I have been playing with ML for some months now and was amazing to be able to see and interact with Hildon again after all these years :)
I have some questions, observations and suggestions
I have been trying a lot of web browsers to try to find something that is somewhat usable for at least a little bit of daily web browsing but I have not found anything that works on ML
on pmOS the best I have found is Falkon (which I also use on my Debian desktop), which has good touch screen support and is quite fast
unfortunately Falkon cannot be installed currently on ML/Devuan because it depends on kf5-walletmanager, which cannot be installed for some reason (systemd dependence?)
I saw on GitHub that there were some plans to hildonize surf IIRC
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I would suggest modifying netsurf-gtk instead. 3.10 has a new GTK GUI (both 3 and 2 are supported, by the way) and has been packaged for chimaera, which is quite suitable for small screens
the only thing it needs is support for touch screen scrolling and pinch to zoom. I think it would be a better candidate for the less powerful Maemo Leste devices (especially N900) as well due to its extremely low RAM consumption
furthermore, if desired it can be hildonized more easily because it can still be compiled against GTK2
How modern is netsurf?
it is under active development
@Wizzup in what way?
Does it support js?
JS is experimental and disabled by default
still, I thnk it would make for a good default browser. People can always use Falkon (or perhaps Firefox with patches) for websites that do not work in netsurf
the web experience is going to be limited on the N900, Droid 4 etc anyway
when I was using Opera Mini (or was it Mobile?) back in 2013 there were already some issues
same for MicroB, of course
I cannot imagine running a modern WebKit or Blink based browser with 256 MB of RAM
running Chromium on OpenBSD on my 2 GB laptop was already not great
with a few tabs open it would start to swap
@Wizzup you can try netsurf-gtk on your desktop/laptop if you run Debian 11 or Devuan 4.0 at least
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netsurf is great for things like wiki pages, documentation and mobile news websites (e.g. mobile.reuters.com)
sorry my WiFi is working poorly. Maybe switching to connman was not such a good idea after all...
* Wizzup
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there is some glitch on the Pinephone where the time (minutes) keeps flickering back and forth under CPU load (when I web page is loading)
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resolved my WiFi issues by getting rid of wpa_supplicant and using iwd with connman instead. Now I can even connect to the 5 GHz networks again, which was broken even when I was still using NetworkManager (on Debian 11)
I wonder whether it is possible to use iwd with Maemo Leste as well
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iwd is a systemd unit
@sunshavi so it cannot be used with any other init system?
I guess I will have to stick with Debian then on my desktop (I was thinking of installing Devuan eventually) because there is no way I am going back to NetworkManager and wpa_supplicant
before iwd I was using wifi-menu. It worked fine. But not autoconnect with different dongles
never heard of it
I loved how WiFi works on OpenBSD
so much simpler
mmm. on freebsd they do not support a lot of wifi-cards. is it different on openbsd?
my USB WiFi is supported (Ralink RT5592)
I also bought one of the Alfa Wireless adapters with the AR9271
mine is not supported atheros ar971 or something like that
OpenBSD is much better than FreeBSD IMHO
FreeBSD quality control is bad; Ars Technica did an article on it and I have heard the same from other people
OpenBSD is also better for desktop use as FreeBSD devs mainly use macOS
biggest problem with OpenBSD is interoperability
there is no ext4 or UTF16 support, for example
there is no way to run a Linux virtual machine and the Linux compatibility was removed some while back
that is why I had to ditch it
r u on irc from ur PP?
I ran NetBSD on a Raspberry Pi B+ for a while that I used for some stuff but I have no need for it anymore and got sick of the limitations of the Raspberry Pi
I'm on my desktop
is there a good IRC client?
I am using Quassel on my desktop, which is what I used years ago; I haven't been active on IRC for years
opi+2e here. I am on erc now
CLI client?
erc is part of emacs
Is that an OrangePi?
it is cli if u prefer it
I only have a B+ and an old Wandboard. I would love to get a newer SBC but can't justify it right now
especially after I got the Pinephone (I was intending to use it for tethering as my cable internet is unreliable sometimes)
PP is my future. But not this year. Still with n900
I got rid of my N900 because I thought it was slowing down the WiFi network due to it not supporting N :(
I sold it for very little money
I bought it for $100 in like new condition late 2012
now I have an iPhone :(
But You are almost back with ur PP+mleste
well, it is not quite ready yet in my experience
LTE data is not working, for instance
not on any OS
pmOS + Plasma experience is not great either
I barely use the PP
just hoping for LTE to start working and for Maemo Leste to mature
be patient. It is still evolving
@sunshavi for sure. I have installed some applications today to try to make the Pinephone a bit more useful right now
@sunshavi I am leaving the ML card inserted for now as I will not be using pmOS anyway as long as LTE data does not work
I think smplayer, xournal and pluma are useful
I hope that battery status support is implemented soon for the Pinephone. There are also graphical glitches that need fixing.
