Wizzup: we'll have to look at rtcom/telepathy stuff soon
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this all looks very cool and promising :)
allso needs discussion about other things
like notification esp the light, how mces state is to be managed wrt rinnger, display behvior etc.
like i know your going to say telepathy handles everything, but thats a _terrible_ solution
take for instance the light
some app enables the notification pattern
some other app also wants to notify and and toggels it on
mce just ignores that
now who is repsonable for turning off the light?
I'll look in ida and see what fremantle does
so on sane operating systems the gobal notification que takes care of this
every notification being taged with "wants a pattern"
and the light stays on as long as at least one notification is in the que
Wizzup: ok
it'll probably be similar to what modest does too
since that cooperates already in fremantle afaik
Wizzup: but looking at how maemo lacks stuch a que, and also looking at how suspiciously modest is the only thing not telephathy and gets its own special pattern, it seams the solution they have
is just telepathy handels everything
and other applications are impossible
oh, chat/im pattern being different from email? maybe yeah
is what i suspect
its just broken i think
in any case I think we can just postpone this for a bit since we need to get the backend working before we worry about this detail
(the way notifications work in general)
uvos: I have notifications and custom led status working for pidgin on fremantle
bencoh: ok well wheres the code to hildonized pidign then?
your not just adding another pattern are you?
like modest dose
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think ill make an irssi theme next
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not to be a drag here but is theaming really important?
not really :P
as long as he has fun doing it I think it's great
just found a cheap n900 on the internet, going to buy it tomorrow and get maemo leste on it :D
asriel: great :)
those things are somehow expensive now
yeah a d4 is cheaper and mutch better ususally
or a pp even
unless you get a very good deal
pp is nice, i've seen that keyboard :P
still yet to hold it
the d4 is nice, but it's verizon exclusive so can't even find a listing here :\
you can often buy it on us ebay and have it shiped
at least in germany this comes out cheeper than a local n900
right yeah all the ones I get I either carried with me or shipped
uvos but yes in general there is a lot to figure out tp wise as well
notifications is just scratching the surface I think
but my immidate concern is shareing state with sphone ofc
there's sending messages, making sure the ui knows when to show new messages, account management, etc
this mostly touches nottifications
right, but conversations sending I don't think will go through the sphone sms layer, but rather the standard tp layer since then it's the same code for all protocols
asriel: i can give you my n900 but i'm using it as a email client :P
otherwise there needs to be special sphone case and then other protocols
also the keyboard membrane is a bit messed up too :)
I'm going to make sure I don't miss my bus, bbl
also i have the pinephone keyboard
does any of the ml devs have the pinephone pro/keyboard offer?
i think parazyd was thinking about buying
i want a pinephone pro :(
sadly we'll have to wait for a few months for the explorer edition :(
who doesn't? i personally like it because it's my pinebook pro inside a phone, and i use it as my on the go laptop so i know how powerful the thing is
a weird thing pine64 does but at least it's done
asriel, if you're gonna buy it.. watch out for the keyboard and the magnet :P
i recommend bringing a fridge magnet with you, as well as a fat32 formatted sd card, that should help to determine if there is a magnet on the back case
the keyboard one is unfortunately hard to watch out, but maybe try to touch buttons or something and see if it wobbles a lot
Danct12: i'll let you know when i buy it, thanks for the tips!
uvos: the pidgin notify plugin send an IM notification
or at least I had it set that way
(I don't remember if it was by default)
uvos: pidgin itself comes from the maemo (extras iirc) repository
uvos: as for the pidgin-notify, I patched it, lemme check
Danct12: we didn't ask I think
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uvos: looks like I used notify_send_dbus_mce_message(MCE_ACTIVATE_VIBRATOR_PATTERN,"PatternChatAndEmail");
and notify_send_dbus_mce_message(MCE_ACTIVATE_LED_PATTERN,"PatternCommunicationIM");
I wonder where I got that from though
bencoh: right
bencoh: but doing so is broken
probably, but why?
