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<mack> probably passthrough PCM, but I don't know these details
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<ngc0202> Ohh so this doesn't even matter if my receiver supports HBR
<ngc0202> Looking forward to my HDR videos to work though. Don't even really need the HDR to work, just the colors to not be distorted
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<TJvbmFQQYgCg> 1uriNg FrEEnOD3 U5Ers HErE 15 IMpuDeNt th3Ft
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<diederik> If I compile an upstream kernel with arm64's defconfig and apply these patches with LE's (alsa) HDMI.conf file, then I can play with my Rock64 attached via HDMI to my AVR
<diederik> But, I only hear the audio/music on my loudspeakers (attached to AVR) when also my TV is on. Turn off the TV and mpd keeps playing, I just don't hear anything
<diederik> But if I play those same music files on another Rock64 device running LE, then I can turn off the TV and the music keeps playing (there is a slight interruption, but I can live with that)
<diederik> So I'm wondering what patches LE has applied (for Rock64) so that (HDMI) audio keeps playing without a turned on TV
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<diederik> 'pgwipeout' said on #rock64 (on Pine64 IRC network): " if you find [the patches] I'll try and sponsor it for mainline"
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