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sunshavi: iwd doesn't necessarily need systemd. at least the pmOS people use it (and they definitely have no systemd)
missMyN900: LTE data not working on PP in any OS? That's interesting. I thought it works on at least pmOS and Mobian. Anyway, not a PP owner, so I might have misread
uvos: seems all other drivers have &dri2ConfigQueryExtension.base in their screen extenstions, no matter that they *do not* announce __DRI2_CONFIG_QUERY in version info
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@sicelo: yes, I tried the Manjaro Plasma image my PP came with, the latest pmOS Plasma stable, the latest pmOS Phosh edge and now pmOS Plasma edge and still have not gotten LTE data to work once
text messages and calls worked at least on pmOS Plasma stable
nothing cellular related worked at all on Mobian Phosh
this is with T-Mobile US
Wizzup: where is the mesa source code?
@Wizzup TMO works well in netsurf as well :) just checking out your post in the ML alpha thread
oh, my remote is wrong
@sicelo oh nice, I did not know pmOS was using iwd as well
I quite like Alpine/pmOS
will be installing Alpine on my old Wandboard over the holidays; I used to run it on my Raspberry Pi some years ago
I don't like Plasma Mobile though and don't get me started on Phosh...
just reading about the Qt5 port: that is awesome. I had no idea that Maemo widgets had been ported. I was wondering what was being done about GTK2 having been deprecated a long time ago (does not feel like it though ;) )
this reminds me, there is some Qt demo web browser for mobile devices that is available on pmOS (scaling is broken though so it is currently unusable); it even has its own virtual keyboard
packaging and fixing that could be quite a win for Maemo Leste IMHO
uvos: going to fix that, lets see if it will affect swaps as well
if that were to be packaged and tested and touch screen support was added to netsurf-gtk, there would be two excellent browsers for Maemo Leste
one traditional mobile browser with full support for the modern web and an ultralightweight alternative for low RAM devices
Wizzup: hmm, what is this 0002-pvr-build-with-new-mesa.patch about? I see code changes there.
missMyN900: maybe ask about LTE on either the mobian or pmos rooms
@sicelo: I will try that some time, thanks
including other cellular things ... for sure i know there are people who daily drive the pp
yes, I am aware. Unfortunately there are also multiple reports on the forums of cellular related issues :(
Wizzup: oh, Isee
I downloaded a PDF today with Firefox on the Pp and moved it to MyDocs with Spacefm and then viewed it with the PDF reader
the PDF reader is working very nicely on Maemo Leste
Wizzup: though, I think we shall incorporate those changes in the code, not as patches
based on my brief testing I would recommend Pluma, Xournal and Spacefm for use on Maemo Leste
we did have xournal on fremantle. i still use it there :-)
it seems to work well on the Pp with Leste
I tried to find some non-Gnome Gtk apps with big buttons
Smplayer works okay as well though
the stylus of the N900 would have been great to have with the Pp...
the hardware keyboard will be a massive improvement though
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netsurf really shines on "traditionalist" sites like TMO
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Alright, I've got to go
i think netsurf has been tried on ML, yes
the thing is if you add it to git history you will need to re-tag
but that should not be a problem I think :)
I don't think you need to keep my work, you can also drop the commits if you want
do whatever really
Wizzup: I know how to apply the patches by hand, the point is that we have commit messages for them in the history I would like to drom
but ok, I'll force-push with patches dropped
hmm, mesa failed to build for me :(
Out of memory: Killed process 14933 (cc1plus) total-vm:600988kB, anon-rss:421664kB, file-rss:304kB, shmem-rss:0kB, UID:0 pgtables:590kB oom_score_adj:0
added 1GB swap, lets see
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i see we are still compileing mesa on omap4 :)
uvos: he is, I am not, I use bencoh's lxc setup and the CI
but yeah the CI does it on raspi4's :p
(for now)
do we plan on using lxc on ci?
no, I ordered an ~1000 usd powerful arm server
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mmm, yes, our N900 needs some loving. its dts is getting outdated, it seems
sicelo: so you've seen this before I reckon?
