps
so easier to track the issues
total agreement
:deal: :)
hopefull ill find the time to do the rest
also, we shall keep gconf for now
thats a nightmare
but we should maybe decide on where to move
since we can then start implementing stuff like switchble backends
I proposed configfs, but not sure if it can be 100% replacement
me neither
i think gsettings can work
eccept icd2
no, because of the dynamic creation of keys
you can do that
can I?
yes, but its quite rigid
anyway, this is for the future
you have a scheme that references another sheme, but the number instances of this scheme is dynamic
so that works in most casses
I see
icd2 is wierd because the keys it creates changes
that looks over-engineered to me
we can also use something else
the benefit is that the api is the same
so are the schemes
it just enforces things that are optional in gconf
so you can migrate easier
than elsewhere (presumably)
in simple cases
(not dynamic keys)
so, there is nothing similar to windows registry now in linux, right?
i mean gconf is pretty simmular to windows registry
so not sure what you mean by that
yes, but it is no more ;)
nothing replaces gconf?
that's why I said *now*
bencoh: do you know of a replacement?
a "well behaved" (compleat scheme with all keys etc) gconf application needs minimal modfication
freemangordon: I dont, I'm just surprised
bencoh: by what?
they migrated everything to gsettings, but it lacks functionality compared to gconf
ah, I see
i mean thats not really true, its just way way more enforceing of structure
and why is that needed?
like every key needs to be in a scheme so gsettings knows 100% that i can delete all the keys when a application is uninstalled
for instance
ie so that the windows registry is huge effect dosent occure :)
so, it is like "yeah, screw the functionality as long as we don;t have to do anything complicated" :)
i mean gnome people wrote this
so yes
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Good job.
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uvos: I am trying to remember why I got the mz615 - easier to reflash?
god my memory is terrible
iirc it had no modem so there was a microsd card slot?
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Wizzup: some mz61x variants other than mz617 have a sdcard slot, yes, im not sure if mz615 is one of those, but i think yes
this allows you to have mainline linux installed with resonable space without breaking android
without the sdcard slot you have to first install linux to a small partition via fastboot and then install it somewhere else useing that install
mz615 has the extreamly locked bootloader too
so you need to use the spicy method of installing kexecboot
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Wizzup: building osso-af-startup for chimaera
feel free to push the other changes once it is ready
hmm, seems autobuilder has issues
Wizzup: please have a look once you are around
freemangordon: what is the issue
everything seems to have passed
there is nothing in the irc
freemangordon: yes, it doesn't update for 'all' archtres
it's silly
I need to fix it some time
ok, osso-af-startup is there
we need config and hildon-base now
and we should be ready
maybe upgrade and confirm boot delay is gone
ok, later tonight :)
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arno11: nice work!
might be useful to document the O/C work in wiki
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sicelo: thank you :)
its on the road for the wiki
just testing few other things before
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