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<chewitt> last time I looked the BPI sources were [badly] hacked copies of the hardkernel sources
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<narmstrong> My priorities are: finishing Linux DSI support, setup automated u-boot and Linux CI and after I’ll probably resume my DSI work on u-boot to have early boot display on the reform laptop
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<minute> narmstrong: oh, u-boot DSI would be lovely!
<narmstrong> I have a very old branch with support implemented, I need to resync with how I reworked in on linux
<narmstrong> I rebased it earlier this year
<narmstrong> it was for AXG, so G12/SM1 changes needs to be added
<minute> narmstrong: this is our all-in-one driver for the uboot display on imx8m, which includes code for the edp bridge
<minute> iirc it was also upstreamed
<narmstrong> minute: nice, somehow the bridge code should be copied out
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<f_> chewitt: yeah looks like a hacked up copy of hardkernel/khadas source code
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<chewitt> f_ actually I think BPI borrowed both depending on which board they cloned
<chewitt> the SM1 boards use HK sources, the G12B boards use Khadas
<f_> Yeah seems like.
<f_> Nontheless I'll probably clone the repo mainly for looking at the acs structs
<f_> Just like what I've been doing for the librecomputer sources
<f_> they're good...but lack history :/
<f_> Radxa sources also include git history....but they're split into multiple repos which is annoying
<djrscally> Hello all; so going back to the problem kbingham raised; I'm working with the Alta board with AML's A311D and trying to read the ISP's registers - base 0xff140000 which causes a panic. narmstrong told us we'd need the cts_mipi_isp_clk enabled - that seems not to be driven by the g12a-clkc clock driver so it's not
<djrscally> not something we can just add to dt unless I'm missing something *
<djrscally> I did try enabling it with rwmem; 0xff63c148[17]=0x1 and 0xff63c1c0[8]=1 but that didn't change what we get when reading the ISP's registers. There is a section of the datasheet called "Power Sequence of ISP", does that need addressing too perhaps?
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<narmstrong> Where did you find this section ? I never got it
<pinchartl> page 96
<djrscally> There's a newer version
<djrscally> s/01/08
<pinchartl> (marked as 87 in the PDF)
<narmstrong> wait, I was looking in the registers not in those sections...
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<jbrunet> djrscally: some gates might be missing. feel free to submit a patch if you know where a gate is missing, I'll happily apply it. That seems to be the case for mipi_clk ( 0xff63c148[17]=0x1)
<jbrunet> The other you clock you mentioned ( 0xff63c1c0[8]=1 ) seems to be the gate of a composite (mux / div / gate) clock called "cts_mipi_isp_clk" . I dunno if this used clock the register or simply used to drive something while the IP is already working. What is sure is that you need to deal with divider and multipler part as well to get something out of this clock
<jbrunet> You'll need to set the rate with this one ... it is not just a plain gate that you turn on and forget about
<jbrunet> Note that the datasheet should be taken with grain of salt. There is lot of copy/paste involved from SoC to SoC so it is not always 100% reliable. Digging in the vendor code (such as the ones found khadas or odroid github's) is another useful of information
<kbingham> jbrunet, As we don't know this SoC architecture at all - and our focus is on the ISP ... is it possible for you and narmstrong to help with this bit at all please? I dno't want us to spend days trying to figure out how to enable and upstream power domains and clocks ... when we should be working out how to drive the ISP. (If I'm wrong please correct me, but I assume this is an 'easy' patch for someone who has already worked on the
<kbingham> clock trees and power domains on the platform - but we'd be starting from scratch)
<narmstrong> djrscally: pinchartl: please test those changes, it includes the pmdomain and the isp & PHY clock gates
<narmstrong> only build tested
<kbingham> narmstrong, I think you've answered my question ;-P Thanks!
<narmstrong> :-p
<kbingham> narmstrong, Thanks- even if it's not complete that's plenty of guidance ;-) It would definitely have taken me a day to find all those places!
<narmstrong> kbingham: sure, but it's only filling blanks for me, nothing new so it was easy
<djrscally> narmstrong: thanks! I'll give it a try
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<f_> oh hi/whois pinchartl
<f_> whoops
<f_> oh hi pinchartl djrscally
<f_> Nice to see people already hacking on alta :)
<pinchartl> hi f_
<pinchartl> not hacking much on my side, beside getting the board to netboot on mainline :-)
<f_> That's what I call, hacking :)
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