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missMyN900: and i never had a problem with wpa_supplicant ever, even on N900. whether using manual methods (wpa_cli) or frontends. anyway, no denying that everyone is moving towards iwd, and one may as well embrace it
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parazyd: can i have a extras repo for qtwebbrowser?
i dislike it because it forces ofono on devices with no modem
uvos: by design it system waits for sim to be ready before it continues
this is how fremantle does it
maybe it can not block if ofono is not running
or something.
Wizzup: im pretty sure you can just after: ofono and have the script return of ofono is not running
it's not about the script, it's about the binaries it invokes
and in general this contains a lot of non-ofono stuff AFAIK
well fixing the binary would be best
so it can't just *not* run
what is it?
the binary
sure if we remove the ofono line now it will work for non-devel, but anyone with ofono and the connui-cellular installed will get a black screen forever
startup-pin-entry iirc
it's supposed to block in X before h-d starts
and what dose startup-pin-entry do except unlock the sim?
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there's a whole part that uses actual matchbox
yeah but what for? why would we block x on a device with no modem?
for what
nobody said 'with no modem'
of course with devices without modem it is different
ok well why would we block x on a device with ofno ot installed?
I didn't say we should block X if there is no modem waiting for pin
hopefully i did that right
the copy paste was a bit tricky
what i realy want to know is why must startup-pin-entry run if ofono is not availble
but since it thinks those things exist i guess it cant have been that badly wrong
run as in more than just exit with: ofono not available
uvos: I don't think it should be installed when there is no modem probably
that's an easy solution, but it doesn't help if we then remove 'ofono' from the depends of this script
why you can have it after: ofono
then iiuc if ofono isten installed
the script will still work fine
while if it is ofono will run before this script
crab: so I don't understand this, I see parazyd committed those packages at some point but I reverted them, but it is not clar to me what made it into the repo
uvos: ok, I would try it on my d4 except that ofono there isn't helpful :P
btw startup-pin-entry needs to be replaced anyhow
since sim cards can be hot plugged etc
it can run upon sim plug as well then
in any case ofono often doesn't detect this currently
we can change it from blocking the session
I wouldn't worry about this edge case atm
to just poping up whenever ofono reports a new sim
uvos: yeah it only blocks the session by 'virtue' of it not exiting and not being backgrounded
so I should test this with 'after' and see if I still get the pin entry?
not sure how you would test that, i dont get pin entry regardless
wish the droid4 and n900 sim size were the same hehe
due to ofono isues
oh on n900 yeah
oh, I forgot I removed nokia-modem from 5.15 because of panics
SNAFU all day long :P
Wizzup: so essentially on my machine, apt wants those two packages in the repo for the gui (or something it depends on - the wifi thing) ?
crab: let me check something with parazyd
Wizzup: maybe making startup-pin-entry non blocking and wait for ofono to show on dbus to pop up with a window is least work
then the init script dosent have to care about ofono at all
uvos: well that's not how it should work I think
why not
you want the phone to be unusable with a locked sim?
as in to someone without the pin
i allways thought that was a absurd security mesure.
since the attecker can just swap the sim, or remove it
Wizzup: i appreciate this, but remember: im just a casual hobbyist end user who is (hopefully) helping you lot out. my n900 is doing what it needs to do and as ive said before i am more than happy to do a reinstall at some point if ive been unlucky :)
uvos: I don't know why they do it per se, but I think it's a logical order
crab: right, do you still have ui problems?
oh sure
i dont think so, but ok
can you change one line and see if it gets better
i have no ui at all except during kernel boot :)
sure ill try...
(well until i ssh in ofc)
what do you need me to change?
crab: edit /etc/init.d/xsession and remove 'ofono' from it
and then restart/reboot
roger again...
the wlan thing we'll fix next, it looks like the CI just failed
* crab
waves at n900
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Wizzup: looks like the right flag is use: not after:
uvos: the other option is to have custom dh_something in debian/$notsurethepath that installs .desktop file
but I have never used that so not sure how it works
freemangordon: hm, I do occasionally get some segfaults still with cma=32MB: [ 2402.701477] cma: cma_alloc: reserved: alloc failed, req-size: 375 pages, ret: -16
Wizzup: -depth 16 is your friend ;)
on n900 depth 16 might acutally be worthi it
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it cant run the applications i have in mind that dont do 16 bit anymore
until I implement that patch that scanouts should not require CMA
and even after then, it doesn;t make sense to have 24bpp on mobiles with 3-4 inches display
uvos: what are those apps?
crab: I'm here too but not the same as you =)).
i bothered to check if sicelo was in the other other place but i never thought you'd be in here too!
freemangordon: do you use it with 16 bit depth atm?
