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<lvrp16> arnd: when you have that error, can you also send me the logs.
<lvrp16> I have brought it up with Amlogic's attention
<lvrp16> I won't have my test fleet until 2-3 weeks from now
<lvrp16> "can you share your PLL setting code and log"
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<f_> I just remembered that my soldering skills be improved.
<f_> I should try desoldering the connector before soldering wires.
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<tdebrouw> Mainline, meson-g12b-common.dtsi: I see that the npu is defined as a gpu?
<tdebrouw> Isn't this supposed to be a *cough* neural processor?
<tdebrouw> There is a special sdk to accelerate neural networks?
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<narmstrong> tdebrouw: the core is from vivante and only has a compute core, so yes it’s kind of a gpu but with only compute/opencl, but can do neural stuff with special instructions to dedicated hardware
<f_> is tomeu still on IRC?
<f_> (curiosity)
<f_> ISTR him using the matrix bridge to connect, which has been recently shut down.
<narmstrong> no idea
<f_> sure
<minute> f_: tomeu is sometimes in #etnaviv on oftc
<f_> Sure.
<f_> But I guess he's using the matrix bridge over on oftc.
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<f_> But yeah as said before I'll experiment with g12 later...a lot later..
<f_> At least after messing around with gxl, both lepotato and lafrite.
<f_> I should also update this once I mess around with g12b.
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