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<midfavila> riteo: a business-grade symmetric cellular link
<midfavila> cheaper than regular home internet
<midfavila> = w=
<midfavila> feeling cute might get a static ip on it later
<midfavila> don't know yet
<midfavila> don't tell me you're jealous ravioli-kun? :3
<riteo> maybe
* riteo crosses arms and looks away
<sewn> get a room
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<Doomking> not sure if vmware is the problem, but i can never build firefox...
<Doomking> decided to give up and just use conty because it makes life easier
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<Doomking> I took this from Gentoo website and modified the size "tmpfs /tmp tmpfs rw,nosuid,nodev,size=16G,mode=1777 0 0
<Doomking> " but when I build my packages tmpfs is not being used
<Doomking> I'm not exactly sure what else i need to do to get tmpfs to work
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<Doomking> any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance (gotta sleep now)
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<sad_plan> Doomking: set KISS_TMPDIR=/tmp
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<sewn> what tmpfs benefits though
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<sad_plan> no less read/write on your disk, which means itll last longer
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<Doomking> sad_plan: Thank you! I will set KISS_TMPDIR=/tmp when I get home
<Doomking> also another benefit, would be that using ram is faster than nvme ssd. although the main one is what sad_plan mentioned with causing less read and write to the disk.
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<Doomking> Actually, maybe not a main reason but both go hand in hand giving good benefits if one has good amount of ram capacity
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