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<riteo> midfavila: not really. The biggest one has been Blake3 AFAIK and it has had a couple of small improvements but nothing serious I think
<riteo> I still have like 3232381 ideas but I got very little time recently as I'll have maturity exams (european last-year-of-highschool final exam) soon
<midfavila> oh hey congrats
<riteo> Can't work on anything big at the moment so I just chip away at godot and whatever
<riteo> thanks
<midfavila> hopefully it goes well for you
<riteo> we'll see
<riteo> I'll definitely pass as I've got like max credits but everybody's pushing for the max (which you only can get with max credits)
<riteo> basically they sum these points you gather thorought the last three years with the actual exam results
<riteo> and the score actually matters for jobs and whatnot, weird stuff
<riteo> btw, did you see the pictures of my dear homeserver?
<midfavila> nah
<midfavila> haven't been on much
<midfavila> been too busy
<midfavila> going to try and get on more thuogh
<midfavila> though*
<midfavila> link?
<riteo> I pushed them on the null pointer a few days ago, should still be valid
<riteo> wait I'll copy&paste the
<riteo> them
<riteo> it's very cursed and I love it
<riteo> it's my v2 take on the original shoebox server
<riteo> which was named boscaiolo because it was in a lumberjack-branded shoebox
<midfavila> very cute
<riteo> mostly same pieces, with a laptop motherboard and a regulator so that I can use a single power-supply
<riteo> thanks
<riteo> the boot disk is an alpine diskless install on a pen-drive, because SATA ports
* midfavila nod-nods
<midfavila> i've been using alpine at work lately
<riteo> how is it for normal usage?
<midfavila> for what i do it's okay
<midfavila> i basically just bring up a few servers and then boot straight into emacs
<riteo> oh nice
<midfavila> yeah
<midfavila> i'm the IT department at the job so
<riteo> I know that you're going to scream at me, but did you need flatpak for any proprietary/complex shit
<midfavila> nah i won't
<midfavila> i don't care at this point
<midfavila> but no
<midfavila> i literally just boot straight into emacs
<riteo> cool
<riteo> btw I also installed it on KISS and thanks to it I have steam and I can save like 2 hours of rust compiling for firefox
<riteo> I can now use annoying software that either didn't want to be normal or that didn't want to be compiled (telegram-desktop, which required a FUCKING DOCKER IMAGE to be built)
<midfavila> ngl i just run a minimal debian in qemu for things like firefox when i run kiss
<midfavila> also
<midfavila> use emacs as your telegram client
<midfavila> i do
<midfavila> :3
<riteo> wait how
<riteo> is there a plugin?
<midfavila> telega
<riteo> or is it nchat
<riteo> holy moly it looks crazy
<riteo> nchat is a bit lacking but this looks like it has everything
<riteo> hell it has even sixel support?!?!
<midfavila> i don't have any complaints with it
<midfavila> been using it daily for the past few weeks
<riteo> that's crazy, thanks for letting me know about it, I might actually consider it
<midfavila> ye
<riteo> why is it an emacs plugin though
<riteo> it could be a standalone program
<midfavila> i mean it's both
<midfavila> telega is the elisp frontend
<midfavila> telega-server is the C++ backend
<midfavila> afaik
<midfavila> just passes data back and forth
<riteo> oh so there can be other clients
<midfavila> i can't see why not in theory
<riteo> amazing
<riteo> I'll admit the main showstopper is the fact that it's emacs (I don't use it) but very cool nonetheless
<riteo> btw if you want to get onto something new, did you hear about hundred rabbits^
<midfavila> yeah i've known about them for a while
<midfavila> the collapseos mailing list talks about them a lot
<riteo> oh you're into that too, cool
<riteo> too bad I can't get on their website for whatever reason
<midfavila> 100r or cos?
<riteo> cos
<riteo> is it ?
<midfavila> yeah
<riteo> just doesn't respond
<midfavila> weird
<midfavila> run a traceroute
<midfavila> ?
<riteo> it doesn't go further than my router?