I mean, I guess there is a reason why I didn't commit that yet :D
so they override is the problem
s/yet/back then/
becasue this activates a pattern in mce, until you call DeactivatePattern on the same pattern
in general 5 diff apps cannot all have their own pattern state if they share a pattern
but there is nothing telling oyu you own this pattern
is uvos' point
so if some other app activated the pattern too
and then deactivates it
the pattern wont show while the message is still unread
that said I do not have a good sense od how this works exactly in fremantle
I see
i gues mce could do what is esseantly refererance counting
I'm not certain the pattern is supposed to still show once there was any user activity actually
and only deactivate the pattern when its been deactivated as often as it has been activated
but thats not how it works atm or histroricly
I mean, I think the devs had in mind that user would take his phone, check notifications, and ... basically that's it
bencoh: a app disables the pattern for any number of reason
you could have looked at the message on a different device for instane
so basically once you open the window mosaic (forgot how that thing is called ... launcher?), it goes off
(I think)
the notfications are hidden as soon as you enable the display anyhow
but thats not the point
uvos: in theory yeah
ah, so that happens once you enable display? :)
mce just stops showing it then
its still activated
the only real way to solve it in all cases is to have a gobal notification que
I just mean that it being activated or not doesn't really bear any sense hildon-wise
but now I see what you meant by "it's broken"
it basically forbids any external (remote) action
(like a message being read from another device)
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i also think its broken that the device cant continue to notfy untill all notifications are cleared
the notifications stay there
but the light goes off
right i mean the light
not the windows
I think that part is fine, kinda
the point is to get the user to "check his phone"
it depends on what you expect yeah
up to him to read everything (or not)
even then its incosistant
you do not want blinkie blinkie after turning/unlocking once
I wouldn't want it at least
even if you do expect that (i dont) becasue there are several notification classes its broken
because you have to check on im message
but also one email
I mean, maybe I left that notification there on purpose, because I wanna get back to it
for the light to turn off
because some stuff is a different pattern (farily randomly really)
but I still want to notice that I received *another* notification
here I have a different light pattern for IM/phone/sms
(purple / blue / cyan)
(more pink than purple)
in that regard it's pretty effective
there is also email
email == chat I think
and "PatternCommonNotification"
but I might be wrong
that looks teh same as PatternCommunicationIM
(maybe that's only for vibrations)
ot the behavior is very inconsistant
depending on what the app decides to use
no PatternCommunicationIM and PatternCommunicationEmail are seperate
anyway, hildon offers a way to configure every of those patterns, and applications are supposed to choose a class that matches them the most
it might be the same for leds, yeah
so worst case you have to clear one of eatch PatternCommunicationIM PatternCommunicationSMS PatternCommunicationEmail PatternCommonNotification
before the light turns off
err different* I meant
if you have one sms one email and one im message and one something
uvos: I'm pretty certain we wouldn't want that as a user
you have to clear all of those
honestly I want my phone to just go back to no-led-state until the next event happens
if you have one telegram message one irc message one whatsapp message and one skype message
you have to clear one one
this is terrible imo
* bencoh
*only one
uvos: leds are just a mean of saying to the user "something happened, check it up"
bencoh: sure if you want to use it like that thats fine
with the exception that we have some order of precedence
what im saying it works like this in the current system _sometimes_ depending on the type of message you got
ie phone > sms > im
even ignoreing sms and phone there are still 3 seperate patterns to contend with
so receiving an event with a higher priority will override the pattern
no it wont
it does
I mean, I use it as a daily phone
it will _hide_ the lower priorty pattern
not remove it
so you have to clear every pattern
it disappears once I open my phone
so the user doesn't really care
again, the desactive thing isn't really visible to the user because there is no other application to it
(admittedly this is bad for multi-device apps)
either your missundersanding me
or leste is missing a piece
ok lets say you get an sms and an email and an im message.
then the pattern sms will show
you turn on the device
all patterns are hidden
* bencoh
then you click the sms notification
sms pattern is deactivated
you lock the device
now the im will show
I dont think it does
I don't think it does on fremantle
I'm pretty sure it doesn't
but it might be the case on leste
then something is missing
or something sphone does or does not do :p
conversations on leste is a _big_ program
sphone isent involved :P
it dosent even do the light yet
I might be wrong, but I don't think so, because I often leave notifications open
ah ok then, where do you see this problem then?