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this might be one for pavel maybe
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i don't think i've seen it. but i've seen similar stuff. most of the time it's because our dts needs updating in line with latest binding specifications, etc.
so I am thinking that there are some random boot failures which are the real reason the device would reset, and I'm seeing the same with the droid on 5.15, so that's probably some of the problems we're seeing (might be able to use console on the d4 to find that)
sicelo: if you have time, please add/comment ^
random boot failures on d4 are "normal"
if you mean right after kexec
thats the 3.0.8 kernels fault
it happens more frequently now I'm sure
I'll attach serial some time, but there's so much to do :)
dose it vibrate when it happens?
ie is it kexecboot menu->select entry->vibrate->motorola logo
or kexecboot menu->select entry->motorola logo
I don't remember, but I am pretty sure after kexecboot menu
sure both of those are after the menu
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i'm surprised nokia modem isn't enabled by default. i am quite sure omap2plus has it enabled ootb
Wizzup: I don;t think we shall user powervr.ini on any of the devices
it was used because of glamor
freemangordon: ok, it is not purged by default
sicelo: no @ enabled ootb
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Wizzup: it should not be
freemangordon: right
ah i see. i was enabling it in my own config
uvos: parazyd: I want to tweak the omap2plus_defconfig for our purposes a bit like spinal did, making some more essential things built in
any suggestion on how to best approach it?
in particular keeping in mind upstream omap2plus_defconfig will change with time
it hardly changes (upstream)
i think its perfectly sane to have a leste_omap_defconfig or whatever
and have just the modules we need for the devices the omap kernel is built for + whatever you want built in
i would not go around patching omap2plus forever
this is quite usual behavior for a distrobution in general
(having an own defconfig)
yeah n9xx-linux has n900_defconfig
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Pali: do you create your bootmenu entries from fremantle still, or do you manage them externally? I'm wondering what the best way for leste to manage this would be
I think we probably want some bootmenu.scr file on the sd card
I was looking at u-boot/include/configs/nokia_rx51.h but it wasn't quite clear to me
reading u-boot doc...
IIRC upstream u-boot read bootmenu.scr also from sd card
any clue what has preference?
or are they combined somehow?
I saw the preboot section
now I checked it
yes, it first loads it from sd card and then fallbacks to emmc
ok, so if we have it on sd card we better make sure we have fremantle entry to allow booting fremantle with sd card in
parazyd: fyi ^
well, whatever I did, it no longer boots 5.15 kernels anymore, meh
interesting, now 5.1 also gives panic trying to find root device
:-) n900 is always 'fun' when playing with new kernels, haha
*not* :)
* uvos
grumbels over uart ... no one hears him
uvos: ?
its a joke, thats whats happening to n900 its complaining over uart, but no one listens
ah yeah
well we just need to find a way to easily make a few of these serial adapters
we are listening actually. just only Wizzup has serial for now.
i'm still going to go ahead and permanently solder some thin wires onto my old broken on
uvos: I don't have any cnc equipment available
I guess we could ask some commercial place to make some
Wizzup: im fine with using my equitment, but it dont want to invest the time to design something.
Wizzup: ie give me sane and compleat cad files (ie sres isent either) and i can make you some parts.
we have milling, turning, fdm printing and laser cutting available
with 3,2,3,2 axies
with drm built in at least I quickly see a penguin, but seems console is not on that tty - weird
maybe something with run sdboot
uvos: hm, ok...
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theres no better time to learn freecad than now :P
Wizzup: is power duplicated on the pogo landing pads?
Wizzup: if so it should be realy easy, just mill out a battery shaped object with some holes in the right places to glue pogo pins
the serial module I have I tihnk uses the battery pads
probubly not then
well designing something to fit the battery connector will be a bit more dificult
unless the n900 can be powerd via only usb via some trick like moto a85x
any how im happy to help with any other infomation you might need, eg desin rules etc.
or hints on tools etc
yeah, I'm not going to volunteer to do it since it will take me weeks probably
Wizzup: ok yeah makes sense
Wizzup: I think I am ready with mesa fixes
doing one last test and will force-push
what are we fixing?
may I leave tagin/versioning to you?
great :)
I have glx enabled in omap.conf and no segfault anymore
enabled like "not disabled" :)
freemangordon: do you mean to me?
it falls back to llvm/swrast or dose it fail to create a surface?
uvos: no idea, how to check?
freemangordon: ok, I'll make a note and try to remember but I am fighting a losing fight with my n900 and kernrel
Wizzup: ok
uvos: sec
uvos: do you know which pacjage is that?
hmm, maybe mesa-tools
or mesa-utils :)
dpkg -S /usr/bin/glxgears
mesa-utils: /usr/bin/glxgears
Error: glXCreateContext failed
freemangordon: ok thats fine
freemangordon: but ddk1.9 fell back to llvm
witch is slightly bettermaybe
I don't think we want that really
if we do anything here at all we should use gl4es
idk sometimes soemthing working at all is better than it being slow
things falling back to llvmpipe for "acceleration" is just an outright nightmare
you can still block glx if you want in xorg.conf
but yeah its fine for now
it might be because of the pvr override acctually
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weird, modules_install does not install pvrsrvkm and related modules to the path for me
that explains why my n900 resets after trying to start X (without anything in dmegs)
lifeguard strikes again? :P
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lf is not happening
then why would it reboot?
some internal kernel oops?