<riteo> second hop stalls
<riteo> oh wait
<midfavila> weird
<riteo> it's going somewhere
<riteo> taking a lot of hops very slowly
<riteo> still going
<riteo> I think it's going to max out
<midfavila> huh
<riteo> I wonder if the DNS might be giving me a stale IP somehow
<riteo> not really sure about what else might be going wrong
<riteo> just to be sure, what IP is it returning you?
<riteo> WAIT it went
<riteo> on firefox
<riteo> yeah that's it
<riteo> ok now it works on http
<riteo> there's something real flaky going on though, as I can't ping it either, which is a weird thing to see
<riteo> I wonder what server they're running this thing on
<midfavila> inb4 collapseos
<riteo> lol
<riteo> also the duskos website is flaky
<riteo> like, it's very slow too
<riteo> I wonder if the traceroute triggered something along the way, maybe some dynamic routes?
<midfavila> dunno, mayhaps
<riteo> or firefox is just broken as it asked me for http again
<riteo> ughhhhhhhhhhh oh well I got the pages now, I'll download them just in case lol
<midfavila> :p
<midfavila> speaking of ugh-worthy situations
<midfavila> watching some state-approved canadian media rn
<midfavila> landlords are "fed up" with the system "putting people in bad situations"
<midfavila> which is absolutely hilarious
<midfavila> for the past few years tenants here have had the upper hand and they've kinda been jerking landlords around and the impotent rage is absolutely delicious
<midfavila> "noooooooooooooo what do you mean the people i want to evict so i can crank the price on my apartment are resisting me the second the state can't beat them on my behalf"
<riteo> lmao
<midfavila> literally living rent free
<riteo> It's a bit like that Pied Piper gag about california laws
<riteo> only that it's in canada here
<midfavila> i don't know why or how i'm supposed to feel bad for the trust fund kiddos who abuse and extort tenants when said tenants fuck them back
<midfavila> like the reason in part nobody can afford houses here is because they're literally just baseball cards now
<midfavila> there's thousands of units in toronto that are in pristine shape that are just being held
<midfavila> not rented out, not lived in, not renovated, just... being held
<riteo> this kind of stuff is extremely annoying
<riteo> I heard a factoid on how in america there are more unoccupied homes than homeless people or something
<midfavila> yep
<midfavila> common situation in many smaller towns and cities in canada too
<midfavila> more than enough houses for everyone
<riteo> afdkadjfadiflajdkfsdfpaodfhlò
<midfavila> MUH NEIGHBOURHOOD CHARACTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<riteo> imagine treating _living_ space as a luxury commodity to sell like if it were an iPhone or something
<midfavila> you can't just build a house out of CONCRETE, this neighbourhood's HoA, comprised exclusively of 70yo+ boomers, has MANDATED that EVERYONE have alternating red-green-yellow DUTCH COLONIAL HOUSES!!!!!!!!!!!
<midfavila> riteo: imagine not
<midfavila> what are you some kind of communist
<riteo> I'm not qualified to talk about politics and stuff like that thorougly enough
<riteo> I don't think that counts like a communist?
