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i think we should think about defaults a bit more
like ppl i hand the bionic (which runs defaults) get confused with how the power button works
or how we all install simple-brigtness-applet because going into the settings to change the brigtness is pretty lame
uvos: what's wrong with how power button works?
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doesn't follow android standards
ah, I see
short press = lock/unlock. long press = system/boot options
having to double click to turn the dsiplay off but click once to turn the dsiplay back on
messes with peoples muscel memory form android and ios yeah
theres nothing wrong with it per say
how does the automatic brightness works?
dsc_: wdym
dsc_: ALS sensor, as always :-)
uvos: I think eventually we will want to rework some of how the status applet works from UX pov, because eventually it just "fills up" with applets
but that is a 2022 or 2023 thing :P
do they begin scrolling when you have many of them? i've never had a lot of them, so i never really noticed
even if they scroll it doesn't work
as in it's just not ok
I mean from usability pov
if you install wireguard and tor status applet you already get two more
it fills up
oops, wrong window :)
how do I CTRL^D with a droid 4 :D
Wizzup: the status applet runs the applets in a hildon-pannable-area
Wizzup: so id be suprised if it dosent start scrolling
aka its a bug if it dosent
wireguard and tor status applet should ony appear if they are configured really
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uvos: no, because you can activate them in system mode at any time
I am talking about the status area button
not only configured, but active, no?
and the way to activate them is through that button
freemangordon: the icon in the status area, yes
no sure how having the status area button makes sense
if thereis no vpn configured
right so I was talking about that window with the buttons
ok, but I don;t think scrolling is that bad there
freemangordon: ok, I never tried
* uvos
Wizzup: the point is that buttons should not be there unless those are active
what window with buttons? not hildon-status-menu?
uvos: I think we're on the same page, I do mean hildon-status-menu
right thos buttons shold only be there if activating the vpn is a possiblity
ie its configured
freemangordon: that is not true for internet connection, or profiles, clock, bluetooth
Wizzup: what is the functionlaity of those buttons?
freemangordon: to enable tor/wireguard system wide for an active connection
there's also the openvpn one btw
well, yeah, ok
it might make sense to 'group' them eventually
I wonder if status menu supports groups
but that's a whole different thing
in any case 2022/2023 :P
I wouldn't be surprosed if groups are already supported
bu yeah, 2023
Wizzup: "uvos: no, because you can activate them in system mode at any time" yeah but what happens if i activate a vpn but there is no account configured?
ie just haveing the applet installed i have it in hildon-status-menu
ie the workflow that makes sense to me is: open settings -> configure a network -> now the button pops up in status-menu for me to enable or disable it. anyhow ttyl
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uvos: I guess for tor you don't need an account
but yes for wg or openvpn this is true
* sicelo
also doesn't see ux problem with scrolling in status area - android scrolls it too, ios too. it's unavoidable. and yes, best way to manage it is just to avoid having too many things there, especially inactive ones
well, to be fair on android you usually need to scroll for notifications
not for always-displayed plugins
at least on my android 8, when pulling down the notification drawer (which contains what is roughly hildon's status menu), i can only select among 5 items. then, as i continue pulling it down, more of them appear. in my case, 9 more appear
so i guess if we take android as a benchmark for status menu, hildon problem is that our items individually take a lot of space, and thus two per column, so it fills up fast as a result
yeah, a compact layout/mode would probably help here
hmm, one cannot allocate TILER BOs through dma_buf API
* bencoh
how are you supposed to allocate it then?
bencoh: omap_bo_new
which is omap specific
IIUC you can;t use gbm_bo_create and get a TILER BO
which leaves us with the only option to use xf86-video-omap if we and sane performance with rotated display
s/we and/we want
or add full dmabuf support to the omap/tiler/whatever drivers galaxy
(at least to the point where one can allocate tiler buffers)
I don't think I am the one to do that
not without some hints from the maintainers
I wrote a mail, still no answer
I wonder if there is any reason notto default to tiler buffers on omap4/omap5
no idea
but dma_buf defaults to CMA
don't you just mmap() on some fd to get buffers?
it is not that simple
well, and/or use some ioctl before/after
anyway, it should still be bound to some device
the point is that SGX(for example) should see the same memory correctly
but, there is a note that TILER memory is shmem memory
I don;t understand what is that supposed to mean
yeah, I get that part, I'm just wondering what actually happens when you allocate a dmabuf-able buffer
I don;t
so please explain what "shmem" is
shmem, as in /dev/shm, or as in "memory shared between cpu and sgx, and mapped at the same address"?