I had SGX_OMAP=y instead of SGX_OMAP=m, I think this is why it did not install the other modules
ah ok
merly missing pvrsrvkm should not cause a reset ofc
looks like it does though
in any case this is not important atm
this really illustrates why computers are so painful, it still doesn't install it with modules_install
so maybe DRM=y and DRM_OMAP=y causes it just to skip installing the modules
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* bencoh
that would be very wierd
but idk
I'll do make clean and new defconfig..
do make savedefconfig first
no need
unless you don't want to debug it
not really, I just want my modified defconfig to work
do the sgx modules have any depends in Kconfig?
maybe they depend on omapdrm being a module
you can do that
well they get build...
they just don't get installed
* freemangordon
hates meson/ninja
why the hell a simple touch of some config file would cause 2000 files to be recompiled is beyond my capabilities to grok
make clean made it work..
use ninja next time, it cleans everything even if you don't want it to :D
the user side experiance of meson is not so great yeah
but developer side is quite good
not that i recommend using it
well, many projects are slowly moving to it
so I feel like we won't have much choice in some close future
yeah because its really easy to maintin dev side, using autotools is a mess really
uvos: hmm, so I am user?
freemangordon: yeah
(maybe not so near, but ....)
good to know :D
freemangordon: of the build system
freemangordon: your not writing mesas buld system
Wizzup: ok, what you want me to do wiht mesa tag?
shall I increase version or what?
freemangordon: do you want it built soon?
I'm a phone call atm
ah, sorry
I think I tagged it
if I did, then feel free to delete tag and re-tag
yes, you did
will do
and will spin a build in CI
uvos: do you have an idea how to fix one and the same 12MiB .so being copied 30 times?
xxx_dri.so files I mean
freemangordon: where?
no i mean what builds it? mesa?
what so are we talking about here
uvos: do 'ls -al /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/dri/'
no matter pvr or not
it copies one and the same .so under different names
is it that way in your debian direcory?
using 200-300 MiB instead of ~15
ie before install runs
I guess, but I have stopped the build
lemme restart it
but it will take 2 hours
bencoh: do you have mesa build around?
maybe ill build it on vm later
*i will build it on vm later
and see
lemme check what is installed in debian
essentally check if its mesa buildsystem screwing up the build the install or if its the debian packaging
yes, I know
I mean - I understand your point
freemangordon: do you want me to build it?
maybe I should have written nokia-modem and not nokia_modem
(lsmod shows nokia_modem though)
anyway we have that pm=1 thing in there specifically on leste
freemangordon: "I plan this to be my next device" ... meaning, daily drive N950?
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why not?
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uvos: yeah looks like the nokia-modem.conf caused it to be loaded
uvos, Wizzup - yes i was building nokia modem on 5.9-5.12. i don't remember if i actually used it
re - N950, just interesting. it definitely seems like a fun device
nokia-modem - even if i might not have used it, i distinctly remember it was probing just fine
it probes fine
the problem occurs when icd2 talks to ofono which talks to modem
ok. i really can't remember if i put it to any use. maybe i didn't
it works in 5.1 for sure
it might be the pm= option
at least I got the following done today: working bootmenu on sd card, drm built in for smoother boot, zImage booting works
it'd be really sad if more stuff is 'broken' for N900 by now, although i hope fixing all of them should not be too hard
lol as I wrote this xorg ddx crashed
sicelo: this was the case every time we try newer kernel after a while
oh great @zImage!
nobody but us uses it
well pmos
they use 5.6 i think
they are also looking for a maintainer, and I am not sure if they are finding volunteers
so that pobubly works
(for n900)
sicelo: yeah I need to test booting without dtb appended but I think it will work too
that is necessary to make our single kernel pkg
i had started to 'track' the kernel and test for n900 each time (from 5.9 until there was 5.13-rc1, i think). when it became fun, then life got extra busy ... hopefully mid-dec things normalize
freemangordon: I apt upgraded to latest mesa and I think my n900 is unhappy now, let me reboot and try again - anything you changed that might affect it?