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crab: i just remembered that enyc was the other person who reported ipv6 issues, hence my question
yeah enyc and i love the ipv6
we cant get enough of it
freemangordon: if so, please let me know what config you use and I'll try it
otherwise, I think I will increase cma size for now to make this usable
sicelo: it was just a bit freaky after the bauhaus thing! :)
i guess its a small world...
Wizzup: I dont; use it at all :)
sicelo crab ; been ages since I tried N900 alas... uerm iirc the problem was that for some oid reasons ipv6 packaets weere getting dropped and were not getting the functionality that worked under cssu+power kernel i.e. at least ipv6 autoconfig without userland support, used to work .......
Wizzup: but I think I have tested -depth 16 and it is just fine
keep in mind this halves the required memory for graphic ops by a factor of 2
because 24bpp is actually 32 bpp
we have ARGB/XRGB
also, increasing CMA > 32 and having compcache will just leave no memory for anything else
crab: looks like it's quite small: $ ls -lsh usr/lib/icd2/
oh, while we are at it - please, *disable* compcache
I've spent a lot of time on that, the final verdict is - unusable
Wizzup: fwiw, (and i absolutely don't want to contradict what Pali wrote, because i know hes a "legend in the scene" so to speak),
but im not entirely sure that what he said about just having the sysctl is enough is completely true
ill see if i can confirm that my settings are sane at some point though
freemangordon: well the fact that i just tried to switch x to 16bit but amdgpu refuses to create 16bit scanout buffers should be an indication how well this is still tested
freemangordon: from runing 16bit on ddk1.9: anything qml and firefox is realy slow because they do 32 bit rendering regardless and convert to 16 bit for output
16bit is broken on ddk1.9
they probably rely on RGBA for everything GL anyway
which is slow on ARM, because it uses BGRA ;)
well, at least SGX do
BGRA istent that unusal
crab: I took a quick look and libicd-network-ipv6 is only 20kb so RE'ing it probably takes 1-2 days, I don't have that time now but in early 2022 I could take a look
oh, I didn't mean RGBA vs BGRA, but vs other 16b formats
like 565
uvos: I don;t want to go into lengthy discussions, but I will insist on having 16bpp until someone provides some evidence that 32bpp is better (on mobile)
freemangordon: maybe just try it for yourself and see
and "app X does not work" is not really an evidence
Wizzup: sure, but not now
ignoreing the problem with compatability: i mean better is really subjective anyways
if it works better then we can revisit
Wizzup: put it on the list
people look at photos and stuff on mobile alot
but far down the list would be my suggestion
uvos: and how many bits do you think your display has?
and if anyone bothers you ill happily tell 'em what i have in my script! ;)
bits per pixel that is
crab: well there are fremantle scripts already
n900's display is pretty decent actually, but yeah, I doubt it has a super high definition
n900 is a winner, IIRC it uses 14 or 16 bpp
but it is a real GRB
freemangordon: well more that 16 is not usual even on cheep pannels, besides they do temporal dithering
obv ainchent suff like n900 is not the benchmark here
actually it is
because it has a real RGB
* Wizzup
checks out for a bit :P
crab: please apt update and apt upgrade
crab: wlan should be fixed
unlike 'modern' displays which do not
freemangordon: ? "real RGB"
you mean not pentile?
who still uses pentile?
except really really high density stuff
and what is used now?
provide example, please
Sony ACX565AKM (n900)
Last time I checked iphone, they were using pentile
besides pentile is totaly orthagonal to color depth
Display Colors16.7M (8-bit), CIE193170%
pentile reduces spacial resolution not color resolution
uvos: as I told you ,I don;t have time now (not will later :) ) to go into lengthy discussion on that
i wonder what was up with the time - zone was correct but it was an hour out. maybe a result of accidentally booting into regular maemo with a weird tz when i pulled the battery before,
and then when it got into maemo-leste it was like "meh im not stepping this a whole hour in one big chunk" or something
so qt webbrowser shows a vkb now - but only if the deivce is not opened :)
crab: yeah looks fine, maybe try to reboot to make sure it worked
or sudo /etc/init.d/icd2 restart
uvos: cool, how does that work with qt?
