do the values look sane if you query after a longer period, like every 20 seconds?
I do 16 measurements every 30 seconds
I guess 30 should become 60
ok, presumably longer delays don't produce weird values either
and 16 should become 4
but this is the first try after changing U/I source
yeah great
yeah, Ri ~= (0.100 .. 0.120) Ohm sounds sane
uvos said he measured about .15, but not sure @ what SoC
maybe the coulomb counter has longer term drifting because it does not account for the battery internal resistance? so.. the difference between the adc and coulomb counter for a period should be usable for calculating the ocv?
after first cycle it should be accureat, my idea is to compare my algo with coloumb, to see how accureate it is
yeah the coulomb counter measurements should be accurate, but the driver may not account for external consumption so i suspect it may drift over longer periods of time
right, that's why I want to use voltage-based estimation
and there could be still some bugs lurking there in the coulomb counter code, and the hardware may have bugs too since it's not used for later pmics
I plan to write user-mode helper that will push battery SoC table to kernel every few minutes. run-time calculated based on the adc U/I readings
that should make everybody happy, assuming estimation algo is correct
ok, seems 2 4x2 measurements are enough
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on non-calibrated d4, my applet reports SoC 36%, battery applet: 62% :)
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freemangordon: I assume 36% is more accurate? :P
waiting for the battery to become flat to be able to compare with coloumb
I think the BL-5J batteries I bought are quite crappy (they were not polarcell)
I'm getting the polarcell ones, but they wouldn't ship to me, so I have to pick them up in a week
I wonder what would be the results on an old battery
which battery are you testing with
I see
I think there might be some eb41 in initlab, if you don't have any
I was thinking about getting one from there
btw, if you have some spare time, could you enable sysfs triggers in omap kernel and rebuild?
I think this would be for uvos, he typically does the kernel builds
but if you know what the options are, I can try
if you need it now/soon I can do it, otherwise I'd prefer to wait for uvos
no hurry
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Wizzup: PM seems to become so good I cannot deplete the battery :)
freemangordon: :)
that will change even more with OFF mode
if we have it some day
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stupid chromium seems to pause video playback when minimized
what's wrong with those guys?!?
they want to turn desktop to android or what?
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could it not be the website itself
how would YT know that I am bringing the browser out of focus?
in the tasknav that is
well, javascript is a scriping language, no? :)
but what do I know
i have had a few videos embeded in content do this annoying behaviour
which browser?
firefox chromium
firefox you can use the pop out playback window to make it continue
* freemangordon
tries with wtwebbrowser
ok, the battery went flat, finally :)
tbf i have never had it with youtube, but other video content within articles on other sites.
it is something people detect to autoplay and then autopause if not in view. it's suppose to be helpful but it's annoying. I want to read the article while listening to the video ....
does intel atom have any support in mainline? have a zenfone, i'd play with it
hmm, does not happe in the VM
yes, it happens
when I open a new tab
but, only on m.youtube
Is that user agent detected?
Desktop can't seem to get to m.youtube
yep, I am using iphone6 UA
sixwheeledbeast: it turned out I had some old extension (AutoplayStopper) that was doing this
freemangordon: any info so far on the battery charge state difference between the coulomb counter and the 2x4?
freemangordon: btw, when I click reply all on Joel's mail from the mailing list, modest uses 100% cpu and goes up in ram a lot
not sure what is up there
Wizzup: strace/gdb?
it doesn't crash
tmlind: no, since 10 minutes ago I was trying to deplete the battery
now charging
ah calibration data missing
Wizzup: ok, but maybe it does infinite loop
sixwheeledbeast: no, it was not the extension
freemangordon: right
so, if chromium is in fullscreen, it will pause if I go in tasknav
tmlind: yeah
freemangordon: while charging maybe log your 2x4 data to check how much power gets charged for let's say 10% state increase :)
I can't access m.youtube to even reproduce. My user agent tool can't seem to fool youtube in to serving mobile to me.
sixwheeledbeast: it is called "User-Agent Switcher for chrome"
tmlind: yeah, I will play a bit once I have calibrated battery
I am not even sure my current algo is the best
freemangordon: if you can log uAh charged based on your alog you can compare it directly to the uAh value difference read from /sys/class/power_supply/battery/charge_counter..
and the missing part is hopefully the battery internal resistance :)
no, the only thing I can get is SoC in %
well, I am calculating 'the missing part'
so it is not really missng
battery % change translates direcly to uAh if you know the capacity of the battery, might be best to check the capactiy with some external reliable charger though
but that would mean a calibrated battery :)
right :)
and I am aiming *uncalibrated* batteries
i think uvos has some fancy battery charger that could verify the capacity between between certain voltages
because mAh is not better that % charge
I think Wizzup has too
but I am not trying to come up with some 0 error algo
and error up to 2-3 or even 5 % should be acceptable
yeah sure, i'm just wondering how much the charge_counter is off
once I have verified I have stable algo, I will post it for anyone to play with it
i guess the external charger vs charge_counter capacity test can be done anytime with no changes
and my algo is not needed
then when both the charge_counter and 2x4 algo are accurate, we'll be happy
if 2x4 is accurate we won;t need charge_counter, no?