(can't get a break hehe)
freemangordon: nevermind for now, let me debug further...
cannice to know built in drm works. i once tried it, and my n900 wouldn't boot. but it was booting fine with drm as module
yeah but something broke since I upgraded mesa
now the device is unusable again :D
but I think the problem is that powervr doesn't init now, and I am pretty sure it did
well what dose pvrsrvinit say? (in logs dont run it again)
I can't get into the device because usbnet also doesn't work anymore, and the display doesn't respond, so I cna't tell you for sure
i do recall having issues with built in drm, but i was too noob to debug back then
I am too
i mean omapdrm built in has no issues on mapphones w/o sgx
thats how bionic boots
* freemangordon
is zzzz
uvos: then what loads sgx?
w/o sgx
its a untainted kernel
I'm going to reboot my machine in a bit, maybe all my usb ports are dead and that's why I am not seeing the device now
i was doing drm fror sgx purposes
the droid4 with leste has a habit of killing the usb controllers
laptops dont like it if you pull high power usb class current but dont ask first
it's more about the switching between charging and discharging
that happens every second or so for an hour, and it'll die
inrush current maybe
either way
yeah cpcap-charger is terribly behaved wrt usb spec
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uvos: I would suggest netsurf(-gtk) instead of surf, particularly for the N900. It has very low RAM consumption and can be compiled against GTK2 still. They just introduced a new (small-screen-friendly) GTK UI in 3.10. It is available in Devuan Chimaera (and Debian 11, also pmOS edge).
uvos: awesome that you are looking into qtwebbrowser. I think it has a lot of potential.
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uvos: according to Phoronix benchmarks the LX2160A is faster than an i7-4770K for video encoding, which is something that x86 excels at
@Wizzup: M.2 can be SATA as well. I have a SATA M.2 SSD in my desktop (the X470 motherboard accepts both NVMe and SATA SSDs in the M.2 slot)
@Wizzup: and my laptop (older HP EliteBook) only is compatible with M.2 SATA SSDs (I have an M.2 860 Evo installed)
* sicelo
wants one of those for his T440p
missMyN900: sure netsurf is useful on n900 maybe
missMyN900: otherwise it think its way to janky for general usage/ recommendation
@uvos: all it needs is touch screen support
@uvos: it works well on TMO, wiki pages, documentation and some mobile news sites (e.g. mobile.reuters.com)
it also needs a layout engine that works on popular websites
Pine64 forums as well probably
i mean yeah
if thats what you want thats fine
@uvos: well, but there is a limit to what you can do with low resource devices
but the deafult browser must apeal to a bit more casual audiance
even on devices with a bit more RAM it could be useful as a second browser
only the n900 is low resource in this sense
@uvos: Chromium struggles with 2 GB RAM
but yes for n900 its likely the best you can do
even the Pinephone non-Convergence edition only has 2 GB RAM
i use d4 daily with ff and 2-3 pages open
i have never had problems with ram ever
Chrom(e|ium) struggles with 8GB of RAM on desktop/laptop ;-)
this is true
netsurf is useful even on a Pinephone or some 1 GB RAM device when you are multitasking
sure im not saying: dont make it instalable
just its not suitable as a default browser
I think it should be the default browser with qtwebbrowser as an alternative browser
the default browser should work well on every ML device IMHO
it is also useful to have a browser with JS disabled by the default, whether for privacy, security or battery life reasons
@uvos: I think that if Maemo Leste ever becomes a real alternative to Android and iOS, then that will be the time to make something other than netsurf the default browser
@uvos: but as long as it is an enthusiast OS run on old and cheap hardware by people who are used to the limitations of that, netsurf is an adequate default browser IMHO
maybe a whole new Maemo web browser can be developed from scratch (well, except for the rendering/JS engine obviously) eventually with special privacy and security features, strong integration with the OS etc, but until then netsurf-gtk is something that is relatively easy modify into something useful and that works well on all current popular ML devices
@sunshavi: iwd is available in the Devuan Chimaera repositories so it definitely can work without systemd and could be used in Maemo Leste as well
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i switched to iwd on Debian sid after reading a pmOS discussion on it ... it works. haven't really seen how 'better' it is. yes, has a nicer interactive shell (iwctl) than wpa_supplicant's (wpa_cli). anyway, i guess it's the future
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sicelo: switching to connman+iwd from networkmanager+wpa_supplicant fixed my 5 GHz WiFi
before I was not able to connect to my 5 GHz network with Debian 11. No 5 GHz networks would show up at all
connman+wpa_supplicant worked extremely poorly though
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@sicelo: I loathe wpa_supplicant. I have NEVER gotten it to work manually, only with frontends. And I have very carefully followed the tutorials. OpenBSD's ifconfig is so much better than the mess networking is (or used to be at least) on Linux