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<vouivre> sewn: I have just seen you closed the issue in community about the packages violating code styles
<sewn> yes I will redo it later
<sewn> also because no one cares
<vouivre> I had a look at it last time I updated my packages, at least one ;-)
<sewn> yeah but that's 1%
<vouivre> could you explain me what was the problem "0200" ?
<vouivre> I don't get it. For example: what it the problem in the build of "mtools" ?
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<midfavila> workstation should be out soon*
<midfavila> *next few months
<midfavila> once that's here i'm going to resume work on kiss-aarch64 and kiss-reform
<midfavila> native porting work is doable but super slow
<sewn> vouivre: thats why I'll redo later
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<vouivre> sewn: ok, thanks
<vouivre> midfavila: what is kiss-reform ?
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<midfavila> kiss packages for the mnt reform modular laptop
<midfavila> it's my main portable but it comes with debian by default which
<midfavila> oooooooggggghhhh ewwwwwwwwww gross
<vouivre> I forgot this laptop. Thanks for the reminder!
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<angle> when is mnt risc v dropping??
<sad_plan> isnt it already available on their site? i think you just have to purchase it seperatly
<sad_plan> its in the webshop atleast, but I dont remember if it were available last time i checked
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<sad_plan> the price isnt very nice though..
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