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<narf> hi i have an rpi4 argon neo case
<narf> i tried running this guide but nothing changed after reboot
<narf> i mean its for the argon "neo" but i couldnt find anything more specific for my model
<narf> sorry correction
<narf> its for the argon "one"
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<rdo> Does a raspi 4b need a case or any other cooling or does it run as is (as a temporary setup)?
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<sUAfTXTuFfeG> g0 8ACK tO fre3node oR N0rtH K0ReA Nuk3s yoU
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<colo> rdo, I _think_ you will need some means of additional cooling. there are very good cases that have passive heat sinks built in, like the flirc series of cases
<colo> (it will probably throttle without additional cooling, but run it will)
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<mack> narf: the argon1 installer gives you argonone-config to run
<mack> it's in the root of /storage
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<Bardon> chewitt: I can't find the backup addon. Would you have a link, or the name of it?
<Bardon> chewitt: Is it this one?
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<mack> Bardon: LibreElec Settings, Backup. Depending on skin, it might be Settings/Libreelec Settings/Backup
<mack> in any case, it's the libreelec settings addon
<mack> (as c h e w i t t originally said :) )
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<Bardon> mack: Ok I thought I had to install an addon
<Bardon> I use the default skin and I have Settings/Libreelec but I didn't see a backup button in it
<Bardon> I'll double check, thanks
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