bencoh: yeah no, I know this is how it works
like, not long ago I didn't open the Phone notification, it still showed in that lockscreen under the slider
but I got no light
yeah with modest + updates
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ok, so it might be a modest porting problem causing it not to behave like fremantle
that said I don't use modest on fremantle (anymore)
or something is supposed to clear all notifications
when something happens
would make more sense
because otherwise modest would have to clear all patterns
that sounds very broken
either that, or one of the closed apps on fremantle deactivate led patterns altogether
(closed and/or not ported)
yeah no way modest calling deactivate on all possible patterns is the plan here :P
nah :)
there is rtcom notifications ui that we lack entirely
it should be one of the UI daemons anyway, if at all (like mce)
(not necessarily UI, but you got my point)
(I really wonder what does it on fremantle though, assuming we understand it properly)
dbus-montior -s
we can find out using dbus -- yeah uvos beat me ot it
unless mce does it internally in some tklock stuff
i changed mces internal api
so i was forced to look at everything that touches it
we could have mce do this ofc
but i dont think is a great solution
(clearing the notification on a different device or the remote party deleating the message that caused the notfication is sill broken_
if we do
I agree that some other place for notifications is useful, but I also think (like I said before) I'd rather tackle it when we're ready for it
idk i kinda think implementing something new is easier than implementing the same misake and then implementing something new anyways
but sure...
I agree yes, but I'm not at that point yet I mean
we might run into more info a month from now
i might end up just doing it anyways for telegram-desktop and sphones benefit
also with many different chat programs I'd probably want to silence some altogether
(ie implement a notification deamon/window that implements the xdg apis)
who knows, I might get you on the telepathy (or libpurple) train eventually :P
if anything we could even move to growl (or any other notification system)
im not opossed to to telepathy at all
but I doubt we'll go that way
just to depending to hard on _anything_
you could say i have fear of abandoment :P
I'd love to see everything integrated with telepathy, but I still have doubts regarding how it would handle medias (ie, anything beyond text and audio/video calls)
bencoh: this? Growl is a deprecated[1] global notification system and pop-up notification implementation for the Mac OS X and Windows[2] operating systems.
uvos: oh, I thought it had been ported to linux, my bad
yeah, usually nokia was among the ones writing it
or trying to push it forward
(unfortunately they stopped in the middle, but that's another story)
either way supporting now non standard maemo stuff and standart xdg suff at the same time is hard/impossible when they both expect the same dbus call to do different things
yes, we can work on fixing that of course
wrt notify
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bencoh: that twmn really looks nice! wonder how/if it would work on wayland
dsc_: looks really great - i only miss the timestamp, i.e. i'd rather have time instead of date, if i couldn't have both
sicelo: thanks, I accidentally typed `datestr` instead of `hourstr`, as such there is a date there that should be `hh:mm` instead :P
ill change it
I also need to make it so that it *does* show the date on day changes (just how whatsapp does it)
(nobody is telling me what to make in terms of UI, if anyone has an idea/example I'd be happy to re-create it)
i think the ui is fine
i think you've done a great job with being 'true' to hildon styling that we're used to.
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both what you showed origionally and the whatsapp clone
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how are you handling having multiple chats open at the same time
with sphone i ran into the issue that libhildon uses a global for the stacked windows stack
so an application can have only one stack
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uvos: right, but I dont think you, or me, have to do anything to facilitate hildon in supporting multiple stacked windows, other than spawning mulitple QMainWindow's of course
it just doesnt work right now because Wizzup messed up somewhere (c)(tm)
i.e: if your application spawns X windows, and sets the 'stacked window property', it should work, I think...
X amount of windows*
dsc_: well i my case i use libhildon1
not qt
so they also messed up
yeah in theroy there is no reason for this in h-d itself
but to answer your question: I'm not spawning multiple windows currently
but I do plan to after Wizzup says it is fixed :P
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