<midfavila> i'm being silly
<riteo> oh lol
<midfavila> there are a lot of people here who scream and rant and rave at you the second you suggest the government do literally anything
<riteo> that word is definitely overused too
<midfavila> because as everyone knows, socialism is when the government does stuff
<midfavila> and the more stuff the government does, the more socialister it is
<riteo> socialism and communism are different tho
<midfavila> unless you live in NA
<midfavila> in which case they mean the exact same thing:
<midfavila> a largely capitalist economic model with some very minor government services and regulation
<riteo> at most I might be closer to socialism, whatver that means, but my brother keeps asking me why I'm communist for not liking the idea of owning 13 houses and "investing" on them
<riteo> lmao
<midfavila> socialism is just social ownership of the means of production
<midfavila> in the sense that like, society owns it and regulates it and distributes the fruits of the labour on said means
<riteo> how is that different from communism though
<riteo> isn't also communism social ownership of the means of production
<midfavila> communism is a classless stateless moniless society in which the means of production are free for anyone to use
<riteo> oh so communism is also more class-oriented
<midfavila> socialism is "from each according to ability, to each according to contribution", and communism is "from each according to ability, to each according to need"
<midfavila> capitalism is "from each according to ability, to each according to how necessary you are to continue the existence of capital"
<midfavila> basically
<midfavila> = w=
<midfavila> or so i say, anyway
<riteo> oh that's a lot clearer, thanks for clearing up
<midfavila> and i mean depending on how you look at it it's all very class oriented
<midfavila> socialism just eliminates the capitalist class
<riteo> neat
<midfavila> i mean of course it also depends on how you look at things
<midfavila> idk i don't read books that's for nerds
<riteo> yeah me neither
<midfavila> i just scream about how we should throw landlords out of helicopters
<riteo> indeed
<riteo> that's my situation too lol, zero political theory, lots of vague mumbling
<riteo> btw, before I forget, I found out that one of the 100r folks made a talk at strange loop
<midfavila> nice
<riteo> want the link?
<riteo> supposing you didn't see it already
<midfavila> ngl i probably won't watch it
<riteo> there's also a blog post based on it
<riteo> if you're more into that sort of thing
<midfavila> nah
<midfavila> i'm kinda just not super interested in it
<riteo> fair
<midfavila> lmao watching this newscast still
<midfavila> >i'm trying to change what a landlord looks like
<midfavila> >i'm not a corporate suit
<midfavila> >i'm a progressive leftist
<midfavila> then why isn't it a housing cooperative???
<riteo> because this humble progressive leftist wants to make a shitton of money
<riteo> like every leftist wants obviously
<midfavila> that humble progressive leftist can go cry in the gutter for all i care
<midfavila> landlord-tenant relationships are fundamentally based on violent extortion
<midfavila> no service or product is provided
<riteo> isn't that obvious, it's written in the communist manifesto, go read it /s
<midfavila> that whole violent enforcement of hierarchy thing is kind of like, the opposite of progressivism
<riteo> yeah the "i'm a leftist" is clearly bullshit
<riteo> probably they think that not being bigoted is being leftist if they're actually being serious
<midfavila> that's the usual north american definition
<riteo> why are you watching a state newscast
<riteo> TV's awful and mass journalism is even worse
<midfavila> because i would rather watch a state newscast than a private newscast
<midfavila> and there aren't any local cooperative outlets
<riteo> why are you watching a newscast in the first place
<midfavila> because there's a triple election within the next year's timeframe or so
<midfavila> municipal, provincial, and federal
<midfavila> and there are a lot of huge issues on the table that could have a direct impact on me in the near future
<midfavila> such as whether or not i'll be stuck as a rentoid for the rest of my life
<riteo> genuinely asking, aren't there better news sources than a state tv newscast
<riteo> like online
<midfavila> tbf i'm watching cbc online
<midfavila> but there are other small news channels i watch
<riteo> oh well that's better I suppose than watching it on TV, you know, due to ads
<midfavila> yep
<riteo> I can't absolutely bear tv channels anymore
<midfavila> i've never watched tv
<midfavila> like ever
