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<f_> Out of curiousity I tried booting lafrite as-is:
<f_> > Waiting for PGSR0, currently 0x8040007f
<f_> It ain't happy.
<lvrp16> Wasn't Max Ripard's HDMI patches get merged?
<f_> lvrp16: Probably. Anyway, nice that it works better now :)
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<arnd> narmstrong: it looks like I never merged, I assume this was a mistake on my end. We still want that in 6.11 as a bugfix, right?
<narmstrong> arnd: no problem, I was planning to resend it, no hurry, it can go into v6.12
<arnd> ok. Since I'm already cleaning out my backlog should I just merge the old one, or mark it as superseded then?
<narmstrong> arnd: just merge it
<narmstrong> less work for me :-p
<arnd> ok, done
<narmstrong> thx
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<f_> Hm, looks like not much is required to bringup lafrite..
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