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<f_> some work on DDR4 ->
<f_> I didn't work on actual init just yet, so don't expect this to work in its current state.
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<f_> Looks like my tvbox's boot ROM now refuses to read things from an SD card.
<f_> Well, one specific SD card in particular - it's a samsung one
<f_> > SD:0;READ:1000;USB:8
<f_> ^ as you can see it does not even bother CHecKing
<f_> Has anyone had that issue before? With a random SD card it seems to load things fine and when USB booting u-boot loads things from that Samsung SD fine too
<f_> lepotato also loads things fine from that SD so I guess that TV box is at fault
<f_> Probably would be nice to document those bootROM errors...
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<hexdump0815> f_: i just read a few days ago that the risc-v visionfive-2 has some sd card parameter (drive-strength maybe?) set wrong in the bootrom on silicon, so that it just randomly boots properly from sd card and the spi bootloader fixes that so that booting from sd card works ... maybe some similar problem here (just no spi flash to boot from)
<hexdump0815> f_: as long as it boots from some card i would say it looks like normal operation for a tv-box :)
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<f_[x]> hexdump0815: hah, I actually switched from a 64 GB Samsung SD to a 2 GB one, figured out that I didn't need that much capacity
<f_[x]> Nonetheless some docs about bootrom errors might be useful
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