the IM is still missing
Wizzup: it uses qt's internal vkb - i allready supported that
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Wizzup: i just added support for checking with mce
to get the slide state
hm, him does that normally I think (The slide checking)
Wizzup: yeah ofc
as in the application doesn't need to know
yeah but its not him
it implements/uses qts own vkb
eventually I don't think we want many different vkbs, but having a decent browser is exciting
yeah sure
but rn we dont have any browser that works on ts only devices
restarting looks good
ill try a reboot too but since you are brb i will attend to irl job hopefully before you get back!
qrc:/QtQuick/VirtualKeyboard/content/components/Keyboard.qml:36:1: module "Qt.labs.folderlistmodel" is not installed
it depends on that allredy
you're keeping notes btw, right? :p
yeah im adding it to control as you type
now it runs
it's pretty hard to type on the virtual keyboard hehe
hm my touch screen stopped responding
works fine in evtest
lock unlock display dosent helP/
hildon is responsive otherwise?
it did help
but it's stil lweird
i wonder if we have the latest ts-buttons
i told tmlind to pull
there was a bug that could cause it
ill check later
i kicked qtwebbrowser again
i hope its fine now
but really who knows
I think we should figure out the dependency things for the droid4
5.15 seems pretty ready for -devel
what did we say, omap-linux or maemo-linux? I think omap yeah?
i prefer maemo-linux and f**ckl it to devices that cant keep up, but the resonable objection was that we cant expect every device to work with latest linux
so omap-linux
an alternatie would be to make it just linux with different sections
at least when we reorganize the sections to be saner
so I guess I will add a bootmenu.scr to leste-config for the n900
it will be hard to know what the exact fremantle settings are...
perhaps the usual attachboot and emmcboot are enough to cover that
ideally it would just read bootmenu.scr from all partitions I guess
I think what will be the browser is what we invest in
for example if we get someone to work on the qml parts of qtwebbrowser to make it more hildon usable, it has a good chance
not sure what you mean
but the same is true for surf-gtk
im also not sure QtWebBrowser is ideal
also n900 needs a custom solution i think
also sholes if you ever invest the time to port leste to that
pre mapphone motorola devices
like the xt610?
"for example if we get someone to work on the qml parts of qtwebbrowser to make it more hildon usable, it has a good chance" except vkb im not sure what that would mean
the qtwebbrowser isn't in any way hildonised
but it seems to be quite fast
it needs some ui that makes it look like hildon
and a menu where it's title is
oh you want you theme it
a fullscreen mode that works well
I think it's more than just theming
(for it's title)
not sure what you would want the title menu to contain really
but ok
bookmarks view
useful stuff
saved credentials
being able to change rotation, full screen, auto focus addr field, memory cache size, how zoom works, password saving, popups, cookies, javascript,
that kind of stuff
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sicelo: n900-pm is now in -experimental
i mean the only thing i think it lacks is ad block and plugin support - witch it has if you build it against qt 5.15 or newer
but sure
I think some form of customisation is important
but I also don't know how well it works since the UI is mostly custom
or foreign to me
"how zoom works" zoom works idealy for me
I figured out that I had to swipe to see a url bar
other than on n900 where you cant zoom
the zoom was weird for me since eventually it just zoomed when I used one finger
but it ooms there at startup anyhow
but maybe that was the ts buttons bug
fremantle browser does the right thing imho hiding the top bar and having the url at the bottom
at least having the bar visible
anyway we all have different opinions on this, but I think there's some work to be done to make it a bit more usable
and if we have to do that, we might want ot keep that in mind when selecting a default
the point i was making before we should select a default before we start working on something
at least majorly
and a descision on if the n900 just not working is acceptable
yes, but then we also need to weigh stuff like gtk2/gtk3/qt5
and how much it's maintained by others
yes absolutly
Wizzup: n900-pm, cool :)
tmlind: it works, but there are a few blockers that I don't know how to tackle
which bits are those?
spi is used by wlan probably
spi only blocks sometimes, so wlan idles
hmm i2c would block idle for sure
yeah I think that's twl?
(at least that's what the &i2c1 entry in the dts hints at)
but that should be active only now and then
twl i2c same thing
unfortunately that seems to be most of the phone
i2s is trademarked by philips or something
usb phy maybe?
uvos: I mean the twl subsystem
right ok
tmlind: phy_twl4030_usb ?
yeah try rmmod that
I can remove it, but I think musb_hrc depends on it?
rmmod omap2430, then the phy
hm it reset, me do this properly
(just a minute)
I had to remove the usb gadget before phy_twl4030_usb would rmmod, but removing the gadget caused a reset
3/3 boot failures, we'll get there :p
there we go 5th attempt
hm, it still thinks it is in use
udc_core needs musb_hdrc, so do I remove that too then?