is there an offset in litescope between scope_trig and the actual triggering event? it's my first time using it and i see like 16 cycles between scope_trig being asserted and the condition i described on the command line
which is suspiciously similar to the default trigger_depth
yes there is an offset (at least in older versions), the idea being you may want to see stuff before the trigger. It is configurable. However, Idr offhand if "trigger_depth" is the parameter that controls number of samples to keep before trigger.
yes, i understand there's an offset between the start of the capture and the start of the trigger
but i would expect that's why there's the scope_trig signal to tell where the trigger occurred. there seems to be an offset there
oh hmmm, sorry, I wouldn't expect an offset there either. Not sure what's going on
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is UsbOhciWishbone integration broken? on a fresh setup, i get `Error: Could not find or load main class spinal.lib.com.usb.ohci.UsbOhciWishbone`
`sbt run` in "pythondata-misc-usb_ohci/pythondata_misc_usb_ohci/verilog/ext/SpinalHDL" gives "No main class detected."
aha, it works if i set "project lib" first in the sbt console
another error: Error: Option --phy-frequency expects a number but was given '48000000.0'
ah, and that appears to be the root of the problem