(ah, I wrote that "I get that part" before you mentioned shmem btw)
but how it can be mapped at the same address, given that SGX has its own mmu?
the only way to use the tiler is to pass flags through userspace API
but, your question is absolutely valid - why all BOs are not allocated through the tiler?
I guess it wouldn't make any sense on non-tiler platforms
but still
this is omapdrm which supports TILER rotation only
lets forget about omap3 for a while
ah :)
tmlind: any clue? ^^^
then yeah, I don't see why
for VRFB it is another story
because we have limited contexts (12 on omap3) so it makes sense to assign VRFB context to BO only when really needed
unless ... if TILER has a limited number of "buffers"
but I was unable to find the TRM to see how this works
hmm, I think I downloaded the TRM at some point, lemme check
iirc TI removed some manuals from their website right?
and because my knowledge on DMA API and MMUs ends here (or rather has ended 200 meters before here) I don;t know if it is possible to somehow "migrate" non-tiler (or non-vrfb) BO to TILER one
zmatt used to be the TILER expert
meh, I have the omap3530 one here, no omap4
back in #dragonbox-pyra
omap 4 trm? i have it
buZz: it is not about the TILER, but about how the rest of the system sees such a buffer
right, zmatt had it work by kludging part of the driver(s), I don't think it ever got merged. and that was on omap5
oh, found it on the desktop I'm connected from, silly :)
(uploading it ...(
like - we allocate a non-TILER BO that is send to SGX
SGX sets it MMU to access that BO
ah, you'll be faster (bencoh). was sending it to dropbox just now
sicelo: yeah I figured :)
now, if we want to transform this BO to a TILER one, how SGX knows this change has happened to re-program its MMU?
but, IIUC, TILER is just a kind of iommu
like, it remaps memory accesses, no?
so, implementation details are not important
also, even if TILER has unlimited 'buffers', VRFB does not, so we are in the same situation
looks like TILER is actually a rotation engine as well
like VRFB
and yes, R in tileR is for rotation :)
but yeah, it's basically all about address transformation
meaning that it doesn't really "perform" the rotation, it "just" translate addresses to effectively return the pixels that should be addressed after rotation
or so I understand it
my understanding is the same
which is kinda funny, because it means that any access to a "rotated" buffer will go through it
I wonder how expensive (energy-wise) that thing is
maybe that's the reason it's not enabled by default btw
either that, or erratums that make it buggy
as simple address translation should not be that expensive
dunno, maybe you're right
freemangordon: ah well, just saying it might not hurt to ask him for things that lack in understanding
guy works with TI stuff a -lot-
another thing is ... what happens when it tries to access memory ....
we have a page fault
no I mean ... let's say you access a "rotated" buffer
so it goes and fetches the right pixels(bytes) for you
but instead of fetching a full line from RAM, it needs to fetch a "column", ie a pixel from every actual line
doesn't sound super efficient to me, unless it actually fetches the full lines and caches it
I doubt it can cache 540x960x4 even for non-rotated scenario
maybe it only caches macroblocks then
otherwise it really sounds like a pain
but, I don't know how this stuff works, so...
they say TILER works on pages only
yeah, me neither ... I never brought myself to actually read the whole TILER chapter
also, there was some note of 'no caching for TILER' somewhere
lemme try to find it
noncached access on ARM really doesn't sound like something we would want
last time I asked someone to donate one I got permabanned from ebay
:D :D
yeah 'plz donate your unobtainium to meeeee'
Wizzup: might have more success asking ppl in #maemo :)
I don't really need one
droid4 has obsoleted n950 :)
well at least for me
* tmlind
used n950 for years until it started breaking for the lcd, then got busy with droid4
I have a working one, but I need PVR driver for it :)
heh ok :) i'm pretty sure it was the 2016 elce in berlin when sre, pavel and i chatted about getting droid4 working as a n900 replacement hardware
freemangordon: did your rubber pads melt away on n950 into sticky mess?
probably possible to replace with some fuzzy pieces of felt
but doesn;t make sence without having SW for it :)
yeah maybe in few years
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[ 31318.703] (II) OMAP(0): Successfully initialized the "omap_pvr" sub-module
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neat :-)
hmm, how to test solid fill?
ah −rect500
hmm, seems omap_pvr_drv I found has solid acceleration removed :(
I'll haev to implement that
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historicly lots of exa implementations where slower than cpu only
maybe the removed this because its perf was bad
just wildly guesing here
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