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<narmstrong> xdarklight it’s not only the bounce buffer but also the limited 1k5 size limit for packets
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<jbrunet> f_ : the ddr firmwares are not all required, at least not always. I remember having some boards that were happy taking just required fw for the DDR present, improving size and boot time. For some reason, not all bl2 behave like that so you are probably right, it likely depends on the bl2 code
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<f_> jbrunet: hm ok
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<f_> xdarklight: I'll investigate more later. For now I'll boot SPL from eMMC and boot the rest from an SD card.
<f_> I want to get this thing to boot from whatever works, for now.
<f_> eMMC can be worked on later..looks like it's just missing pinctrl driver anyway...
<f_> (also means I probably need to either 1. use TPL+SPL or 2. reduce SPL's size)
<f_> (by "converting" some drivers back to legacy, to save space)
<narmstrong> f_: I'm curious, why not boot SPL from sd ?
<f_> convienience :)
* f_ removing the emmc module
<narmstrong> ah ok :-p
<f_> yeah I like using the eMMC module.
<f_> and BL31 doesn't boot!
<f_> (probably wrong base address)
<f_> Not probably, definitely!
<f_> Still wondering if sending SCP_BL2 via the mailbox works on gxl..
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<f_> which it doesn't.
* f_ looks at BL2 and gxlimg
<f_> (does it)
<f_> *?
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