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<f_> oh I think it again has to do with args..
<f_> and I realise that I didn't apply Kwiboo's bl31 args parsing patch
<f_> Actually I wonder if args aren't being passed to BL31...
<f_> Almost there...
<f_> U-Boot just hangs
<f_> I wonder where it hangs..
* f_ about to go afk
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<f_> Let's continue.
<narmstrong> you're close!!
<f_> indeed!
<f_> Then I'll <del>make the jump to g12b</del> send patches
<f_> (after figuring out how to get eMMC to work)
<f_> I think the issue here is PLL-related. I was able to reproduce this hang on gxbb while not initialising PLL.
<f_> (a long, long time ago)
<f_> narmstrong: I think I'm done
<f_> It was indeed a pll issue.
<f_> There it boots!
<f_> U-Boot SPL boots!
<f_> Just need to get eMMC to work and cleanup my code..submit.
<f_> I should also at some point work on DDR4 init support, so that lafrite boots too, but I think I can do that later.
<f_> But yes. gxbb and gxl can now boot u-boot spl
<f_> :partypopper:
<narmstrong> Party !
<f_> :)
<f_> gxl actually seems to boot reliably unlike gxbb
<narmstrong> noice
<f_> gxbb still has scp firmware issues, at least on my board.
<f_> Speaking of issues, let's fixup remaining gxl ones!
<f_> Starting with eMMC.
<f_> Very much a requirement for me before sending patches upstream.
<narmstrong> stripping down pinctrl framework and driver should perhaps work out
<f_> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<f_> I wonder if there's already a stripped down pinctrl framework for SPL, hidden.
<f_> oh I keep forgetting
<f_> I should update my wiki pages and push
<f_> Oh, I should also push the modified BL31 I used
<f_> (BL31 needs to be modified for it to boot anything)
<narmstrong> yup good first step
<GNUtoo> There is an amlogic wiki like the sunxi one?
<f_> not really, only
<GNUtoo> ok
<GNUtoo> ok thanks
<f_> np
<f_> One "bug" of SPL (I'll consider that a feature) is that proprietary BL31 won't work :P
<f_> One shocking thing I noticed; eMMC is faster.
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<f_> So no minified pinctrl framework for me :/
<f_> and we only have 4K left.
<f_> ^ modified TF-A for BL31 to happily boot U-Boot
<f_> >region `.sram' overflowed by 13336 bytes
<narmstrong> Can you look how much takes the meson gxl driver by itself ?
<f_> Doesn't the driver depend on the pinctrl framework?
<f_> I should probably disable DM in SPL and 'convert' amlogic drivers back to legacy
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<lvrp16> f_: nice!
<f_> lvrp16: for sure!
<f_> 2 socs booting :)
<f_> 2 boards in my desk out of 6 booting SPL :)
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<lvrp16> I have 20K GXL chips
<lvrp16> :D
<f_> :D
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