<riteo> I'm a wee baby and since I still live and eat with my family I'm forced to watch it
<riteo> I at least managed to convince them to mute the tv while ads are on
<riteo> it doesn't help that the main groups are either "state channels" (RAI) or fucking hyper-capitalist private company founded by noneother than Silvio Berlusconi
<midfavila> luigi guiseppe
<midfavila> giuseppe
<riteo> lmao
<midfavila> whatever
<riteo> no idae if you ever heard of him, he made the news all over the world for a shitton of crazy things
<midfavila> yeah i just ignore libertarians
<riteo> you did right
<midfavila> nop
<midfavila> i hyperfocus pretty much exclusively on what happens in my city and province
<riteo> laws ad hominem (like lowering the age of consent, imagine why), alleged connections with the mafia (he even stayed in prison) and other shady shit
<midfavila> the only things i know about italy are funny neapoliton pizza song, spaghetti, funny names, and coffee
<midfavila> and gelato
<riteo> his main work, this huge tv network was apparently born through a loop-hole by making 20 fucking different channels, one per region, and synching them up
<midfavila> and like
<midfavila> venice
<riteo> midfavila: that's not too far lol
<midfavila> oh so it's basically just rupert murdoch in the uk then
<midfavila> yeah that's pretty standard media mogul behaviour
<riteo> for some reason most of italy's perception is neapolitan, with which I'm related as I live in a province of naples
<midfavila> doo doo doo doo doot dooooooooooooo, da da da dooo, da da da dooo
<midfavila> there's a local italian cafe that serves gelato and stocks a bunch of import food
<midfavila> good stuff
<riteo> yeah we go proud by this stuff
<midfavila> apparently the owner of the store went to "gelato university"
<midfavila> idk if that's a thing but the stuff is tasty
<riteo> I'm pretty sure one just gets a certification by going to an academy or something
<midfavila> i like to stop by and grab an affogato whenever i'm in that part of town
<midfavila> today i had hazelnut gelato in my espresso
<midfavila> super yummy
<riteo> oh nice
<riteo> we usually use nutella to get an hazelnut espresso
<riteo> I suppose that using a gelato makes it cold which sounds tasty
<midfavila> yeah it ends up suuuuper thick and creamy and nutty
<riteo> mh nice gotta try it out
<midfavila> and the espresso beans they use are really nice too
<midfavila> so it has this amazing bold taste with the smoothness from the gelato and it's just aaaaaaaaaaaaa
<riteo> a nice coffee beverage I had no idea about up to a few years ago was "Caffè Leccese", which as the name implies comes from Lecce, an apulian place (where I did in fact tasted it for the first time)
<riteo> do you folks have orzata?
<riteo> it's this almond syrup thing
<midfavila> i'm sure the cafe would
<midfavila> but i've never run into it
<riteo> basically you pour orzata into a glass with ice and then dump a small cup of espresso into it
<midfavila> the most italian thing i've ever seen in a regular store here is pesto
<riteo> it becomes this cold almond coffee which is crazy good, especially in the summer
<midfavila> yum
<riteo> everything can be italian if you squint hard enough
<riteo> it's nothing special really, it's just that they're simple recipies
<riteo> that's what most foreigners get wrong. "I'll put some powdered onion in there" NO, it's simpler
<riteo> KISS
<midfavila> i'm putting onion powder in it anyway
<midfavila> i put onion powder in everything
<riteo> yeah taste is still taste
<midfavila> onion power, garlic powder, salt, pepper, chili or chipotle
<riteo> but it's not needed to be "authentic", whatever that means
<riteo> also everybody forgets about nothern italy, which is mostly mountany and which is partially connected with germany
<midfavila> if you don't make it literally just like nonno luigi did back in 1910 it's racist
<midfavila> *only* italians are allowed to enjoy italian food
<midfavila> so says the american liberal
<riteo> people argue on their recipes here too so I'd argue that it's actually unclear what's "authentic"
<midfavila> idk i think if you're using regional ingredients and techniques it's good enough
<midfavila> but like
<midfavila> honestly who cares
<midfavila> food is food
<riteo> yeah
<midfavila> as long as it's delicious who gives a shit lmao
<riteo> like, one thing I'm extremely lax about is, surprisingly, pizza
<riteo> make a good bread, that's all that matters
<riteo> put whatever on it, I don't care
<midfavila> >pineapple
<riteo> I don't give a shit
* midfavila gasps
<riteo> we have sweet pizzas
<midfavila> i've had sweet pizza before
<midfavila> pineapple still doesn't belong on pizza
<riteo> _AND_ prepare for it, this is actually authentic...
