phoebos changed the topic of #kisslinux to: Unofficial KISS Linux community channel | | post logs or else | song of the day
hen6003 has joined #kisslinux
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travankor has joined #kisslinux
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AtleoS has joined #kisslinux
<sewn> do you use it for discord?
<sewn> dang bitlbee is rpetty darn dead
fultilt has quit [Quit: WeeChat 3.7.1]
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AtleoS has joined #kisslinux
<midfavila> sewn pls don't be an updooter
<midfavila> anyway no i don't
<sewn> updooter?
<midfavila> >hasn't had a commit in a month
<midfavila> >project is dead
<midfavila> >millions must updoot
<sewn> i dont get it
<sewn> i thought updoot meant something for reddit
<midfavila> that's upvoot
<sewn> I would like to apologize for my misunderstanding. I hope you can forgive me.
<midfavila> i can't
<midfavila> i'm sorry
<midfavila> this is the start of our blood feud
<midfavila> i need to order some sdf stickers for my reform
<midfavila> lukas and everyone else at mnt really knocked it out of the park
<midfavila> good shit
<midfavila> i'm really impressed with just how solid it is
<midfavila> there's zero flex
<midfavila> anywhere
<midfavila> i mean with the acrylic bottom plate i still wouldn't wanna drop it
<midfavila> but it just feels good in the hand
<midfavila> i think i'm going to start developing a barebones KISS image for the reform this weekend
<midfavila> there's a full debian setup, a port of plan 9, openbsd, genodeos, etc, but there's no just
<midfavila> idk sandbox ig
<midfavila> apparently there are issues running x11 on the reform which is unfortunate
geekthattweaks has joined #kisslinux
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riteo has joined #kisslinux
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<riteo> folks sorry for all the logging on/off, the power grid's iffy
<riteo> (yeah I don't have an UPS)
<sewn> dont worry no one's ovaries are combusting when you leave and join
<riteo> epic 8)
* riteo leaves and joins another ~50 times in two days
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floorcrawler has joined #kisslinux
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