well, unless we want to show mAh
right, no need for calibration
algo can just populate charge_now
hmm capacity will still be missing?
so it can only come=up with %
i'm getting about two days on the 960 battery fyi
on leste?
no.. this is still my alpine with shells scripts..
leste/chimaera is more than a day, for sure
about 75 - 85 mW idle consumption sampled once a minute, 3g data connected, wlan off
power consumption goes bad to around 400 mW always when 3g data connection is lost, then i have to ifdown wwan1; ifup wwan1
I think on leste it is a bit higher
yeah it's the timers
but didn;t verify after we moved to chimaera
where uptime definitely increased
ok, planning on setting up my m-l d4 with 960 battery too
very bad battery on that one right now
maybe take pictures of the process of converting e960 to eb41
i'll try
Wizzup: same to you ^^^
oh, and what i'm still seeing is lcd not coming back on after about two weeks of uptime and i need to reboot
yeah, I will make photos if I manage
tmlind: on leste?
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freemangordon: no, this with sway, seems to be some dss bug though
this might be the drm bug, but we'd have to verify
probably the same we see in charge mode I guess
hard if not impossible to repro though
I think it happens often in charge mode, no?
yeah, i wonder if it can be reproduced with doing blank/unblank in a loop though
I never hold my device in charge mode
tmlind: possibly
hmm only around 150 blank/unblank cycles if i usually blank/unblank 10 times a day
wonder if that article writer was aware that N900 wasnt the first 'linux in pocket' device :)
where does the article say it was the first?
they also seem to paint the picture that Leste is just for n900s :)
still cool!
did they end up installing any os on a phone in the article? seems they just did some VM on a desktop?
maybe you're overthinking it all :-)
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freemangordon: there's also a bit of a voltage drop across the shunt resistor if you're trying to add up things
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hmm my test system rebooted after blank/unblank loop with 1 second sleep in between
after how long?
did not print out date.. noticed after a few hours, nothing in the logs based on dmesg -w over ssh, don't have pstore right now
was this the leste one, or?
no, just plain v6.3-rc3 kernel running a minimal install of alpine, no pvr patches
makes sense :)
i'll try to reproduce and debug when i can, ttyl
Wizzup: i found that some modules are missing from boot to get nokia modem working normally
cmt_speech and omap_ssi and probably omap_ssi_port if it has not been merged with omap_ssi
it doesn't solve the issue with pm=1 but enabling new modules creates new interactions according to lsmod
and power cons decrease a bit on idle
maybe it's just a bias for idle but new interactions are real
interact with it i think pulseaudio is the root cause of many issues
lol something is missing at the beginning
of the sentence
Wizzup: freemangordon: sicelo: is pulseaudio-module-cmtspeech usable ?
sicelo: natural trait of being me ;)
arno11: no, pulseaudio-module-cmtspeech was compile tested on beowulf, but I have to first build it all for chimaera, and when I tested it on beowulf it used a lot of cpu but id nothing
we need to look at the code and figure out how it works
what interactions are you talking abut?
interactions between cmt_speech omap_ssi nokia-modem hsi ssi_protocol hsi_cart
do you see oopses in dmesg? or?
nothing interesting
in dmesg syslog ofonod.log
so what do you observe?
a bit long to explain with n900 keyboard lol
anyway i tried many things following what has been prevously done with nokia modem and this module seems impossible to load on boot with no troubles elsewhere
otherwise it works great if it is loaded from desktop
ok, well, if you're at a non-n900 keyboard let me know what problems you see
ok no probs
arno11: as in, I get modem on startup, I killed sphone just to make sure, but and I can receive sms when sphone is running
without touching ofono
oh ok i'm doing differently
after booting i run options nokia-modem pm=1 then
killing sphone and restart it
and close it
and sending receiving calls and sms works
like this
if i add modem in etc/modulesblabla i can't get online
otherwise even if sphone is closed sms and calls work
hm, maybe it's racy, I have it on modules-load.d and it works ok for me, with pm=1
of course there were some ofono problems I guess, but sms works
all of this is a bit tricky but it works great finally
just difficult to get OOTB
pavel's batman is kinda cool :) from the ML
arno11: yes, we need to get it to work ok, what I also noticed is that restarting ofono makes it not see the modem, and restarting again makes it re-appear
or not weird: the common point of all of these modules is pulseaudio and i'm fed up to fight with him for 15 years...
tbh I have a few issues with pulseaudio as well, the most painful one is audio crackling and high cpu use when using twinkle with it ... I really wonder how hard it would be to try pipewire
would our custom pulse modules work against pipewire?
same idea
i've another leste install and i think i'll try switching to pipewire
if it features full pa compat it might just work
you could hopefully at least prevent some of the resampling
the question is whether they kept the module API or just the client API
arno11: if I were you I'd be happy if we can get call audio to work at all, with or without pulse ;)
bencoh: both I think
bencoh: I use pipewire and I use pulseaudio bluez modules iirc