* riteo rolls drums
<riteo> we have a thing here in naples, super authentic, named "parigina" which is pizza with tomato, ham, apparently mozzarella (but I've never seen one with it) and... Pastry bread on top
<riteo> like, the thin thing with a lot of layers
<midfavila> that sounds pretty tasty
<riteo> it is indeed
<midfavila> like a savory baklava
<riteo> and bread on the bottom
<riteo> but if anyone outside of naples would've thought about it they would've gone out of their minds
<riteo> yet here we are eating this type of filled pizza like it's nothing despite having one of the weirdest toppings I've ever seen in my life
<riteo> so, after that, I've come to the conclusion that the pizza topping debacle has no standing
<midfavila> idk as long as i'm not eating squid tentacles or organ meat i'm generally not super picky
<midfavila> yummy
<riteo> if this were invented in america it would be banned in italy by law or something
<riteo> also there's like super little info about this online for some reason
<riteo> along with "Succo ACE", which is a kind of beverage made with oranges, carrots and lemons
<riteo> but I'll stop here because I could go on forever about curious food facts lol
<midfavila> nah that sounds pretty good
<riteo> I wonder how much local food is undocumented
<midfavila> i've made some pretty weird drinks before
<riteo> it is super good and widely sold
<midfavila> i used to work at a drink stand and we made stuff with beets
<riteo> but nobody seems to care about it, just like with pariginas. We just take them for granted or something
<riteo> we even have juice bricks with ace juice in it
<riteo> do you have some super-local food that nobody else knows about?
<midfavila> hmm
<midfavila> i mean the closest thing i can think of off the top of my head would be saskatoon berries
<midfavila> but i also just moved here
<midfavila> they're kind of like less sweet slightly more tart blueberries
<midfavila> kinda rhubarby
<midfavila> really yummy
<midfavila> they're in everything here
<riteo> oh cool
<riteo> we have very little bluberries here but I can imagine what they taste like and they seem yummy
<midfavila> blueberries are...
<midfavila> if they're ripe, they're super sweet
<midfavila> like, teeth-hurting sweet
<midfavila> they're kinda firm at first but the second they start to give they collapse completely
<midfavila> kinda like they burst but without the pop?
<midfavila> otherwise they're kind of bland
<midfavila> they're the white sugar of fruits
<riteo> nice
<riteo> I think I'll start prepping for going to sleep as it's 7 AM here and I must take at least a nap
<midfavila> ye fair
<riteo> It's been a pleasure having a long conversation with you after all this time!
<midfavila> i need to sleep soon too
<midfavila> well, you know, you have my email ;p
<riteo> oh thinking about it I've never used emails for casual conversation
<riteo> might be fun once in a while for more structured discussions, good point
<riteo> that said, IRC is fun exactly because everything is so freeform and whatever, and I haven't felt that magic in quite a bit, especially with you (damn was it really a year or two?)
<midfavila> yes
<midfavila> i haven't done anything computer-y since january 2023
<riteo> wait aren't you now in IT department
<riteo> or is it a new thing
<midfavila> in theory
<midfavila> in practice i just plug cables in and do basic stuff
<riteo> better than nothing I guess
<midfavila> it's close enough to put it on my CV though
<riteo> nice
<riteo> that said, gtg
<midfavila> hoping with a few more certs and some experience plus my college diploma...
* midfavila shrugs
<midfavila> anyway yeah ttyl
<riteo> cya!
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<Natris1979> man, glad I came here. I hadn't realized had been taken over by nastiness. I knew it had be archived/stagnant but still.
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<sewn> awesomesauce
<testuser[m]> > If you need to split stems to create karaoke version of any song use online tool that is called vocal remover. It works on any Linux distribution.
<testuser[m]> who put this lol
<sewn> testuser[m]: that's my question brah
<sewn> it was bought out, scraped, and now is being used as advertising
<Natris1979> super gross
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<midfavila> i am of the being returned
<midfavila> hemlno
<midfavila> rootfs is almost back up and running
<midfavila> i would suggest that kiss-community's x11 emacs build be reconfigured to target the lucid toolkit instead of gtk3
<midfavila> gtk3 is known to have stability issues
<midfavila> particularly in daemon mode
<midfavila> gtk3 also runs like shit compared to the xaw build
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