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<tdebrouw> I have an a311d setup, with a _very_ rare issue.
<tdebrouw> It is a board with a mipi output
<tdebrouw> and I have several screens/bridges to attach to it
<tdebrouw> _very_ _very_ rarely, the gamma table can't be loaded correctly
<tdebrouw> I get "meson_encl_set_gamma_table: GAMMA WR_RDY timeout"
<tdebrouw> I spend quite some time on it so far
<tdebrouw> and it seems the write-ready-bit isn't responding
<tdebrouw> Sometimes it happens after 20 entries
<tdebrouw> Sometimes it takes >200 entries
<tdebrouw> I found a solution
<tdebrouw> but I'm not sure if I should submit it
<tdebrouw> Is anyone aware of other people who encountered this?
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<narmstrong> tdebrouw: I got some report about it but I nver reproduced it myself
<narmstrong> tdebrouw: just submit what you have as RFC and we can discuss
<tdebrouw> ok
<tdebrouw> thanks
<rockosov> mkorpershoek: Hello Mattijs! I've uploaded new version of BCB patch series with all fixes mentioned by you and Simon. Please take a look, when you have a time :)
<mkorpershoek> yes, thanks I've seen the patches :)
<mkorpershoek> I'm quite busy at the moment (with OSS Vienna and Linux Plumbers next week) so I probably won't have time to do a proper review next week
<mkorpershoek> sorry for the inconvience and thank you for your patience !
<rockosov> mkorpershoek: No problem! Wish you good luck on the LP and OSS! Which paper will you be presenting?
<mkorpershoek> probably not super interesting to folks already familiar with Android, but I had some fun making the slides :)
<rockosov> Why not! It will be an interesting journey for all generations! I'm sure of it, hahaha
<rockosov> AOSP is the miracle world :)
<mkorpershoek> hahaha
<rockosov> I had the pretty same slides but about replacement of vendor kernel with upstream kernel on the our local OSS/Linux event
<f_> coincidence??? heh
<f_> I guess the process is about the same (but I'm not very familiar with AOSP)
<rockosov> hahahah! no, no I mean the same theme - embedded linux/AOSP bringup on the Amlogic things :)
<rockosov> f_: All bringup processes are similar to each other at a high level IMHO
<mkorpershoek> rockosov: nice! are those available publicly somewhere ?
<mkorpershoek> not sure how relevant it is to you, but there is also #aosp-developers on OFTC (it's a low volume channel)
<rockosov> Previously, I developed the Simics simulator at Intel, deterministic bringup of any new SoC is more comfortable I would say :) We had reverse execution feature, it saved many hours for us!
<rockosov> mkorpershoek: we have an youtube rec, but it's in Russian fully
<mkorpershoek> ah, I won't be able to understand ^^'
<rockosov> Yeah, definitely :)
<rockosov> About #aosp-developers, thank you for suggestion! I will share with my teammates and will join myself as well
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